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 The Hem of His Garment

A Demonstration of Power & Authority

The Messiah’s garments are mentioned twice in Revelation 19. And He was clothed with a vesture (himation – Greek, ἱμάτιον ) dipped in blood….And He has on His vesture (himation) and on His thigh a name written KING OF KINGS and RULER OF RULERS.

Himation,ἱμάτιον is the Greek word which refers to the Hebrew word Tallit.

Yahshua, (Jesus) wore a tallit as commanded in Numbers 15:37-41 and Deuteronomy 22:12. A tallit is a shawl-like holy garment worn during services, with tzitzit (long fringes) attached to the corners as a reminder of the commandments.

In Revelation 19 we see the Savior in magnificent splendor wearing his tallit (priestly garment)to meet his bride (the called out ones) Now why is he wearing a tallit? Because it’s a law; (Numbers 15:37-41 and Deuteronomy 22:12) but I thought the law was done away with? You thought wrong!

The tallit signifies the 613 Laws of Yahweh(look it up, any concordance will tell you that)

The Savior wearing the tallit as shown in this vision has an extremely important significance and should clue you in to who the “Bride” is.

Brethren, the deception going on today is so powerful yet very subtle. In today’s Bible, the words garment, robe and vesture are used. None of these words bring forth the significance of the word tallit.

Of course if they render it correctly as “tallit” then they are acknowledging the keeping of the Law, so they use substitute words like “robe” to throw you off.

The apostle Mark records an astonishing miracle. In the crowd which surrounded Yahshua there was a poor sick woman. She had been hemorrhaging for twelve years. She was weak and exhausted, but in desperation she pushed through the crowd and grasped the tassel of His garment.

Mark records that the instant she touched the tassel she was miraculously healed. The tassel mentioned here is the tzitzit (Hebrew: ציצית) on his tallit just as Yahweh commanded to be done, that’s what the woman touched. She knew what she was looking for. She knew the significance of the tallit.

When the woman touched the tassel on His garment, she was recognizing it as representing the power and authority of Yahweh. She was not the only one who did this;
In Matt. 14, verses 35-36 we are told:

verse 35 And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding district and brought to Him all who were sick;

verse 36 and they implored Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were cured.

A most unique story of the idea of the authority demonstrated by the tallit is found in the prophet Elijah's appointment of his successor Elisha.

Elijah's tallit was involved in the calling, anointing and commissioning of Elisha. When Elijah found Elisha plowing, he threw his tallit upon him. The impact was immediate and
profound. Elisha kissed his mother and father goodbye and followed Elijah as his attendant.

The tassels on the tallit were symbolic of the amazing power of Yahweh that had resided in the prophet Elijah. For so long he had remained true to Yahweh even in the face of the
idolatry of the king and nation. His tallit was an obvious physical symbol of the amazing power of the Holy Spirit in Elijah's life.

As Elisha wrapped the tallit around himself, he knew his life would never be the same again and he made provisions to fulfill his calling. Right before he was taken up to heaven, Elijah used his tallit to divide the waters of the Jordan.

When Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind, his tallit fell to the ground. Elisha picked it up, and again the waters of the Jordan were divided by striking them with it.
There was no magic in the tallit. It was a material symbol of the power of Yahweh which flowed into Elisha's life.

This power, has been offered to all of us, if we would accept it; to uphold and to cherish forever.

Hallelu-Yahweh, Praise Yahweh

 2012/3/10 13:34

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