Psalm 37:27-33Exodus 26; Matthew 25:1-13Both we and our ancestors have sinned; we have committed iniquity, havedone wickedly. Psalm 106:6To one who without works trusts him who justifies the ungodly, suchfaith is reckoned as righteousness. Romans 4:5 Most holy and almighty God, our Savior, we confess our disobedience. We,like sheep, have gone astray, all of us turning to our own way. We havesinned and have done wrong. The good that we knew to do we have notdone. We know that we have been unworthy servants and have fallen shortof your glory. Help us, deliver us, and forgive our sins, O God of oursalvation, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, who loved us and gavehimself for us. Amen. (from General Liturgy I, MBW p2)
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
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