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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 End Times Following Of Deceiving Spirits by Greg Gordon

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." (1 Timothy 4:1)

It is a scary thought in our minds of the possibility of losing our salvation. Many claim this can not happen and give hundreds of theological verses to back up the point, others try and prove it by claiming just as much scriptural support but bending the scriptures to prove their point. Now I am not fully arguing that one can lose his salvation as a dogmatic theology or belief. But I do agree with the Apostle Paul and what the bible says and clearly there are verses that share in some circumstances it is possible that some will walk away from the faith that was given to them. Does this mean that they will only lose their rewards as Pual alludes to when he shares from the spirit: " If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames." (1 Corinthians 3:14-15). Either way there must be a holy fear catered in our hearts that we would walk in a way contrary to the Gospel and follow our own ways or even worse yet the way of demons!

In one of the most famous printed Christian books outside the bible, John Bunyan in Pilgrims Progress shares about a narrow way that pilgrim walks on towards the celestial city. Yet throughout the book there are warnings of going off the narrow way which was clearly marked as a path that pilgrim knew to follow. At times pilgrim would veer off the path and God would give him a clear warning at times of the destruction of others who went that way, so this holy fear therefore built within Pilgrim a renewed desire to stay on the narrow way (Matthew 7:14). So from this I gather simply that we must have a holy fear of falling away from the living God (Hebrews 3:12) and not to depart to the world as demas did (2 Timothy 4:10). Even if our salvation is not at stake there are enough witnesses in the word of God of God's severity towards leaving His ways.

In the "Later times" of which many of us believe we are in there comes this clear warning from Gods Scriptures "some will abandon the faith." We must believe that in the end times of the earth even those of us who have renewed minds and hearts in the Lord Jesus will still not be prone from deception and being carried away by the events that will happen. Our Lord told His disciples on earth: "Watch out that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24:4) and if our Lord was aware of the possibility of deception we should be all the more aware of this in our day and be on guard. In my own walk with the Lord there have been times when I was so convinced of a doctrinal position or I saw a situation only from one persecutive, later to find out simply that what I believed was not true really and that I needed to repent and look at things the way God sees them. It is wonderful when God deals with this stream of pride in our heart for pride is the great blinding effect upon the discerning abilities of the man of God. Pride can not only result in our actions being un-Christlike but also it will lead us down a route of deception and error.

It should concern us all that there will be false teachers in these last times that are actually inspired by Satan himself and his demonic minions. Some people hold doctrines that came from demons and sadly some in the end times will believe these messages. These "doctrines" will bring great harm to the cause of Christ to even as the bible says cause some to "abandon the faith". This does not mean they will stop going to church or stop confessing to be a Christian rather worse they will believe things that will disqualify them from heaven and the life of Christ in them but still holding to all the exteriors of a religious profession. One of the puritans exclaimed this truth in his day that of all the roads that go to hell the saddest is the road that goes right under the pulpit. This should bring great sobriety and concern in our hearts not to believe every message preached but to compare what we here with church history and namely the simple biblical interpretation of Scripture. We must realize that there were many false gospels preached in the apostles days and there are many false gospels being preached today.

But what could these "things taught by demons" actually look like? How would we know we are under such a ministry, teaching or preacher? When I look at the New Testament as a whole and see the tenor of teachings that relate to the faith of the Gospel, I see that the truth is shared over and over that the Gospel will result in us living different then we were before. This is important to see that the message of salvation in Jesus Christ will make you a holy person and there will be a marked difference in your life as you progress in this faith. A salvation that does not make men holy is a doctrine of demons and we must beware of such doctrines. George Whitefield the famous open air preacher of the Great Awakening stated on this subject: "It is an undoubted truth that every doctrine that comes from God leads to God; and that which doth not tend to promote holiness is not of God."

So our concern should be that in these End Times we are not following ministries and teachers who are tickling our ears but not progressing us into maturity in the Faith of Jesus Christ. May we not follow any false Gospels that do not lead towards the walk of Discipleship and growth into the likeness of Jesus Christ (1 John 2:5). For such a gospel then is a false gospel. May we realize the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of Love yet this love when understood fully in our lives will lead us to grow in His character and ways by His grace.

