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 Unreached of the Day: 03/24/2012 (Saturday) - Hajam of Pakistan

Hajam of Pakistan
The Hajam have been a service community for centuries, and many perform hair-cutting (hajamat). Some of the Hajam have taken to varied urban occupations like selling betel leaf and jobs at hotels. The Muslim code of law is followed in matters of property. The Urdu language and Arabic script are used in the religious sphere.

Ministry Obstacles
A misunderstanding of the full nature of Christ must be corrected.

Outreach Ideas
Pray for workers to carry the Gospel to the Hajam, and for friendships to be developed. Good relationships are important.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There may be no Christian believers among the Hajam, but pray for the believers that will one day emerge. Pray they are properly taught, and will grow strong in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the Hajam community of South Asia, that they will have good schools available for their children, adequate health care, and good employment opportunities.

Scripture Focus
"All nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord, they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9

People Name: Hajam
Country: Pakistan
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 1,875,000
World Population: 4,105,000
Language: Panjabi, Western
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: New Testament
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/3/24 10:52Profile

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