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Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795

 From the webinar - The dear Brother from Iran.

Meet Farhad- a Christian orginally from Iran.

All glory to God.

 2012/3/14 17:05Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: From the webinar - The dear Brother from Iran.

Thank you for posting this sister. I was really blessed and encouraged by the testimony of this brother from Iran. I loved how he gave glory to God for the work He has done to preserve His saints and build the Church in Iran. I rather disturbed by the preoccupation of the interviewer with political matters, especially the comment halfway through alluding to the farce that Americans can control their government. I was also blessed by the testimony about Farhad's elder who was so humble and yet so bold because his mind was always on the eternal in the heavenlies.

It was as deep calling to deep when Brother prayed at the end. His love for our brethren in Iran and those who persecute them was so appearant. I so blessed to see a brother so at rest in the love peace and joy of the Lord. Blessings on all who see this! Maranatha!

 2012/3/14 19:52Profile

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