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Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


approved brother i definitely don't agree with some things in the WOF movement but He was thinking of vs 10 that you left out.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

The mouth will confess what the heart believes even a mute person will make some kind of outward expression of what he believes inwardly. This gospel of Christ is so powerful to the one who truly believes that the mouth will confess it unto salvation. The word is near thee even in thy mouth that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth what the heart believes that God hath raised Jesus from the dead (brother that is resurrection power)then the Holy Spirit will cause the mouth to confess that Jesus is Lord. No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy ghost.

How can our faith be effective if our mouth does not speak what we believe. We can't be timid about this thing and we can't be ashamed to speak. Whoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed. I realize that you can say all the right things and still not believe in your heart but how can you truly believe in your heart having a mouth to speak and not speak.

Blessings...from brother rbanks

 2012/4/30 22:46Profile

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, i see that we need wisdom in these times in how not to condemn something that is or sounds like it is word of faith.if you look up sozo in strongs it will amaze some of you. there is some great truth in wof yet it is dangerous to those who carry it an inch too far. if you understand bro. ken hagin basic teaching , you will know that he starts off by saying "have faith in God, or have the God kind of faith and IFyou do you can say unto this mountain...etc" faith begins with a directive word from God and when received,believed and obeyed now have biblical faith. he does not say if you want a new car to confess into being...this is where a lot of folks get into must have the word from God to have faith and anything else is presumption. be careful to eat the fish and spit out the many bones.jimp

 2012/4/30 23:14Profile

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA

 Re: Need Doctrinal help ASAP

Soulrider, i am confused as to how you can say that the church "is very Holy Spirit filled" and yet you feel an inner caution about the doctrinal teachings in the church. That is a self-contradictory statement if ever there was one. And IF heresy is being preached there then the church is not Holy Spirit filled. The Word of Faith movement IS heresy/false teaching...Go with your gut. Pray and ask God and by an by He will reveal the truth to you. If you begin to hear statements that people are not healed or not financially blessed simply due to "lack of faith" then that IS heresy. They have a longstanding tendency to blame the person who is not healed; it must always be THEIR fault, THEIR lack of faith (never the lack of faith of the person praying over them, etc). Also, Christ is proof of the lie of the Health and Wealth Gospel (aka Prosperity Movement); Jesus was not rich, wealthy, ambitious, nor socially prestigious. Christ did not come so that we could be prosperous and wealthy, He came to save souls and the focus should be on Him and on soul saving. On dying to self, not on promotion of self.

 2012/5/1 3:17Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: there is truth mixed with error.

Show me a church that hasn't got truth mixed with error..

Edit spelling

Colin Murray

 2012/5/1 6:20Profile

Joined: 2007/11/3
Posts: 33
New York



I know that they are a word of Faith teaching church, they are however a lot more reigned in with the extremeness of the teaching, or I should say - not as blatant about it in the more obvious areas of that doctrine; which is why it took me 2 months of going to the church to finally recognize it as such. They by no means go as overboard as some of these guys on TBN. Most of the regulars there I've gotten to know and speak to and the conversation is never really focused on that doctrine, as a matter of fact - most of what they teach is very solid - which is why it's hard to detect.

I believe that their love for God is very genuine, and the core statement of faith in the church is solid; it's just that they preach Faith from the pulpit in this way- take that away and you've got a really powerful church that is sold out to do the work of Jesus, they are very into missions as well.

I know I'm defending them because I know them a bit; I just don't think they see it as a false doctrine, I'm going to send a really good email in love - but will make my case against the WOF doctrine. I think the people there are really great and zealous for the Lord, and 95% of what is taught is right on, it's just the 5% that's off is what sickens me; I am so grieved, broken and weary about this because of the people that are in it - such great people.

Please I beg you please in all earnest pray for them and wisdom for me to make a strong enough case that they will recognize it as such and repent.

Brother Joe


 2012/5/1 7:33Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Brother Joe,

I don't want to be negative toward these individuals nor tie the hands of Our Lord Jesus but if the WOF doctrine is a serious conviction of these individuals it will take quite a bit more than an email for them to change their heart on the matter. I say this only to say be careful and prepared to come under some kind of fire, people take their doctrine pretty seriously and to go contrary to it brings offense.

Also I have never been to a church where I agreed 100% on the doctrine of a church. I always found something I wasn't quite in agreement with. What I found is not everyone believes the same thing when you walk into a church and while WOF is something that maybe taught among this church its definitely not something everyone buys into at that church. What is the Lord telling you to do about the matter? I can give an opinion all day long but ultimately we have to ask ourselves at the end of the day did my actions bring Glory to God?

I also found that it's awefully hard to make generalizations of a group of people and that it generally takes sitting down on an individual basis to really understand what they are thinking and believe.

In my opinion and history of the WOF movement I wouldn't go to the particular church but would maybe set up a bible study night with some of the brothers and sisters you know there and really get a handle on what they believe.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/5/1 7:49Profile


I know that they are a word of Faith teaching church, they are however a lot more reigned in with the extremeness of the teaching, or I should say - not as blatant about it in the more obvious areas of that doctrine; which is why it took me 2 months of going to the church to finally recognize it as such. They by no means go as overboard as some of these guys on TBN. Most of the regulars there I've gotten to know and speak to and the conversation is never really focused on that doctrine, as a matter of fact - most of what they teach is very solid - which is why it's hard to detect.

Which can make it even more dangerous.

None of us can tell you what to do because only you have been in that church and have had that interaction. I agree with the others, no church is going to be 100% correct on doctrine. However, WOF literally changes God's character... and thats a very dangerous thing to do.

So I would warn you to proceed with caution, but since I have not witnessed this church first hand or heard the preaching I can not even begin to tell you what to do.


 2012/5/1 8:43

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: Need Doctrinal help ASAP

It's not doctrinal help you need it's the Holy Spirit you need to lead you.

My advice would be to seek the leading of the Holy Spirit..

Edited for spelling

Colin Murray

 2012/5/1 9:15Profile

Joined: 2011/6/10
Posts: 10
Southern CA. USA

 Re: Need Doctrinal help ASAP

Be patient. Seek the Lord through the Word and much Prayer. (And for a personal note, listen to a lot of Leonard Ravenhill, A. W. Tozer and T. Austin Sparks. They don't preach today like these guy from the past).


 2012/5/1 9:27Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


Soulrider, I hope you read my two posts as well as Colin's.

Brother if the Holy Spirit is present in this church then you need to be careful to follow His leading with what He is already doing.

The bible says not to quench the Spirit and also not to grieve the Spirit and you don't want to be responsible for causing some little one to stumble or fall.

Pray in the Holy spirit, bathed yourself in prayer and then precede with caution, make sure that you are lead by the Spirit and give no room for the adversary.

Until you hear from God you need to do nothing. God has not made any of us to do the Holy Spirit's job.

God Bless you brother...from brother rbanks

 2012/5/1 9:46Profile

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