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Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Bewitched by Jezebel by Gary Kane | | This is a great article/sermon that is located here on SI. It is longer, but well worth the 5 minutes it will take to read.
We should be asking ourselves this question, in all honesty. Does this pertain to our lives and spiritual walk? May the Lord reveal to us the state or our heart. May I be the first. Be blessed! _________________________________________________________
I want to deal with a subject that I believe is greatly overlooked in the church today. A subject it seems, no one wants to talk about, or believe could happen to them, or a loved one. Yet, it is a subject that is in your Bible. The Apostle Paul talks about it, Jesus talks about it, and so should we. There are many today in the body of Christ, that suffer from bitter, afflicted hearts, and anger toward the truth, fear of the truth, fear of certain parts of the bible, and are in a state of perpetual turmoil in their lives.
This can and does, happen to Countries, Nations, Governments, towns, homes, churches, individuals. More on some of this in "Part II."
Being Bewitched by Jezebel
Some of these people, have been in bondage for years, and years, counseled time and time again, to no avail. Their lives are shipwrecked, and no amount of tapes, books, sermons, seem to do them any good. There seems to be a constant cloud, hanging over them. A cloud of heaviness. There is no freedom, and some of them always talk about their struggles and bondage.
Some never let on that they are in bondage, they continue to 'pretend holiness,' rather than ever come to the place in Christ, to actually be made holy, by the working of the Spirit of God.
These people, with their speech, or by their life style, give more credit to Satan, to keep them in their bondage, than they do to God, to deliver them from it. This is to say, they refuse to truly believe God to deliver them from their sickness, and their sickness, whether spiritual, or physical, becomes their focus, rather than Christ. Never really believing they will be free, or have communion with God, or true fellowship with God. Some of these people, believe they 'are' having fellowship with the Lord, and that things are as they should be, while all the while, they show the signs and symptoms of one who has been "Bewitched, through religious pride, by the Jezebel spirit."
I want us to take a look at this, and see what the Lord would have us to understand about the invasion of this bewitching Jezebel spirit, that is throwing so many of Gods people into a spiritual death. People held captive, by the law, rather than walking in the peace of God, by grace, through faith. People who are captured, by the ' allurement of religion,' and the many forms it cloaks itself in, and all the while, have no idea of true freedom and liberty in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been dealing with, and even now, am dealing with those, who are in this condition. This is what The Holy Ghost has taught me, through many years of prayer, and dealing with this situation, and things that have been in my own life as well, that had to be dealt with.
Let us look at this from "Several different facets."
This is a demonic spirit. It has it's roots in Pride. About 4-5 years ago, the revelation the Lord was giving me concerning the spirit of Catholicism in the church of Christ, or what is 'called' the true church of Jesus Christ, his church, his remnant people, has been manifest time and time again before my eyes, and I find myself more and more dealing with this issue in the church, among Gods people. So let us look at how it is progressing, and the fruits, works, and manifestations, of this entrapment, is what you need to know, and how to deal with such a situation, in your life, or the life of another..
Let us begin with a couple of vs. here, for the present, and build upon these.
Galatians 3:1-5 1....You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2...I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? 3...Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? 4.....Have you suffered so much for nothingif it really was for nothing? 5.....Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?
The word here for "bewitched," means amazed, enchanted, charmed. It 'also' means from Strongs concordance, to malign, ( speak harmful untruths about), it means to fascinate by 'false representation,' ( to charm, to allure).
Rev. 2: 18-20 18..."To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze. 19....I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. 20....Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.
Now, this "Jezebel" has an assignment, and it is to "God's people." To "mislead God's servants into sexual immorality, AND the eating of food sacrificed unto idols. (see here, I Cor 10: 14-22). 14...Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. 15..I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. 16....Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? 17..Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf. 18..Consider the people of Israel: Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in the altar? 19....Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20...No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. 21....You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons. 22...Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy? Are we stronger than he?