We end this topic with a quote from Catherine Booth in her book “Popular Christianity” who speaks of this false gospel and her dismay of many that follow in its deception: “Alas, many false, delusive, disappointing christs; so I have to show that there are many make-believe, mock salvations, which only deceive, disappoint, and damn those who trust in them. As I walk about the world, and as I look at professing Christians, my soul cries: O God, make haste to help us raise up a holy people, in order to show the world what salvation really means, for they do not know. They are utterly befogged and bewildered, and I do not wonder.”

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/4/27 15:53Profile

Joined: 2008/4/1
Posts: 536
America's Flyover Country

 Re: End Times Following Of Deceiving Spirits by Greg Gordon


That is a good balanced perspective. I for one appreciate the tenor with which you approach this timely, and at times, difficult subject.

It seems to me there is such a paradox in scripture over these issues. We can certainly see the dangers and thus the warnings from Paul and others. However we can also see that it is a time of exciting spiritual renewal and harvest on some fronts.

I submit this for your thoughts and perspective. Feel free to take a different track on it... I am just sharing what I have seemed to feel stirring in my heart on this issue.

In addition to the ideas of many falling away, which are clearly in scriptures such as the ones you referenced, there is also the idea of God bringing this about to cause a clear showdown between good and evil in the eyes of the world. For example 2 Tim 3:8-9

"Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone." NIV

I think we are entering into times when God will Himself pick a fight, if you will. Much as God had Elijah have a throw down with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel He will also be causing many of us to do the same. It seems to me that is where we are headed. The enemy will make headway as will those who are truly serving God. We then will have confrontations of unbelievable supernatural proportions and manifestations.... much as Moses staring down Jannes and Jambres then watching his snake devour theirs.... or like Elijah calling fire out of the heavens to consume the sacrifices as he had just finished taunting the false prophets of Baal. This is all done for one reason... for God to give testimony that the Gospel we preach is true and to bring people out of their spiritual sleep and into repentance before Him.

If the doctor has said, "This person will die in 2 days from terminal cancer" then we as believers are used by God to pray for them and raise them out of the sick bed then NO ONE BUT GOD gets the credit. No doctor, no man, just HIM! That is where we are headed I believe... into more direct, and at times violent, confrontations with the enemy and his tactics.

The tangible undeniable demonstration of God's power in the marketplace of life and in the face of the enemies hordes is what I seem to see coming for the last days.

That means we must "tough up" if you will. Discipline our flesh, minds and hearts to walk in purity and obedience. It also means we must refuse to be drawn into unfruitful divisions and confrontations that do not bring Him glory.

Ultimately we do this because we love The Lord..... but also that we might be useful tools for Him to deliver those around us from the bondage they are in even tough they may be unaware of it. After all, Israel was not clear about their deception and bondage until Elijah revealed it in a showdown with the enemies prophets.

I am asking God to allow me to be used to raise at least one person from the dead at their funeral. Wouldn't it be such a powerful testimony for a person that was dead for 3 days, embalmed, and in the casket at the funeral to come back to life, preach their own eulogy about what is on the other side, then go back to the Lord's arms. Even more so if they had been in hell and came back to warn others not to follow their example. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE RESULTING CONVICTION AS PEOPLE WERE BROUGHT INTO UNDENIABLE REALITY OF WHAT THEY FACED?!?!?! Ultimately I pray I would get to do that.... at your own funeral sit up in the coffin, share your message, then go back to eternity with the saints in glory. Stirs me just thinking about it.

Anyway, I agree with your post and certainly see it. I was wondering about your thoughts on the other parts of it I mentioned.

Greg, I appreciate the site very much. So many of the messages and transcripts have been a tremendous blessing to me. Your spiritual heart and balance in those things is quiet refreshing.

The CAPS were for emphasis only. No yelling was intended

 2012/4/27 16:57Profile

 Re: End Times Following Of Deceiving Spirits by Greg Gordon


May I ask you a slightly personal question? (I am not trying to trip you up - I am actually really interested to know).

How do you know that you, yourself, are on the straight and narrow and, indeed, have salvation and that you're not being deceived by such spirits?

I'd be interested to know how you go about approaching that question.

Also, I'd be grateful to hear anyone else's response to that question (for themselves).



