Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Each one should pray and be convinced in his own heart. I mean, some think it's offensive (& could even possibly make someone stumble) if I kiss my wife in public, though we are married! I might not kiss her in front of someone i knew it may bother, but I'm not going to stop kissing my wife (unless the Lord tells me Himself tells me to) altogether outside of the bedroom!!
Now, I wouldn't wear a Skynyrd shirt Krispy, cause I wouldn't advertise for a group of guys who sing about illicit sex, drugs, fighting, drunkenness, and all that goes with rock n roll. I say that as an ex-rock drummer. That actually could make a weaker brother stumble cause he could go back to listening to that worldly music seeing you wearing it like it was ok. And, if you feed your spirit that music, you will eventually lose something spiritually and feed your flesh accordingly. I just had to comment on that. Feel very strongly on that. Sorry bro', just keeping it real! :-) |
| 2012/4/30 16:51 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
Now, I wouldn't wear a Skynyrd shirt Krispy, cause I wouldn't advertise for a group of guys who sing about illicit sex, drugs, fighting, drunkenness, and all that goes with rock n roll. I say that as an ex-rock drummer. That actually could make a weaker brother stumble cause he could go back to listening to that worldly music seeing you wearing it like it was ok. And, if you feed your spirit that music, you will eventually lose something spiritually and feed your flesh accordingly. I just had to comment on that. Feel very strongly on that. Sorry bro', just keeping it real! :-)
I was just using that as an example...
Change that to a sleeveless Carolina Panthers shirt. Even that could cause someone to sin... cause them to be jealous of my guns...
Krispy |
| 2012/4/30 16:53 | | MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | Man! I might need a beer after reading all these posts. :) _________________ Bill
| 2012/4/30 16:59 | Profile | mguldner Member

Joined: 2009/12/4 Posts: 1862 Kansas
| Re: | | Quote:
By the way... my spider-senses tell me this was a hit-&-run thread. Someone signs up, posts something like this, and then sits back and watches the chaos unfold.
Brother Krispy I guessed that at the beginning of the thread and the silence of the original poster basically confirms it for me. Your spider-senses are likely correct but I was definitely interested in seeing what the OP thought about all of these posts about moderation. A big hint for me though was the person said they felt the Lord lead them to join after seeing the forums discussion on alcohol when we haven't discussed this topic in quite a while.
_________________ Matthew Guldner
| 2012/4/30 17:01 | Profile | MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
KrispyKrittr...Change that to a sleeveless Carolina Panthers shirt. Even that could cause someone to sin... cause them to be jealous of my guns...
I have a few jealous of mine, I have a.40 Beretta...40 Glock 23...Marlin 30/30.035 Remington...Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm...etc..O time to go! Joel and Victoria is on TBN I will save you a seat. :) _________________ Bill
| 2012/4/30 17:04 | Profile | brothagary Member

Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | what about our weak brothers and sisters who had sexual adictions iv been told by ladies that men look verry sexual when they wear cut off sleavs in shirts and singlets ,,,should we risk being a stubling block to some weak sisters ,,or should we encourage the roaming lustfull eyes of the poor unregenerant sexual provotave ladies ,and young girls ,,,,,,,i wont wher posable where cut off sleaves iN public ,,iv been told by my wife that even her friends have been lustfully atracted to me
brothers if you wont where it in the pulipit ,then brothers dont whare it in the public mission field
i think that same is easly said about sisters wharing singlets and skimpy shirts low cut around the breast
and skirts ,that show of her glory , that only her husbane and father should see
this walk with christ ,is not about ego ,and self asteam ,,and pride
if ya grand ma ,and grand pa ,wont ware it ,,bin it lol
they nomaly have finished SHOWING OF THERE GLORY |
| 2012/5/1 1:56 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
what about our weak brothers and sisters who had sexual adictions iv been told by ladies that men look verry sexual when they wear cut off sleavs in shirts and singlets
I always thought it looked re-neckish... but what is a singlet? I am quite certain I have never, nor will ever wear something called a 'singlet'.
I agree we should all dress modestly. But at the same time, we can get too carried away with it too, to the point of ridiculousness. I think the spirit of what Paul was saying was the same as what he said about living in peace with others. He said, "As for as it is possible..."
We do the best we can to not cause others to fall into sin... whether it be meat, or lust, or alcohol... "as far as it is possible". As far as it depends on us.
There is responsibility that falls onto the believer who struggles with lust. A woman can dress in a burka and some dude out there is going to find it lustful.
Krispy |
| 2012/5/1 8:56 | | brothagary Member

Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | yea im hearing ya krisspy
you no brother regarding the issue about eating meat and that being a stumbling block ,,,i think the contex is meat offered to idols ,,which was extremly common back in the early chruch ,,,paul talks about that in the leter to the corinthians ,,,rather then the issue about vegatarians being offended at people who eat meat
the churches were full of exidolarters in the earlys days ,,,,not so much now
blessings |
| 2012/5/2 1:40 | Profile | mailmzn Member

Joined: 2012/5/2 Posts: 1
| Re: Alcohol -Christian Living | | It seems we Christians get caught up in the light matters instead of the heavy matters. I worry not whether a person drinks or not, what I worry about is that they are born again and that their lives reflect the transformation that the new birth brings.
We look at 1 Cor 6:9-10 as a guide of how we must act as a Christian but I see that Christianity has set me free from the power of all these things and as the Holy Spirit gets hold of me these things will drop from my life.
Our outward actions will eventually reflect our inward transformation and the character of God will be revealed in our lives.
| 2012/5/2 2:31 | Profile | brothagary Member

Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | being a stumbling block and causeing a weak believer to sin ,,is no light matter,,, a verry weighty matter,,,to the point even our lord mentioned it in his teachings
but never forget that the holy spirit uses cruched weak imperfect vesles to exort and teach his chridren weather they be light or weightyer matters
i dont worry eithet weather someone drinks or not ,,,,but as we learn we see scripture has much to say about wine
paul said ,,deacones should not be givern to much wine
and that biships should not be givern to any wine what does it mean to be givern to a little wine in the contex of a deacon
and what does it mean to not be givern to any wine
these are newtestament comands from the mouth of the holy spirit ,,,so we should seek to know exactly what the spirit saith to the churches
he who has a mouth let him speak
and hear who has ears let him hear
im all ears ,,,if an elder would like to define these verses that paul wrote about
ohh ,by the way welcome to the fourm mailmzm
brother dont worry about me ,,,,he set me free from a abominbale life stile throuugh the supanature power of his spirit
i agree fully with what your saying the holy spirit and our actions
| 2012/5/2 4:36 | Profile |