Now then, Jezebel, personifies the "bewitching spirit," in Galatians, why? Because she misleads, leads astray from the truth, fascinates by 'false representation,' and maligns, (to speak 'harmful untruths' about). So, whenever pride goes unchecked, un-repented of, we are in danger of the Jezebel, she has an open door to spread her untruthful representation of "her gospel," and "bewitch" the person to believe, he/she, are doing 'something right.'
PLEASE, understand that last statement... This is ONE, OF THE KEYS, to understanding this, and how it works, its fruit, and manifestations, and how to deal with it.
As you know, the passage in I Cor 10: 14-22 above, clearly reveals the double mindedness of those who want to 'throw their legs' under the table of the Lord, and the table of demons two, (the pride-self-worldly-flesh), as well. Again, the Jezebel, bewitching spirit. Remember, Paul ask, "Who has bewitched you?" WHO, not what ! And the fruit of the ones 'bewitched,' was, "trying to obtain their goal by human effort," (effort of self-pride-flesh), and have turned away from the "wisdom of the Holy Spirit," from where they had began.
Now, when pride, especially religious pride, has reigned in the persons heart for a long time, now comes along a "ministry" perhaps as well, and this one teaches, he travels, he does lots of things for God, he is persecuted, (in some form or another), still he serves God, but does not loose the pride. Life moves forward with him, he deals with multitudes of diverse peoples and beliefs. All the time, though he loves the Lord, pride is still allowing a 'leak' in the wall of protection, from the bewitching Jezebel.
Please understand at this point, one 'does not' have to be in a ministry, to form pride, or religious pride in the heart. Pride has many forms, and fruits. Religious pride, always centers around the spiritual. One has this type of pride from the type of Church building they attend, the activities they are involved in, the recognition they receive from their charity's to the ministry or missions. Religious pride is pompous, cold, and ruthless, self seeking, and loves praise from men. We will deal more with this in a moment.
Now in the case of the one who has been bewitched, by the Jezebel spirit, things are gradually getting more and more unclear to him, doubts move in, about himself, and God, and all he has known stares him in the face, and so does all he has heard that is a lie, untruth, perversion, also begins to challenge him, to it's way of thinking as well. Sin is allowed. Some here, some there. little by little, 'sound wisdom,' is discarded for what is 'more convenient,' the easier path, he begins to become a little more perplexed about everything, some anger moves in, pride grows stronger, Jezebel is bewitching with more convincing arguments about eating at "two tables", saying "well sure you Love God, but taste this, try this, feast, and drink here at my well for a time."
On the other side of this. although things have obviously become unclear in the persons life, declared by their fruit and their walk, and relationship with the Lord, this person takes the path of spiritual arrogance, and is more or less unconcerned, about their relationship to the truth of Gods word, for they are making a show outwardly, and pretending holiness, rather than truly being holy, and Christ like. They to, are deceived, and bewitched, by the Jezebel, and taken captive to do the will of the flesh and the devil.
Remember, ONE of the KEYS here. They are being "bewitched" to believe what they are doing is "right," .....Even though they know what they have been taught, and they know the truth of the gospel of Christ, they know what the word says, they still pursue the allurement. It is a spiritual hypnosis !
In some cases, the person 'does not know,' what the word of God really says, for they have sat under a teaching that does not conform them to godliness, and lead them to righteousness, they receive a steady diet of entertainment, or short stories, or dry theology, which adds to their religious pride, and yields fruit for the flesh, and causes them to walk in the law, rather than by grace and faith. But, they still believe they are 'right.'
Let's look at some things for a while, so it will be really clear. Catholicism, is one tremendous example of this bewitching, Jezebel, legalistic, works based spirit, and is based on lies, untruths, disguised to 'look holy outwardly,' and ' feel spiritual,' and give the participant, the sensation of being moved by what they feel, and NOT BY FAITH!
Thus, enter Paul again, Gal 3. "You started right, with the Holy Ghost, but now, you are trying to obtain 'your goal' by human effort." LAW ! " Again, this is the foundation of the Catholics, and "every religion on the planet", other than Christianity !
Let me say here.... "You do not have to be a Catholic, to have this Catholic spirit." This bewitching, Jezebel spirit.
Works, customs, rituals, ceremonies, to obtain their goal. It is a "reverse spirit." It moves people backwards, not forward. It drives them further away from Christ, while all along, "they believe they are moving into a realm of spirituality." This is true of the Moslems, Catholics, Buddhist, and every non Christian form of religion, sadly, it is, and has been, flooding God's people for a long time, in His Church. This is why we are dealing with this subject in the most direct way possible, so we can see the truth, and be delivered.
Now, we have been warned from the old testament, to the end of Revelation; not to add to, or take away from, the word of God. We have seen the results of the devastation, that came, and comes, upon those who eat from two tables, and drink from two cups. (you see this does not have to be sexual in content, it is still 'idolatry,' plain and simple), in fact, it is spiritual immorality, (see again, Rev. 2: 18-20,) because it is putting one's heart in bed with a harlot, (the Jezebel bewitching spirit of the works of the law, and the love of the flesh), and becoming one with her. Again, the Jezebel, bewitching, spirit.
Those who have had dealings with others, who are of false religions, or who themselves, have been participants in such a way, and have left the pride in their lives unchecked, or for a moment, pondered the possibility of such a false religion to be valid, or even those who in the church today say ..."We are all brothers, and we all love the same God, and should all pray together, and respect one another's faith and belief...." These people as well, will find that Satan has been 'allowed' to allure, and bewitch them, because some where along their journey, they have pondered the precepts of another pathway. "Could it just be?" She whispers! Now, before you say, 'I have never been a part of such a false group, I could not have possibly received such a spirit as this.' Let me say to you, that any time one sits under teaching that is not sound, and does not lead you into righteousness, but leads you into a atmosphere of levity, or projects, or sports in the church, or works, customs, traditions, legalism, the focus on men, or leaders, or anything, other than Christ Jesus, and him alone, or any one of a multitude of other things that can be focused on, 'rather than' the fullness of Jesus Christ. Any time you sit under a teacher, or teaching that does not challenge you to examine your heart, and draw near to God, and bring strong conviction, and godly sorrow, which leads to true repentance. Anytime the teaching you receive, is what Paul called in I Timothy 4: 1-2, a doctrine of demons, 1...The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2....Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. Anytime one has embraced this type of activity, and teaching as from God, they are a candidate for the bewitching Jezebel spirit !
Following 'deceiving spirits,' (the bewitchment from Jezebel), and things taught by demons.... Notice where these teachings come from. Men, hypocritical liars, with a seared conscience. Men, who are in the pulpit for self gain. Men who teach for recognition. Men who proclaim to be from God, yet turn the Church into a playground, a social club. Men, who preach for money, and are terrified they might offend someone who is in sin, with the word of God. Men, who build kingdoms for themselves, but are not truly concerned about God's kingdom. Men, who themselves have no true understanding of the things of God, who spend their time in leisure, and pleasure, and making a name for themselves. Men, who are misguided in their understanding of the things of God, and move the congregation into works, and ceremonies, and rules, and legalism, and law. Men, who will not deal with their pride ! This too, bewitches the those who follow. Paul said, "Who, has bewitched you" ?
Another device of the bewitching Jezebel is to declare, " this will be a far more 'holy' path," she says. This type of pride, has grown into a spirit I have had to deal with in 'many people,' and is the NEXT step, into the web of the Jezebel's 'bewitchment.' The spirit of "superiority." What a very deceiving thing this one is, as they all are, but this one is really tricky. She tells you, "how you deserve better than this, this is not good enough for you, you should not be treated this way, you are a very fine believer, and should have a greater recognition, you can be more holy, your holiness will be so very noticed by all." (mind of religion). Then, when a mistake is made, a sin is committed, a failure of some sort has come, she comes and says, "You are so very horrible, your not close to God, no true Christian would ever act this way, you deserve nothing, you cannot be holy, you will never amount to a thing, how can you ever be like others that are so very far ahead of you?"
