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 Unreached of the Day: 03/23/2012 (Friday) - Lao Phuan of Laos

Lao Phuan of Laos
The Lao people are renowned for being gentle, friendly and peace-loving. Their communities revolve around close-knit family ties. They have a high birth rate, perhaps because of how they value families. The ancestors of these people are believed to have migrated southward from China approximately 1,000 years ago.

Ministry Obstacles
Not wanting to acknowledge the reality of sin and the need for forgiveness of sin is sometimes an obstacle to accepting the Gospel message.

Outreach Ideas
Pray the Lao believers will grow strong in numbers and maturity, that they become able to effectively carry the Gospel message to their own people.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are Christian believers among the Lao; pray they will be united in love, around truth. Pray they will be without any kind of impurity, or greed.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Lao community will retain the good features of their culture while also learning to follow Christ. Pray they be given the gift of faith to trust in Him.

Scripture Focus
"But indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21

People Name: Lao Phuan
Country: Laos
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 126,000
World Population: 335,000
Language: Phuan
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Bible: None
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/3/23 12:49Profile

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