I've been watching for new sermons from brother Edgar lately but haven't noticed any new ones.Has anyone heard from him lately? If anyone has his email address would you please forward it to me here: [email protected]Thanks brothers and sisters!
Dear Brother,He has recently had to move to Canada from the USA so that has been a busy time for him. Also he has just arrived back from a preaching trip from Africa for 3 weeks. Praise the Lord. Do keep in prayer for this dear brother and pray for God to open speaking opportunities in Toronto, Canada where he lives and in other areas in Canada.his website is: http://www.revivalusacanada.org/ and email is: [email protected]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Please pray for brother Edgar, he is very sick right now, may the Lord raise him from his sick bed.......... bro Frank
I did hear he had an ailment and was seeking medical attention but did not know it was that serious. Please do pray for him saints! I will try and get in contact with him and post an prayer update.
Praying. LORD, have mercy.
Hi Learjet,I just spoke and prayed with him last week. He is still a part of our revival prayer group which now meets on a Monday night.......... bro Frank
Saints,here is an update from Edgar so we can keep praying for him:---I was much better today however pain seems to linger in the back ground. One of my daughters will be here tonight and one is coming Friday night. Tomorrow morning I will see the doctor again. Because I am new in town, I do not have a family doctor and I do as the poor ( but never-the-less rich in the Lord) people do. Go to a walk in clinic and wait sometimes several hours. I feel so very privileged. If i had been at this time-point in the USA I would have had no care. Also, this is again a learning experience for me, Praise God. If you are left with nothing to rely on, you rely on the Lord, how wonderful. You ask why is waiting upon the Lord so wonderful? Because He'll lift us up with wings of eagles.