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Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795

  Jesus knew the Father.

John 8:55: "Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word."

Today's Devotional

Jesus knew the Father. He was with him from the beginning of time. When God decided it was time to show himself to mankind in human form, in the flesh of Christ, he could at last speak plainly to us. Jesus' primary concerns while on this earth were to model intimacy with the Father and to bring God's Kingdom to earth through keeping his word.

In John 8:31, Jesus states, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples." How can we hold to his teachings; how can we keep his word? The secret is found in the first verse of this chapter, "But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives." While everyone else went home (John 7:53), Jesus went to the mountains to be alone with his Father. It was in this quiet place that he could get away from the noise of the world. In the silence he could hear his Father's voice.

Where is your Mount of Olives? Do you carve time out of your busy schedule to get away from the noise, to be still before the Father, and to open your heart and ears to hear what he has to say to you through his written Word? Find a quiet place where you can be alone without interruptions. My white upholstered chair in my living room has become my "Mount of Olives." Early in the morning, before the rest of my family awakens, I meet with my heavenly Father in that sacred place to talk with Him and to be still and listen to what He has to say to me through His written Word. Showing up at my "spot" has transformed my daily walk with God more than any other habit. You and I will never be able to "know him and keep his word," apart from pulling away to our personal Mount of Olives.

Today's Prayer

Dear God, it is my heart's desire to know you and to keep your word. Yet, so often I listen to the devil's whispering in my ear, "You don't have time to be alone with God today. There is too much work to do. Maybe you can spend time alone with him later." Help me to recognize his lies the moment they are spoken, for how can I grow in my intimacy with you apart from spending quality time with you? And how can I possibly keep your words when I have the tendency to forget them? Lord, have mercy on me! Help me to visit you daily at my own Mount of Olives. Amen.

 2012/3/6 11:46Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: Jesus knew the Father.

Dear Sister,

Would you pray that these frequency noises in my house would stop? I continue to pray, but I do miss the sweet sound of His silence.

 2012/3/6 11:50Profile

Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795


Praying dear sister and will continue. sent you an email.

God is faithful.

 2012/3/6 13:46Profile


Volunteering to pray as well, HeartSong.

I truly don't know if this will encourage you at all and I meant to bring this up when someone brought up Luther's medical condition, but though I don't have what he had, [I don't believe so], but from the NeuroLyme, my ears have made a total racket since 1994 and there's no cure for tinnitis, they say.
My Dad who was in WWII has always had tinnitis from being near the big gun.
One time I was complaining to him about how LOUD it can get and then he reminded me that he's had it since 194?. I felt so embarrassed that I had forgotten that and that I was complaining to him, of all people. He never complained about anything - and I mean 'anything' - in all the years that I've known him. He could be truly in pain and would never let on. He's not even saved [yet], but his fortitude is something that I truly admire in him.
Well, from that day on - I realized that I worship "silence" and felt that The LORD wanted to strengthen me to 'take it' - because the chances of it some day becoming a very noisey world is highly probable and if I don't rise above this "racket", the ability to cope with any noisey environment would be nill, if it came suddenly. My life verses, Romans 8:28,29 have been sanity for me.

There are articles online also, about folks being 'electronically sensitive', as far as being able to pick up things like the refrigerator going, Etc.. I am also, because of the tinnitis. I'm also 'sound sensitive'. A fork clanging on a plate is 50 times louder to me and actually can hurt my ears. Oh hum! "Such is life." - my hard-as-nails Grandmother would say. She had to be tough to make it, until she came to the U.S. and met my Grandfather.

I've begged GOD to take this tinnitis and sound sensitivity away, and like you, have prayed for "silence" once again but - it appears that He truly wants to make me invincible or something [ha] or at least, more than conquerers through Him that Loves us.

I'm sure that you know that articles about "frequency noises" can also be found online and there are basically three different causes of them. I pray you'll be given discernment to find the cause [if you haven't already:] and the cesstation of it - Amen! - will pray it stops, regardless of the cause.

GOD Bless.

 2012/3/6 13:49

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Thank you dear sisters!

The frequencies are purposely being sent my way, trying to shut me up I guess, but when the LORD says speak, well, what else is there to do? The tricky part is keeping my mouth shut when He wants me to.

I suspect He is allowing it to continue to teach me more things about the technology as I am hopeless drawn to information about tones, and harmonics and vibrations. I have been singing a lot more as well.

Actually it is a resonation problem that I have in my house. Everything starts to vibrate - even the air - it is very noisy. Recently I learned about sympathetic resonation.

Oh that we would all resonate the love of God! it is a beautiful picture of "good vibrations" spreading across the land as each person starts to resonate in response to each other as the Love of God flows out like a standing wave - one ring following after another to the end of time. :)

 2012/3/6 14:20Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Oh thank you for your prayers! It was a most wonderful hour of sweet, silent, prayer. The frequency is now back, but I am most encouraged that it disappeared for a time. Please continue to pray for me as the LORD brings me to mind.

God bless you all!

 2012/3/6 15:44Profile

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