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 Our Glorious King forever

Based on Psalm 148

Let all the heavens cry out
Let all the world give a shout
Let the peoples of earth not doubt
Our glorious King forever

Let the heavenly angels praise
To our King may every hand raise
May we worship Him all of our days
Our glorious King forever

Praise Him you sun so bright
Praise Him you moon through the night
All of His enemies take flight
From our glorious King forever

Praise Him ye creatures of the sea
Praise Him that you swim so free
May our praise eternally be
Of our glorious King forever

Mountains and hills fall down
Stars in the sky, make a glorious sound
All of ye saints cast down your crowns
Before our glorious King forever

We praise Him for His marvelous grace
We praise Him for His warm embrace
We praise Him in His holy place
Our glorious King forever

We exalt the King of Kings
Heavenly choirs of angels sings
Of the freedom that our Christ brings
Our glorious King forever

All of our praises He does deserve
Let His glory cover all the earth
We shall bow down and worship and serve
Our glorious King forever

 2012/3/10 12:37

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