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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Bearmaster,
I wasnt insulted or thought that was your intention.Giving your life for Christ is what all Christians must want to attain.It may involve death by Martyrdom.
The view point of Sister Corrie and Brother Art is that we will go through the Great Tribulation.This view rightly or wrongly does mean a message of get ready to be persecuted soon.Their were times in Paul's Life when he was persecuted and times when he wasnt.
We have to be ready to be persecuted but this may or may not be the Great Tribulation.In my opinion not.
The problem is that both pre and post rapture christians believe that the end is very near,so the post view believe that the future persecution will be the great trib and that the pre wont be ready.But you can be a pre tribber and be ready for persecution.One view believes that we wont be present for the tribulation and the other believes we will but protected through the tribulation.So we should not be ready for persecution because of the great tribulation but because we should be just ready for persecution if is that fully possible,
Yours In Christ,Staff

 2012/4/11 17:48Profile

 Re: The Nagna Carta of Apostolic Faith

I am finding that it is a scary thing to listen to Art Katz. While others debate whether you can lose your salvation I find myself wondering have I entered it. It is easy to go along my religious way thinking I have arrived. I hold the right doctrine. I am in the word and prayer. I have a prayer ministry. Then I listen to this brother and find I am nowhere where I need to be with Christ.

It is scary. I am convicted. But as King Jimmy said you listen to this brother and all other preachers aren'tt the same. If you have not done so, these are some good messages that Hmmhmm have linked here. You will be laid low. But something in your heart will want more of this
teaching. Truly protein for the soul.


 2012/4/13 13:04


In The Magna Carts of Apostolic Faith Art Katz is describing what an apostolic assembly is and its effects on the kingdom of darkness.

After listening to this one must ask, is my church truly aoostolic? He is also describing what would move Israel to salvation. The answer may surprise you.


 2012/4/13 13:10


You've brought sunshine to my Friday, Bearmaster.
Love does rejoice at the truth.
Blessings in Christ.

 2012/4/13 13:23

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Message by Art Katz, Please Listen

I am glad you found the riches of art bearmaster, as brother kingjimmy said once one find him the others are not the same... lately i have been taking the bus to work and by this opportunity i can listen to sermons on the way.

for three days i have listened to the same message, there is so MUCH in these it is impossible, at least for me to digest it all in one hearing.

I strongly recommend this one, its a prophetic cry to our generation.

The radical kingdom part 1


 2012/4/13 14:30Profile

 Re: Hmmhmm

Thank you brother. I will surely listen to it.

 2012/4/13 14:49

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