Now, one begins to strive, and work, and perform, and seek approval, and flesh leads them to do things, to make them 'feel holy' once again. To feel accepted by God once again, read more, pray more, preach more, do more good deeds, cry a little louder, do things that 'look and sound holy!' After some of these have been done, the Jezebel, once again, uses "bewitchment," and sends the spirit of false representation, and 'charms,' and fascinates, the person to enter into a false peace, and believe they are now, once again, "better than the others," higher up, more holy, deserve better. This will continue, until the next mistake, or sin, or failure occurs, and then the cycle starts again... Again, this is the fruit of religion.
The person is now trapped, snared, caught up by the lies of Jezebel, and the spiritual hypnosis, of the bewitching spirit that has led them away from true believing faith in the Word of God, and caused them to seek a 'spiritual summit' from works, and vain imaginations, and the feelings, good or bad, that come with it. Then they respond accordingly, if the superiority spirit is convincing them they are "doing right," then they are 'on the high' she produces for them there. If through there vain attempts to walk with Christ through religion, and not by faith in the word, and spirit of God, but by works, they again fail, and fail they will, she has convinced them now to feel low, and work harder to get back again. This continues, and get worse and the person never truly understands why they are the way they are. Only the truth of God's Holy Word, brought 'once again' into their hearts by the light of the Holy Spirit, can deliver them from this enchantment, this unholy fascination, that Jezebel has bewitched them with, and led them astray. These things take place from "pulpit to pew."
This person will get to the place, they are angry 'at times,' when they hear the truth of God's holy Word. They will stay away from certain passages of scripture, that deal with their particular situation, for fear, again I say, for "fear," of the great Holy light of God's piercing truth to their heart, because they have known the truth, and at on time, walked full in it, and slowly started the 'backward walk.' Ironically, sometimes, these same people, will seem to almost ' lust after the truth' you share with them, but, the catch is, they will not walk in it. Their heart is captured, and ' fascinated,' by something else, no matter how much they agree with you! More and more, darkness becomes their light, what pleased the flesh, became their pleasure, and they become a 'law unto themselves,' still for a time, knowing the truth, but denying the power of it.
The power of the lies, that have now flooded them, have become for them their gospel, what they follow, and although they read their bibles, and sing Christian hymns, and songs, and pray, and go to a church service, they are a law unto themselves, doing what they want to do, and thinking it is making them 'holy unto the Lord.' That is, their doing what "is right," (they think). They may sit under godly counsel, they may even come to the place to say, "yes I know that to be true, but"! But, they have been allured, charmed, amazed, fascinated, by some teaching, idea, belief, or thought from the Jezebel, to their already flesh seeking carnal heart, and now the truth to them, are the lies they have received from the bewitching Jezebel spirit, and they will not listen to the truth, or love the truth that 'God' has given them. Not really listen, not really respond, not with the heart. You see, the fact that they even sought council at all, shows that they are 'seeking to hear something.' And although they 'know,' that a certain sin in their life is evil and not the will of God, they will not part with it. I tell you though, There is hope here! You have got to believe God's word, and trust him by faith, and believe once again in the cross of Jesus Christ! That place of humility, that place of death to self, and death to the allurement to be noticed, the fascination of religion, rather than the focus on Jesus Christ alone!
Now, whether all this came from a misguided teacher, preacher, counselor, or friend, or book, it was accepted, because their heart was turned toward the carnal, rather than the pure. Jezebel, has deceived them. They have been bewitched, by a ' form' of godliness, religion has offered to them. Holiness, to them, is gained and lost through works of the flesh, rather than by faith. There is a spiritual place they seek, but it is not by coming God's way. Just like the Jehovah Witness cult, the Mormon cult, the Catholic system, and many other systems, that offer something to allure, but not to cleanse, and sanctify the heart through faith in Jesus Christ alone, even though some people and places profess that Christ is the only way, and you are saved by grace through faith, and call themselves ' Evangelical,' some of these, still lead people, once they join, into works and traditions, and ceremonies, and 'outward appearance,' to 'look holy,' rather than walk in true purity of heart, and be holy unto the Lord by faith.
