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Joined: 2009/12/8
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 DRAWN TO JESUS ((“the man in white”) has appeared to seekers)


Throughout the Muslim world, Jesus (“the man in white”) has appeared to seekers in special ways—often in dreams and visions. For example, Achmed is forty-two, married and has four daughters. A year ago, the Lord Jesus appeared to him in a dream. Coming from an Egyptian fundamentalist family, Achmed was a committed Muslim. The dream caused his Islamic faith to waver. As a secret believer, he has gone into hiding in Cairo. He describes his dream...

In the field, there were hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people. They were all dressed in white and were looking up to heaven expectantly. They didn’t pay any attention to me. Suddenly a dazzling light shone on the crowd. Out of the light, the Lord Jesus stepped forward. He hovered over the people and blessed them. Then he pointed at me.

At that moment, I woke up. I was completely confused. I knew Isa (Jesus) only from the Koran. I knew that he was a man who had performed miracles, a prophet. Never had I thought that he would reveal himself to me. I was shaking all over my body and woke up my wife. “What’s the matter?” she asked. I could only say, “They’re right. They’re following the right way. They’re right...” I couldn’t go back to sleep. I had to know more about this man.

The easiest way was to turn on the television and look for Christian satellite stations. Achmed also read the Bible and watched the JESUS film. He had bought this on impulse a year before at a book fair in Cairo. He spoke to a Christian neighbor, who took him to a church in Cairo. He says, “I started to attend the services in secret and took part in a Bible study group. The love of the Christians touched me. The members of our Bible study group are like family to me.” Achmed had been supernaturally drawn to Jesus.

I thank God today that I have also been drawn
to Jesus, and He will raise me up!

Pray that God will continue to draw many,
many Muslims to Jesus around the globe.

Open Doors Ministry

 2012/3/14 10:43Profile

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