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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Evidence of Genuine Belivers Speaking in Tongues before 1900? (HELP!)

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Joined: 2011/1/29
Posts: 149

 Evidence of Genuine Belivers Speaking in Tongues before 1900? (HELP!)


So can anybody answer the above question? My friend believe that it is only a recent phenomena that is unbiblical and says that tongues ceased after the early church..

However I speak in tongues and he believers that people who speak in tongues are either deceived or of the devil.

If you could help me and link me to books/ websites that would be MOST helpful!

In Christ

 2012/3/6 0:03Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Evidence of Genuine Belivers Speaking in Tongues before 1900? (HELP!)

I don't have the resources at my fingertips but a good friend shared with me that several of the early Presbyterian had the gift despite it scorned at the time. I'll have to ask him for some links.

 2012/3/6 2:03Profile

Joined: 2011/9/19
Posts: 168


I hope this will help :)

 2012/3/6 2:54Profile

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, luther wrote a great hymn:a mighty fortrace is our God. in the 4th stanza he wrote that the Spirit and the gifts are ours.jimp

 2012/3/6 5:06Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
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East TN for now!

 Re: Evidence of Genuine Belivers Speaking in Tongues before 1900? (HELP!)

It sounds like your friends mind is made up.

Here is a link...

When he has a need someday, offer to pray for him and allow him to experience your gift, the Lord might work mightily through that.

God bless,


 2012/3/6 7:37Profile


Let's not get carried away... praying for someone's needs in tongues is no more powerful than not. God does not honor prayers offered in tongues anymore than He does the simple plea of a child or an adult who approaches Him as a little child.

Which one of us has had the impact of someone like Billy Graham, or Charles Spurgeon, or Billy Sunday, or etc etc? Not even close. And imagine... none of them spoke or prayed in tongues.

Some people are given the gift of tongues, and some are not. Scripture is VERY plain about that. Let's not be ignorant.

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? DO ALL INTERPRET? But earnestly desire the higher gifts."

Two things here...

1) Paul is asking a question that has an obvious answer in order to make a point... and the obvious answer to all of his questions is: "NO"...

2) Paul conlcudes this line of questions with "earnestly desire the higher gifts". TONGUES is the LOWEST gift, and Paul goes on elsewhere to proove that point.

If you back up to verse 10 Paul even says: "to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, TO ANOTHER VARIOUS KINDS OF TONGUES, to another the interpretation of tongues."

So this gift, regardless of what some churches teach (in error) is NOT for every believer. God NEVER intended it for every believer, nor does He GIVE it to every believer. And having that gift does not make a believer special. In fact, that gift all too often gets ruined by that believers inability to control his or her own pride. And this is the whole reason why Paul wrote this portion of scripture. To deal with believers pride. It's not really even about tongues or gifts, it's dealing with sinful pride and believers who think they are something special.

And then Paul nails it down hard in verse 11 when he says: "All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as HE (the Holy Spirit/GOD) WILLS."

It's all according to HIS WILL, not ours. Pray till you're blue in the face, but if God has something else in mind for you OTHER than giving you the gift of tongues... thats HIS decision and He will not give it to you.

So if He has given you the gift of hospitality and not tongues... rejoice. Dont let those who have the gift of tongues lie to you and tell you it's for every believer and that it is THE sign that you're truly born again or baptized in the Spirit. Thats not true.

To say that is to say that Billy Graham is not born again or baptised in the Spirit. Or Spurgeon... or Billy Sunday... etc etc.

And then there are those who "speak in tongues" that really are not, and they are deceived and/or abusing "tongues". Personally I believe that would apply to the majority of those who claim to speak in tongues. I believe just like with people who are actually saved, there are few who actually have the gift of tongues.

Narrow is the gate and FEW are those who find it.

I do not go around judging who is really speaking in tongues and who is not. If you claim to have the gift great! I hope you do. Now be quiet about it and use it according to HIS WILL... use it in your prayer closet. Be humble about it. LOVE is the greatest gift, practice that one in public.


 2012/3/6 8:07


By the way, some may read what I wrote and take that to mean I am saying people here are "lying". Thats not what I mean. I am, however, calling it "error" and "unbiblical" to assert that tongues is the evidence that someone is born again or baptised in the Spirit.

