Badhai, Muslim of IndiaThe Badhai trace their descent from Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect. It is believed that Lord Vishwakarma created two groups of people, those who could work in wood were known as Badhai. They are largely engaged in carpentry. They accept cooked food from the Brahman and Rajput, but only uncooked food from the Koh, Lohar and Od.Ministry ObstaclesMany misunderstandings need to be overcome. Pray the Lord will give understanding of the Gospel of Christ.Outreach IdeasSustained, persistent prayer is needed. Pray especially for Indian believers to build good relationships with the Badhai Muslims.Pray for the followers of ChristPray for those the Lord will soon bring to Himself. Pray they will be accurately instructed in the faith.Pray for the entire people groupPray for the Badhai to soon learn that their Creator loves them, and that He sent His Son to die for their sins.Scripture Focus"Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised." 1 Chronicles 16:24-25People Name: Badhai, MuslimCountry: India10/40 Window: YesPopulation: 541,000World Population: 616,000Language: UrduPrimary Religion: IslamBible: CompleteOnline Audio NT: NoJesus Film: YesAudio Recordings: YesChrist Followers: Few, less than 2%Status: UnreachedProgress Level: 1.1 read more:
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