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Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338

 Re: Requesting prayer for my father

My father's health has become worse and may only have weeks to live (no one really knows). Please pray that the Lord supernaturally reaches out to him and that my father will receive salvation. It will take a miracle!


 2012/8/8 13:16Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Oh I HAVE been praying for him (and your mom), Romanchog....and I DO believe in miracles! It will take the same for my mom who is in middle-stage Alzheimers....I am touched by your love for your dad...may He hear the cry of our hearts - He loves them so much more than we do....Love to you....

 2012/8/8 13:19Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Continuing to remember your father in our prayers.


 2012/8/8 13:25Profile

Joined: 2012/7/12
Posts: 185
Southeast USA



My family went through a similar experience with my dad. It is times like this that it is especially good to know that only the Lord can bring about our conversion. So it is completely the right thing to pray to Him for such a gift.

This will be an opportunity for the Lord to use you to show your dad the depth of Christ's love for him.



 2012/8/8 13:27Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


Thank you all for your prayers. I am not able to be with my father at this time. He lives very far away and my responsibilities at home do not allow me to go over there again.

I was told by a sister that I should post just how poorly my father is doing. He had been eating once or twice a day for the last few months, mild foods only. In the last couple of weeks he was only able to tolerate oatmeal. I was told by my mother two days ago that he is no longer even eating that. This may be temporary or not; I have not been able to get in touch with my mom these past two days. He is receiving an IV every other days, and I am told that there is some nutrition in the IV, but I don't think it is enough to sustain his life for a long time.

He is feeling terrible.

I pray for his salvation. A miraculous appearing of the Lord. I know that if my father does not obtain salvation, it will not be because God did not do everything possible to save him. Our God is merciful. I do not know if I have done all I can.

Trekker,my father's first name is Rowell. Sorry, I did not see your post when you first posted.

Again, thank you all for your prayers.


 2012/8/10 20:48Profile


Brother, grieving in tears with you. I'm sure others will too. Asking GOD to do the extra-ordinary for your father.
GOD have mercy on you as well in your sorrow and pleading.

 2012/8/10 21:47

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


I wanted to provide an update on my Dad. I just got an e-mail from my Mom in which she says:

/quote/Dad's hit a new (and I hope) final stage. He is sleeping almost all the time, usually has little clarity, and seems deep into himself. Could be very soon, could be a month from now. Please pray for him./quote/

There is no way I can go to see them at this time. (By the way I am female. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do remember the post on that issue.) I am praying for the Lord to reach him.

About two weeks ago I had e-mailed my Mom and (among other things) asked her to tell my dad that if he finds when he gets to the other side that he was mistaken about what he would find there, to cry out to Jesus for mercy. My Mom was very upset, finding that this is a form of disrespect toward my father. I do not understand how this was seen as other as a sign of my love for my Father.

Thank you all for your prayers. We all know it is the only thing that can save any of us.


 2012/8/26 20:52Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482



 2012/8/26 21:07Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


I would also like to ask all of you to pray for my husband’s health. I have been so focused on my father’s lack of salvation that I have neglected to ask for prayer on his behalf. (My husband is saved.)

My husband first became ill in February. He went to the emergency room because he had pain in his liver. He was also jaundiced. They did X-Ray, MRI, CAT scan and ultrasound and also blood tests. They did not find hepatitis and the imaging studies only revealed that he had fatty liver. We were not told what this means, but looking online we found out that it is a disease of alcoholics and obese people, neither of which my husband is. The tests also revealed that he has an enlarged prostate. He does not seem to have any symptoms from this.

We have been treating his liver with herbs, mostly milk thistle, which relieves the symptoms, and being very careful with his diet. However, when I left for three weeks to see my Dad back in June, my husband became worse. He has lost about 20-25 pounds and is very underweight.

My husband has an appointment with a urologist this week and with a hepatologist in about three weeks. We know that these doctors are just men and are not putting our trust in them. We are praying that God will reveal to them what is wrong with my husband and that God will provide a treatment to make him well. I am asking that you join us in requesting from the LORD the healing of my husband.

Thank you and God Bless You.


 2012/8/26 21:30Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


Thank you,mama. Also continuing in prayer for you.


 2012/8/26 21:31Profile

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