How do we help these people who have fallen so far from their first love? What can we say or do? How do we get them to listen to us, and once again be in line with God's word? I should tell you first, how "not to do it." If this is not caught in the beginning stages, when the one still has the heart to listen, and receive conviction, and have godly sorrow, that leads them to repentance, when they are still in the desperate mode, and 'know' they need help, and they are seeking to be free from what has captured their heart, and turned them into religious zombies that seek to obtain their goal through the flesh, and works, and law. If it is not dealt with at this point, and it festers, to the point of anger at the truth, and anger toward those who bring it, and avoidance of those who live it, and love the Lord with all their hearts. When they think spending time talking about the righteousness of God, and the things of the word of God, should be avoided with those that are pure in heart, or on the other side of that, they will speak of the things of God alright, perhaps teach it or preach it, or have some place of prominence, or leadership in the church, or high social standing in the community, but it is to prove their righteousness, or to allow the ego and pride to been seen of men, and seek the approval of men, and thus, their motives are impure. This is a place where nothing at all can be done 'right now.'
'That is to say,' no amount of sound preaching, no amount of council, no amount of scolding, no amount of persuasion is working...... That is because this must be first bathed in intersession prayer. Strong prayer of faith, believing God to allow their ears to once again hear, and their eyes, once again to see, and their heart once again to become flesh, that the Holy Spirit can sow the seed of truth into their hearts.
The Jezebel must be brought down, and the bewitching spirit overthrown, torn down, and destroyed by the prayer of faith, by warfare prayer, from saints on their knees that know how to reach the throne room of God, and how to get his ear once there. Prayer that rocks hell, and sends demons running, and begins to so shake the heart and soul of the one who is in bondage, that they now "know" they are needy, they "know" they are walking backward, they "know" they have fallen from their first love, and been over taken by the lies of the bewitching Jezebel. Prayer, fervent, sincere, prayer by faith, and believing God for the miracle in their lives to once again, open their ears to the truth, and their heart to the light of the dealings of the holy Spirit. Prayer that smashes down strongholds, and tears down all speculations, and every proud and lofty thing that exalts itself against the true word of God. I tell you this kind of prayer, and faith, will move mountains, and you can believe God, and have faith in God, and whatever you ask for in your prayers will be done for you, and you shall then have what you say.... !
Then, now, only now, can you go at the appointed time God declares for you to go, and speak the word of truth to this dear person, and God's word will cut like a double edge sword, and the anointing of the Lord has gone before you through your travail, and has prepared the way for the visitation of the Lord into the life of this person, and the Jezebel will cringe under the truth you speak, and the power of God will destroy all the lies of Satan, and the conviction of the Holy Ghost will blow away all the work of Jezebel, and the charming, alluring, lying fascination with the religious works of the carnal flesh will melt like wax in their hearts, then you can speak the words of freedom and deliverance, and victory will come! Praise the mighty name of Jesus, they will listen when you have so allowed the Spirit of God to move in their heart through your sincere intersession, because this is the place where you are out of the way, and trusting God to be God, and show forth his mighty power, and prepare them, and you, to come face to face, in the midst of the miraculous delivering hand of God.
I want to encourage you, that if this one 'can be approached,' and if they 'will listen', and if they will respond, and if the word of God, will move them, and convict them, and they will allow the light to shine on the dark areas of their life, if they will allow their spiritual skirts to be lifted, and their nakedness, their need for God, their sin, and helplessness to be exposed, then by all means go, by faith, speak the word of God into their lives, bring forth prayer, and truth, and if need be, drive the evil spirit out of them.