If someone claims that I do not think they are purposely lying, I know many sincerely believe that. But the Bible makes it clear that that is sincerely wrong.

So... it's not my intention to call into question anyone's character. I'm just trying to point out truth.


 2012/3/6 9:13

Joined: 2011/9/21
Posts: 62
Central Florida


Because clearly u have cornered the market on truth. It's amazing to see how u discourage people when they are looking for truth. Sometimes your opnions about things should remain to yourself. Spirit calls out to spirit not flesh. Brother I know u mean well but sometimes we should just be silent. And Krispy I know u love the Lord and His Word but honestly no man can have an answer for every scripture.


 2012/3/6 9:40Profile


Let's not get carried away... praying for someone's needs in tongues is no more powerful than not. God does not honor prayers offered in tongues anymore than He does the simple plea of a child or an adult who approaches Him as a little child.

For someone who rejects the "speaking in tongues" you seem to know a lot about the subject.

Since you don't believe that this gift (tongues of Angels) exist today and believe that those who speak in tongues today are deceived, and frankly you don't know what your talking about when you say that God does not honour prayers offered in tongues.

1 Corinthians 14:2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? DO ALL INTERPRET? But earnestly desire the higher gifts."

The obvious answer is not your "NO". The answer is "NOT EVERYONE".

When you say that the gift is the lowest, your putting also everything else on that list. Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Miracle Workers, Gifts of healing.

So this gift, regardless of what some churches teach (in error) is NOT for every believer.

Make sure you include all the gifts in that list because that is what your doing. If you remove one you remove them all. What about the gift of the Holy Spirit, are we to say we don't need that one either? I know your answer is no, but still, that is what your doing. What you don't understand you should leave alone lest you find yourself fighting against God.

Smith Wigglesworth believed like you. Against the gift, but eventually fell into "error" as you put it.

I do not go around judging who is really speaking in tongues and who is not.

Too Late!

If you claim to have the gift great! I hope you do. Now be quiet about it and use it according to HIS WILL... use it in your prayer closet.

Your instructions are, to be quiet about it, use it according to His will and use it in your prayer closet.

Your encouragement is very weak brother, "I hope you do" is so so lame coming from you. It's like the baptist who believes that tongues should be in order in Church but don't allow it to manifest. Good one man!

"Now be quiet about it". Ah yes, you did say love is the greatest of the gifts. And yet, "Faith worketh by love".

Faith is not how the world defines it, a tenet of beliefs. The faith of the bible operates in the realm of love and is an action word. Jesus would say often, "Where is your faith". Basically saying, "why is it not in operation, do you not love me?".

When God moves on an individual to speak in tongues in a service because He wishes to encourage the body through this gift, it takes love from the individual who loves God to act in faith to obey Him.

Even though this is the least of the gifts, God has highly esteemed it because it's one of those gifts that men of reason can't get their minds around.

The natural thinking mind is enmity against God, it's not subject to laws of God neither indeed can be.

"Be humble about it. LOVE is the greatest gift, practice that one in public."

The act of speaking in tongues in a church or home or where ever it might be, is a humbling experience. And love is the greatest of the gifts. Practising love in public is doing the will of God which includes all the gifts, even the least of them for they all come from God and because something is least should we despise one of Gods attributes because we think it's lesser?

Jesus was made a little lower than the angels, should we think less of Him because He was lowered to our pitiful state? Of course not.

We'll let others decide, especially those that are in the same 'error' as I.

God Bless

 2012/3/6 10:06


Because clearly u have cornered the market on truth. It's amazing to see how u discourage people when they are looking for truth. Sometimes your opnions about things should remain to yourself. Spirit calls out to spirit not flesh. Brother I know u mean well but sometimes we should just be silent. And Krispy I know u love the Lord and His Word but honestly no man can have an answer for every scripture.

What I wrote was based on scripture, friend. Scripture is plain and so there you have it.

And no, when I see something being said that is not true I wont be silent. Thats about the worst piece of advice I seen on this site yet.


 2012/3/6 10:13

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