Teach me " Your Way " O Lord and " I will " walk in your truth.Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your Name. Psalms 86:11In the midst of trouble and turnmoil, caught up in the emotions of ( Our Will ) And ( Our Way,) will we bow down to it? Or do we trust and follow the truthof his word, with an undivided heart, empowered by the Holy Spirit,To live in accordance with Gods will for our life's, a heart that truely Fears and delights in his truth and bows in obedience to his will, and his way for our life's. Knowing that obedience to righteousnessLeads to Holiness, and Holiness reaps the reward of Eternal Life. Romans 6:15-23
Thank you,soulwon,I appreciate your post.The Lord continue to bless you,more and more in Him,..elizabeth
God Bless you to my dear sister Elizabeth, Proverbs 8:32 Now then my sons ( daughters )Listen to me; BLESSED are those whoKeep my waysV-33 BLESSED is the man who listen to me. Listen, and follow His ways, to be Blessed!!!