Wondering about the number of strange dreams I have been having. They are not bad dreams, like nightmares, although some leave me feeling very sad. They are not like a usual dream for me actually. They are like watching small scenes happen and they leaving me feeling overwhelmed and troubled, is the best way to explain it. This has been going on for over a month now. I have never really bothered with dreams or giving them any attention and not sure that I should start now but I have prayed and asked the Lord to help me and still they keep happening every night? rdg
Job 33:14 and 15 For God does speak, though sometimes it goes unrecognized, in a dream, in a prophetic vision when deep sleep falls upon people as they slumber in their beds.My oldest daughter (25 years old) was woken by a dream by a dream that greatly disturbed her. Being so disturbed she woke up my wife and older son and they prayed over her. I was told that they assumed it was somewhat evil in that the dream so frightening. I will not go into the details of the dream, but it would not seem that the devil would be so ignorant as to use a tool like this to convict or warn one, thereby drawing them closer to God. When told the dream, I quoted the verse above. God does many things to draw us to Him. Though I cannot comment on a dream uninterpreted and unknown, the dream my daughter had was so sensible and caring in its warning, that I can only attribute it to God. No enemy stands divided, so in the case of my daughter, message lovingly received.
Sister, I have the same problem as yours. I used to dream of falling into temptations and then waking up repenting. This all showed me that deep inside me I have a fear that temptations offered by my flesh might overcome me. I used to dream of living a careless life and yielding to all the desires of my flesh. Later God showed me this from 2 Timothy 1-7,For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.The Holy Spirit that God pours into those who seek his holiness, is not a spirit of Timidity but of Power. So one does not need to be afraid of entering his past life but believe that the Holy Spirit will give us Power to overcome all the temptations like how Jesus overcame. John 16:33 :- These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
Continuing dreams that are similar like that would make me wonder if they are from God, even perhaps prophetic, or at least something coming through the spirit. Is there something they all have in common that might be a clue? Are they about things related to your own life or something less personal? I have had dreams that turn out to be prophetic although not all that clearly so, like the message is blurred. On 9/11 I woke up from a dream about riding in a small plane sitting behind a small girl who was at the controls with a man in the passenger seat. I was worried about something and wanted out of the plane. The man shook his head sadly as they left me behind but I had a forboding about where they were headed although where that might have been wasn't clear in the dream. I then woke up to the news that the first tower had been hit and while I was watching the TV the second was hit. The dream was not a clear message about that event, obviously, but I don't usually dream about being in an airplane. It seems like a blurred prophetic feeling about the attack in combination with a more ordinary dream. I have never understood who the man and the little girl were or what that might mean. It does remind me of that sad story of the father who let his little girl fly a plane alone who then crashed, somewhere in that same time period.
Dear rdg, I hope you are writing your dreams down each day you get up. They may mean something they may not, but at least you can have them written down so that you can reflect on them at a later date and see that God might be speaking to you about something. In the Old Testament when those prophets received a word from God, they too were in pieces, they didn't understand what they were seeing or hearing but they wrote it down just the same. And of course when the fullness of the time came with Christ and all it's fulfillments, all those pieces came together and made sense to the one who is seeing it by faith. Whether they come from God or from another source, write it down anyway, God will make sense of it all for you as He will not leave His children in the dark to those who are asking what these dreams mean.