I am quite bothered by the way men pray today in the pulpits.Most every time a prayer is uttered, it is closed with "in Jesus name". Why do you rob God of His title and authority?There are many Jesus'. Why do you not pray, "in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST"? He is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. The Catholics have their "Jesus", the Mormons their's,the New Agers their's. And there are many Mexican Jesus' running around Mexico. So why do you say, "in the name of Jesus"? Familiarity breeds contempt. Have we in this nation become so familiar with Jesus Christ that we no longer give Him His due title and honor?? Now he's just a Jesus?Maybe i am all wrong on this. All i know is that it bothers me when pastors always end their prayers so anemically this way.
Hello Trekker. Thanks for this reminder. I agree completely that familiarity breeds contempt. I once attended a "prayer meeting" where a young lady started her prayer with the words "Hey God". I was appalled, to say the least. But I do not have a particular problem with the phrase "In Jesus' name we pray". Sometimes, you can tell from the body of a prayer that the person praying has a very high reverence for Christ and scripture even though they use simple words. Other times, it is evident that the person does not, and yet they use flamboyant words. However, I also notice that people who revere Christ will tend not to use familiar phrases in prayer. I guess people catch on with time. I heard the phrase "In Jesus' name we pray" too many times as a young christian to escape using it a lot myself. But with time and communion with God, some things slowly fall away. My two cents.In Christ,DLight.
hi brother ,,,,if we want to be bibilcal and not legalistic ,,,we shold do a full study on how the apostals ,and early christans used the title and name in the name of jesus christ of nasarath in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus and the name of the lord jesus christ are all used intermintently with the desired effect brother dont be like a jehova wittness and imply that is must be dont only one way ,or only the way you see fit ,,,,that is legalisim brother lets keep to the full councel of scriptureblessings
Thank you both for your responses and insights. Thoughtful stuff. I HAVE heard preachers that i greatly respect and who are Godly men pray "in the name of Jesus" only. Maybe it is a bit legalistic to think one has to pray a certain way every time, yes, but i was just wishing i could hear SOMEONE pray "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" SOME of the time. I think it has more power. Nonetheless, thank you for the warning against becoming legalistic. P.S. Yea, "Hey God" is pushing it though. That seems irreverent.
brother i like the name of the lord jesus christ as a preference ,,but brother our god trancends our words ,and if you could not speak,a single word, he would still honour your faith ,,,we have a good god ,,haliluya.
The content of a prayer can leave no doubt of titles.