To avert from men Gods wrath,Jesus suffered in our stead;By an ignominious deathHe a full atonement made;And by His most precious bloodBrought us, sinners, nigh to God.Hither each afflicted soulMay repair, though filled with grief;To the sick, not to the whole,The Physician brings relief;Fear not, therefore, but drawn nigh;Christ will all your wants supply.But examine first your case,Whether you be in the faith;Do you long for pardning grace?Is your only hope His death?Then, howeer your souls oppressed,Come, you are a worthy guest.He who Jesus mercy knowsIs from wrath and envy freed.Love unto each other showsThat we are His flock indeed;Thus we may in all our waysShow forth our Redeemers praise.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon