Only GOD can show us our pride. I do believe that 'pride' is our 'self'.David's prayer in Ps 139:23,24 is our need as well. I think that we're in agreement. I just had trouble with the title and a bit of the article.That does not mean I find fault with your reasoning.
SreeIt is actually a very fitting title. 'ALL' who go to hell do so because of pride, whereas only 'SOME' who go to hell are adulterers. OJ
Brother Sree, I agree that we are to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and even judge ourselves - but Paul also said - "... I judge not mine own self. For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but He that judgeth me is the Lord." The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? So how we can judge righteous judgment when judging ourselves? That's what I think Paul is saying above. Pride is in all of us and I only say that because I truly believe pride is our "self" life. Even our good deeds that originate from 'self' is pride. The post-modernists and emergents pride themselves on their good deeds and their 'human' compassion.Anything that doesn't originate from Him - not led of His Spirit and alligned with His Word is 'self' or pride - since He said - "Without Me, you can do nothing." It's our thinking, acting out and speaking autonomously and not as He walked and talked while here on earth as our Example - saying and doing only what He was given of The Father. Independent thoughts, words and actions -- those that were not given by or Authored by Him, nor His Word. Adding and subtracting from His Words. The lack of child-like dependency - knowing in our flesh, dwelleth No good thing. That's getting self's hands off of the steering wheel of our thought life and actions. Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.One thing that Zac said that should ring true for us all .... "When something bad happens to somebody you dont like, do you feel happy? That is sin."Well, first I believe it's a sin to 'not like' someone but we can 'not like' what they say or do that is against Him, His Word or His Body. But I'm feeling what he's saying here about "being happy when something bad happens" to that person - that even if you are led to strong words to that person who is saying or doing things that you don't like for Scriptural reasons - we should feel a knife in our own hearts for feeling compelled to correct them and be fighting tears. But I suppose that would only happen if we truly loved humans.I've seen a bit of this "being happy when something bad happens" to folks that people "don't like" and it's what's causing the world to call us 'war-mongers' and hypocrits. The desire to kill our own wounded or those that are not 'of us' or believe as we do. "Precious are the wounds of 'a friend'" - not an enemy!Blessings.
I was against the title at first, but really I see the truth in it."SreeIt is actually a very fitting title. 'ALL' who go to hell do so because of pride, whereas only 'SOME' who go to hell are adulterers. "Old Joe, brother, do you think some people can be broken-not proud but because of faithlesness go to hell...In Christ -Jim
Jesus came to save sinners not those who think they are already righteous... God resist the proud and favors the humble, Look at the story of Mary Magdalene and the Pharisees... It is harder to convict a prideful sinner than an adulterer... and Jesus said if you lust after women you already committed adultery,... Pride is hindrance for grace, once an adulterer humble himself before God, he will receive mercy and grace, but not an adulterer who cease adultery yet does not submit on the grace of God,then Jesus said "go and sin no more"
Old Joe, brother, do you think some people can be broken-not proud but because of faithlesness go to hell...
Pride is more dangerous than adultery because adultery is an outward sin - and sins that are outward and obvious are not as serious as sins that are hidden.
I woke again this morning with the thought - How many fatherless children {eta - and aborted or abused & neglected children} are out there because of fornication?What was the only Biblical grounds for a marriage to be ended?Marriage is sacred - but what is the only sin that can dissolve a marriage and leave children suffering from the affects of a broken home?Jesus never said that "except it be for Pride" ... because if that were the case - none of us would be exempt.