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"Today, our daughter is completely healed, and I left all judgement in God's Hand, as He is slowly showing my wife the error of her ways, as I do my part - Loving her with a love that covers a multitude of sins."

God bless you brother. Your testimony of what the Lord is doing is more precious than gold. May you remain humble and trust in His providence. You have encouraged me greatly. I do not intend to puff you up with praise, but just to encourage you that you, yourself have encouraged me greatly.

Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for her. This has been the most challenging scripture for me as I have grown in Christ. Yet I see that I haven't had half the struggle you have...


 2012/2/17 21:27


"At that moment, every bit of guilt and shame over my failure towards her was blotted out; forever cleansed...until even today. "

God bless you brother and thank you for sharing this testimony. -Jim

 2012/2/17 21:30

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: The disaster that follows when a man is not the head, or Priest of his home.

It is my decided opinion, that the only way any of this works is if the mans heart is wholly set upon Jesus. If that connection is in place, with Jesus Christ firmly as the Head, calling all of the shots, everything else will flow into it's proper position as He perfectly directs the man in all things.

 2012/2/17 22:49Profile

 Re: The disaster that follows when a man is not the head, or Priest of his home.

Well written brother.

I have found that when a man loves his wife as he loves his own body there is harmony.

Men abuse these privileges though and such terrible results come out of it that lasts for generations.

Our home was dysfunctional. Our dad had jealousy issues. Anyone taking their attention off of him meant war. If Mother paid more attention to any of us in his presense he would bat her across the room or slap her silly. The sad thing was that his beginning was a dynamic conversion in Christ. Success destroyed his testimony. He became like Saul and I was his David soothing his spirit that troubled him.

The move toward being a priest of the home will be tough. To be frank, it will take a miracle for the millions of homes that have been shattered by Mom and Dad, because of their selfishness.

Men have a twisted understanding of being the priest of the house. They think that being the "head" means that everyone beneath them are servants. In my Dads case, that is exactly what it was like under his roof.

I believe most women want to be under the security of their husbands authority, they just want to be loved and treated fairly by him. Most women respect their husbands opinion, it's only when he takes his responsiblities lightly that she has to rise up and take his place and do what he is supposed to do. I am a man and I am a selfish person and I don't like that about myself.

 2012/2/17 22:54


Teachings that have blessed us..

For the brothers: The glory of God in marriage – speaker: Paul Washer

For the sisters: The hidden women of Christ – speaker: Denny Kenaston

For the parents: Households on fire for God – speaker Denny Kenaston

 2012/2/17 22:59


It is my decided opinion, that the only way any of this works is if the mans heart is wholly set upon Jesus.

Well that is not entirely true. There are many people in the world that would put us to shame. Some not all have good balances, righteous even but they are not believers. They love one another, raise their kids, grow old and die. They have a respect for another and have passed that to their kids.

 2012/2/17 23:01

 It takes two to Tango...Marriage will fail if this is not honored, and Satan can enter.

It is my decided opinion, that the only way any of this works is if the mans heart is wholly set upon Jesus. If that connection is in place, with Jesus Christ firmly as the Head, calling all of the shots, everything else will flow into it's proper position as He perfectly directs the man in all things.....HeartSong.....

My post, HeartSong was to say that if the man IS connected to the head, Jesus, as best as he can...and the wife yet refuses to submit and follow his headship; it matters not...all can be lost.

Satan can enter a marriage through a rebellious woman, no matter the piety of a faithful husband. Marriage is a sacred trust that both must value it's sacred allegiance....according to the Word of

 2012/2/19 0:22

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 341

 Re: It takes two to Tango...Marriage will fail if this is not honored, and Satan can

To me, one of the most beautiful pictures of a marriage (as it should be) is found in Proverbs 8, where the Holy Spirit describes (Her) relationship with God (the Father) -

Pro 8:22 - "The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way, Before His works *of old.
Pro 8:27 - "When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep,
Pro 8:30 - Then I was beside Him, as a master workman; And I was daily His delight, *Rejoicing always before Him,
Pro 8:31 - *Rejoicing in the world, His earth, And having my delight in the sons of men.

Along the lines of what you were saying BrotherTom, this scripture really nails it –
Pro 12:4 - An *excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.

BrotherTom, thank you for your testimony. To find a brother that could relate, and your prophetic words … I was profoundly touched and strengthened by you and all the other responses.


J Kruger

 2012/2/19 15:40Profile

 Despots, robots, and the rising and fall of many in marriage.

So I have a question for us. Which is harder; as a Husband constantly laying down his life to LOVE his bride..AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH...or as a woman, constantly laying down her will and her own way, to submit as the angels submit to their loving Father, in that LOVE? The church is married to Jesus, after all.

This is the mystery of the CROSS of Christ secretly embedded in holy romance...[ courtship ] and matrimony. The Lord seems to give a GRACE period, where everything is roses and sweet a heaven on Earth; just like brand new baby Christians who glow all the time, and seemed filled with the Spirit constantly.

Then, the tests come, as we realize, often quite shocked, that there is a price to pay in paradise. I must die to me, and to my way, and live to His...Jesus. If this price is not paid,by both husband and wife, and ugly selfishness is allowed to reign, you will drift will your family.

You will then become dysfunctional and worldly, and the wounds of darkness will prevail in your families. Husbands are not Despots; Wives are not Robots. But God has made a way in this mysterious mechanics of Christian Marriage, but denying yourself, and picking up your own death, while following the midst of your marriage...are the Heavenly foundations.

"A SEED MUST FALL INTO THE GROUND AND DIE, BEFORE IT BEARS MUCH FRUIT!"...This principle is embedded in the foundations of the family. There is a resurrection, and there is the only place that fruit is born that God honors......"Out of weakness...My strength is perfected."

 2012/2/24 12:15

Joined: 2010/2/11
Posts: 29

 Re: Despots, robots, and the rising and fall of many in marriage.

Brothertom, I would like to talk or write to you personally about this subject. I can provide you with some contact info if you would be willing.

 2012/2/26 22:08Profile

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