I recommend this book fromDavid Servant, I found 2 sermons of him on SI,this book is about false grace: 'Great Gospel Deception'https://www.heavensfamily.org/ss/false_grace_gospelit's convictingalso: 'For the unbelievers'https://www.heavensfamily.org/ss/apologetics-------------and A.W. Tozer's The Radical Cross - currently readingit is available online,Before I have read this book I found his 'The saint must walk alone' (that is on this book) that really encourages me,-------------also Zac Poonen'sarticle:'The Lord Knew Us Before We Were Formed In The Womb'http://www.cfcindia.com/web/mainpages/word_for_the_week.php?display=12_03&year=11#womb------------Let us hear the Voice of the Lord
Thank you for the recommendations. I recently read, "If I Perish, I Perish" by Maj. Ian Thomas. This is a keeper. I will be reading this many times over and still benefiting. Also, "The Flock and the Kingdom" and "The Door" both by Richard Akeroyd. Many blessings in those books.Kind regards,white stone
joliboy11,I hope you don't mind me posting a book as well, as it was your thread... Just let me know.One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskampwww.onethousandgifts.comwww.aholyexperience.comI just read this book and it is still changing me...I keep going back to it, again and again. I've never found such profound truth and such vulnerable honesty written by such a gifted writer. In short, it shares the depth of the heart theat wrote it, leaving you with a holy jealousy for that same heart before God. Ladies, if you only read one book this year, I would recommend this one.
joliboy11It is clear to me that I am going to have to allot more funds to books.Man does not live by bread alone! Amenwhite stone
One I found to have some gold was "they found the secret".