 2012/4/27 19:35

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I am asking God to allow me to be used to raise at least one person from the dead at their funeral. Wouldn't it be such a powerful testimony for a person that was dead for 3 days, embalmed, and in the casket at the funeral to come back to life, preach their own eulogy about what is on the other side, then go back to the Lord's arms.

Brother, I appreciate your comments and that you enjoyed the balance that I gave on this subject. As towards that you said I agree that especially in the end times God is going to do things as He has always done to ensure that the glory is just for His name and not another. I believe that many ministries, churches, pastors etc will be purified in their thoughts and intentions so that what they are doing is for the kingdom of God alone.

One concern I have towards your desire which is good in the end: Glorifying the Lord. But the means is something in the end times where there will be heavy and great deception and we must stand against it and that is in the area of signs and wonders. The Scriptures clearly give us the warnings over and over again that there will be great false signs and wonders by false apostles, teachers, prophets and by these impostors and even the elect will be deceived. "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time" (Matthew 24:24-25).

I would say that the mark of of enduring is not suffer persecution gladly with the love and joy of the Lord and testify for Christ even when men speak against you, this will be the great end times witness of a people who are "marked" by God and His own. Such a Spirit that endures hardship and suffering for Christ will not be deceived with these end times doctrines of compromise.

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other" (Matthew 24:9-10).

Dear brother my thoughts for you are simply that it would be better to grow in Christ-likeness and endure suffering for His Name then to do a great exploit for him like raising the dead. Paul nor the apostles sought after such miracles to be able to do them. May we simply allow the Lord to grow us in holiness and do the things that please Him (Ephesians 4:1).

I appreciate your heart for the Lord brother and your comments.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/4/27 20:45Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


How do you know that you, yourself, are on the straight and narrow and, indeed, have salvation and that you're not being deceived by such spirits?

Brother, It is a great question. We know specifically that we are Christians if the Spirit of Christ is in us. And to be on the narrow way is and can only be a response to the love of Christ seen on the cross. When we see that He took our place and died for all our sins to justify us before God then we serve Him out of love and appreciation for this. And when he calls us to discipleship and the way of the cross (to suffer against sin and the worlds lusts) then we do this gladly by His grace and power as we seek to be His witnesses (martyrs) in this earth where His life dwells.

We know we are on the narrow way when we realize that It is Christ that works in us to will and do according to His great purposes. The narrow way is simply for those that love the will of God their Father and not their own, they say always 'not my will but Your will be done' in all situations. You can know that you are saved and have Christ in you. You can know that you are on the narrow way to heaven. But we cannot put assurance in our salvation that we are simply on the narrow way or suffering some great thing for the Lord. The only hope we will have to endure this life and its lust is to always trust in the death and resurrection of Christ for us personally. So we look to Christ to be saved and enter into the narrow way, we look to Christ for assurance and direction on the narrow way (Hebrews 12:2). And the narrow way leads us to the person of Christ in the end which is heaven. And along the way we will be conformed to His Image (Romans 8:29).

So we will see a continued grow in holiness in our characters and start to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in abundance (Galatians 5:22-23). If our nature is not being purged of the self-life then we should constantly come and abide in Christ asking Him to change us into His image.

The Only true security is abiding in Christ in a personal relationship with Him daily (John 15:1-5).

I hope that answers your question in part dear brother.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/4/27 20:55Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330



I would like to answer your question in that you must be filled with the Holy Ghost and stay filled because the bible says that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.

Blessings...from brother rbanks

 2012/4/27 20:56Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


Hey Solomon I enjoyed your post brother and it is amazing to me how so many are of the mindset that God gets greater glory from people suffering, than from people that after they have suffered for a while, receive the promise of healing or some other miracle.

It guess they have that mindset because so many just except the suffering, or because some admired saint didn't get their miracle or healing.

Well I've got good news whether its me, you, or some admired saint, we are not the criteria but the Word of God is and no matter what happens to us we need to believe all the word of God and all His promises and that their is nothing impossible with God.

Blessings...from brother rbanks

 2012/4/27 21:15Profile



Thanks very much for your reply - It was helpful. I may post more on the subject in the near future.

 2012/4/28 19:02

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