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MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | Heavenly FATHER, this morning I just feel so overwhelmed with a need to pray for others. LORD, time is so short, our lives here are but a moment, time is the one thing we can never get back and no one knows when their time will be called.Press upon our hearts LORD how precious a gift this life is. I know LORD for some young ones they get caught up in thinking they always have tomorrow, I was once that way too, but LORD I pray help each to see that today is all we really have! In YOUR word its tells us to live every moment as if it were our last moment, LORD help us to walk this way, help us not to waste one single breath, not one single moment in living for self. LORD I pray that YOU would grab hold of each of us and really just press upon our hearts that the only things worth doing, the only things that will leave a mark on eternity are the things done in YOUR SON JESUS!! To further YOUR KINGDOM!! Amen! |
2012/4/16 11:13 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | FATHER, its those unexpected things, those little things that take us completely by surprise and happen every day that turn out to be the very things that grow my faith the most. LORD one such occasion came up this more and for a brief moment I found myself entertaining thoughts of "OH NO!" and "WHAT NOW!" in those moments LORD the temptation of self and the enemy to take my eyes off of YOU and focus on the situation was very real and daunting but as soon as the darkness and worry began to creep in I felt YOUR presence and I knew no matter what that I had to keep my eyes on YOU and trust! LORD I have no idea how this day will unfold, I have no idea how this difficult situation will conclude but I do know that YOU are here with me and that I never go through this journey alone!Father I give thanks for YOUR love and mercy, I give thanks for YOUR arms that hold me up and carry me when I am weary. LORD I give this day to YOU, YOU know the needs and I trust in YOU!! Amen!! |
2012/4/17 9:24 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | FATHER on this journey with YOU many trails and struggles arise that leave me faced with no other option but to turn and look to YOU. In self I have fought against and even rebelled against the notion of trusting in YOU completely, with every aspect of my life. I have wanted to find solutions, solve problems, answer questions and even just make hurts go away but I realize its all so sinful and futile. I see now that in all of life's moments whether great or small, all of the battles to be fought must begin with a prayer and trusting in YOU. I see it's not just about giving up control of my life but about trusting YOU and having believing faith. LORD for so long I have been afraid to actually pray these words, "YOUR will be done." because it meant relinquishing complete control over every situation, over every circumstance and placing it all in YOUR hands, trusting and having faith that no matter what the outcome YOU love me and YOUR will is best! Even now LORD as I hear YOU calling to me I tremble at these words and their meaning in my life, the surrender of all, holding nothing back and trusting that the truly safest places to be is in YOUR hands trusting that YOUR will is by far so much better then any answer I could contrive.LORD today I pray help me to stop trying and to learn to trust. Help me to have faith without knowing the answers to all of life's "what ifs" me to always remember no matter what or where this journey leads YOU will be there with open arms waiting for me! Help to remember and live these words, "YOUR will be done!" Amen!! |
2012/4/18 11:32 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | LORD I realize there are so many moments in my life that YOU have cared for me, when YOU have extended love, mercy, grace, covering and forgiveness to me even though I do not deserve such blessing. Thank you LORD for all that YOU are and do for us daily. Thank you FATHER for the wonderful gift of just being able to pour out my heart to YOU, and the comfort in knowing YOU are listening!! Amen!! |
2012/4/19 23:40 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | FATHER as I read the headlines in the world today there is such sorrow, such pain, so much hatred that its difficult to see what lays beyond into the unseen. Oh dear LORD there are times when the cries of this world feel like they press in on me and all I can see is the darkness. I pray and I cry out to YOU wondering has the world gone mad, have we so sought after living for self that there is no light left in this world, no hope. Then I hear YOUR voice and I am reminded of how much YOU have given, how much YOU have loved how patient YOU are and my eyes are opened to see. FATHER even before the beginning of time You had this perfect and amazing plan just waiting to be set in motion so that one day a wretched sinner like me might call out, and receive forgiveness, and life through YOUR SON JESUS! I know the days are dark and as time rushes on they may grow darker still but I shall not be overwhelmed nor will I be overcome with sadness, because with YOU LORD there is always a way. I pray LORD for those who still walk in darkness, let their eyes be opened, help them to see their great need to repent and cry out to their eyes LORD JESUS and help them to know YOU are the Way the Truth and the Light in this dark world! Amen!! |
2012/4/20 23:17 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | LORD as I look out my window, I am reminded that YOU create so beautifully. The world around me is a canvas and YOU my GOD are the MASTER artist.In all the universes there is none like YOU! As the sun broke through the clouds and beamed its rays of light to nourish the green grass and mighty Evergreens I see YOUR hand upon it. The gentle breeze that fills the air with the sweet smell of springtime flowers reveals YOUR passion. YOUR attention to each detail in YOUR work is there for all to see as the bee buzzes the flowers and the robin sings its morning song. My senses are filled with such beauty and I give thanks FATHER that YOU have blessed me with another day to spend with YOU! Amen!! |
2012/4/21 9:33 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | FATHER thank YOU for showing me this morning how the attitude of my heart can affect my thought life and the lives of others around me. LORD I can be such a negative person at times, thinking about what can always "go wrong" or seeing the down side to every situation, help me to see things as YOU would have me. I don't always want to think the worst in people or see the tragedy in life...I now realize the affect of these attitudes can be so destructive to others and my walk with YOU. Please forgive me LORD for at times being a stumbling block and for not encouraging another as I should. LORD while its true that the world is filled with sin and darkness with YOU there is always light, help me not to be blinded to the light and love of YOUR SON JESUS in others LORD. Help me not to doubt, and look for flaws unless they are my own! Amen!! |
2012/4/22 10:01 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | Thank YOU LORD for this moment in my life, for this time to sit with YOU, to hear YOUR voice and learn what it means to take up my cross and walk with YOU. LORD there are often many voices that shout out daily attempting to draw my attention away from YOU but I pray YOU will help me stay close always, do not let me step to the left or the right but help me keep to the narrow path. LORD I am but a small child in need of YOUR guiding hand, truly I see I can not make my way in this dark world with out YOUR lighting the path. Amen!! |
2012/4/23 10:32 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | Please LORD I pray that YOU will continue to help me in this area of my life. Please LORD help me to trust in YOU, keep fear and worry far from me. Please LORD in these days I need YOU more then ever in my life, every moment, every day, keep me near to YOU. Amen! |
2012/4/24 22:45 | Profile |
MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | FATHER so often I find myself amazed by YOUR love and faithfulness to me. I being nothing and deserving of nothing, and yet YOU chose to love and care for me. There are many times when YOU have blessed me through out my day as I go on unaware of the hand guiding me. YOUR care and provision is and has been constant. YOU bring me through each trial, YOU help me over come each hurdle in this journey. There are times when the wounds run deep but YOU are the balm to heal them. There are times when my tears flow and YOU are near to dry them.There are days when my body is weak but in YOU I have rest. My JESUS I am in awe of YOU, each day LORD I pray give me deeper conviction into those areas that might keep me apart from YOU and give me a deeper glimpse of who YOU are so that my love may never grow cold!! LET me always see self and the need I have for YOU!! Amen!! |
2012/4/25 12:32 | Profile |