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 Re: Are They Chrustian???

One of the best books ever written on apologetics, false teachings, cults, etc. is "Fast Facts on False Teachings", by Ron Carlson & Ed Decker. Ron studied all the world's cults & false teachings his whole ministry life & Ed Decker is an ex-33rd degree Master Mason. The book is long enough that you really understand these deceptions (not just a one page explanation), but not some unreadable exhaustive book that weighs 40 lbs. it touches on each of the popular false religions with around 5-15 pages each (comes in carry size paperback). It touches on Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Roman Catholicsm, Freemasonry, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, New Age, Satanism, Prosperity Gospel, etc., etc. To me, it's a must in every believers library.

 2012/4/13 9:25

 Re: Are Christians Mormons Are Mormons Christians

I truly find it astounding that any one who is born again could actually believe that any Mormon could be rightly called a Christian.

The Mormon religion believes that Jesus Our Lord is the brother of Satan. That they have a common father. They compound this blasphemy by explaining the hostility between Christ and Satan, or else their common father and Satan by claiming that when their father enquired into who it would be that would save the sinful men of this world, Satan chose himself. He was then overruled and Christ was chosen. Please brethren lets not descend into madness.

It may be offensive to Mormons to speak the truth plainly, but plainly we must speak.

 2012/4/13 9:46

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL



by learjet on 2012/4/12 14:08:57

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! -Galatians 1:8-9

I have a bible by my front door with a bookmark on this scripture for this exact purpose. If you get an honest mormon all you have to do is ask them one question:

Can I get to heaven if I reject the teachings of Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon?

They will usually sidestep the question (they are taught how to avoid answering your question directly), but just tell them something to the effect of "can you just answer the question, it's yes OR no, it's a simple question".

When the person says 'no you cannot make it to heaven' read them Galatians 1:8 and 9, explain to them that this verse was so important the Paul repeated himself to make a point. Then ask them if the book of mormon was gospel that the apostles preached, it was not, therefore it must be rejected because it accursed (and they are too because they are preaching it).

At this point they will probably be gone but if said in a loving spirit perhaps the word will be sown and germinate in their heart? It has that kind of power!

Praise His name!

I like this posting. I have always been a firm believer that if Mormons or JW's or 7th adventists come to your doorsteps you should be prepared to do just a little something. Not slam or close the door in the face but keep it simple and share 'something' with them.

I have engaged with Mormons only once and I basically controlled the conversation asking them senseless questions like 'why do you call your churches wards? Sounds like a jailhouse or a mental asylum'
Making small talk like this allowed me to control the conversation without having to interupt them and it was FUN!!!!

On the Presidential thing- I don't think America will be shattered if Romney becomes President. Alot of Presidents have come and gone claiming their were Christians but where they? The President has limited power and that is why there is checks and balances in government.


 2012/4/13 10:20Profile


This is a tricky question and not easy to answer. There could be several variables to consider.

It's not that tricky... the answer is a resounding NO.

Mormonism has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. It is a dramatically perverted religious cult.


 2012/4/14 15:14

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