But once again, those whom you have tried this with time and time again, 'to no avail.' Those who refuse to heed the warnings of God, the prophecy's that God gives them, the light the Holy Spirit brings. Those who find any and every excuse, and reason, and escape, and will not heed what God has sent you to say, they will grow harder, the more you share, the more you preach, the more you council, they become like an owl, "the more you shine the light on them, the less they see!" Until first intersession, and warfare prayer by faith, is applied, and trust in God on your part, and believing God on your part, for the one who is under the spell, (and that is what it is), of the Jezebel, bewitching, religious spirit is applied, until you get out of "your flesh," and you trust God, by faith, in intersession, you will not succeed.
But once you have reached God on their behalf, and you are in faith, and peace, no longer 'trying' to persuade them, but allowing God to do it through you, what you say will come to pass in their life, God will move the mountains, as by faith you speak to them, fresh from the presence of God, and they sick person shall be made well! I say again, this kind of prayer, and faith, will move mountains, and you can believe God, and have faith in God, and whatever you ask for in your prayers will be done for you, and you shall then have what you say.... !
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/2/10 13:22 | Profile | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: Bewitched by Jezebel by Gary Kane | | Here is another great article on the Spirit of Jezebel. This is one of my personal favorites.
The Spirit of Jezebel By Jon Hamilton
(taken from the book "The Nature Of Our Enemy")
In the book of Revelation, the Lord speaks to the church at Thyatira
"Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols." (Rev 2:20)
At first glance we might ask "What? Jezebel? Didnt she die back in Second Kings? How can Jezebel be threatening the church in Asia?"
Obviously, the literal person of Jezebel was not present in Thyatira. The reference is a prophetic parallel. Just as John the Baptist was "Elijah" because he came in the spirit and power of Elijah, this person or influence in Thyatira was under the spiritual control of the same demonic influences that controlled Jezebel of old.
Thus, there is a type of demonic influence in society and the church that can rightly be called by the name Jezebel.
This spirit obviously existed long before Queen Jezebel, but she was so totally controlled by its nature that she has become its namesake. In scripture, Herodias is also a type of this force. As Jezebel opposed Elijah, so Herodias opposed John the Baptist. A third example is found here in Revelation 2:20
Queen Jezebel
Jezebel, the Biblical character, first appears in First Kings 16, when she marries Ahab, king of Israel. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence.
Ahab, King of Israel, was completely subdued and dominated by Jezebel. Jezebel then introduced the worship of Ashtoroth to Israel. This goddess, represented in Canaanite culture by the moon, was a power-hungry goddess of love and sensuality. Priestess-prostitutes filled her shrines and serviced her worshippers. The lure of these legal, readily available erotic encounters was more than the men of Israel would resist. By Jezebels influence, 10 million Israelites left the worship of God for Baal and Ashtoroth. Only 7000 people in the entire nation were not swayed by her control.
The Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit
A Jezebel spirit seeks control through manipulation. It has a deep hatred of true spiritual authority, and uses emotional pressure, witchcraft and obsessive sensuality in its pursuit of power. It uses subtle persuasion to gain influence and get close to those in control. It then uses this position to gradually dominate.
In the Hebrew, the name Jezebel means literally "without cohabitation". She will not live or "cohabit" with those she cannot dominate and control. She will have no equals. Control is what Jezebel wants more than anything. Even when Jezebel appears to be submissive, it is usually out of a carefully wrought plan to gain influence.
Although it may be common to refer to Jezebel as "she", we obviously must conclude that as a spirit, Jezebel is gender neutral. Jezebel certainly has as many male slaves as female. However, since Jezebel initially tends to establish control without the actual use of physical force, she is more easily associated with classic feminine persuasion techniques.
Jezebel likes to appear close to leaders, and use their influence. She likes to use the power and influence of others to accomplish her goals and control her environment. In 1 Kings 21:8 we read " Jezebel wrote letters in Ahabs name and sealed them with his seal, and sent them to the elders and nobles of the city." This is typical of Jezebel. She prefers to remain concealed in the background, while she manipulates situations and leaders.
Jezebel is often associated with pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. She will use any form of sensuality at her disposal to gain influence and control. Jezebel uses sensuality, but make no mistake, Jezebel is seeking CONTROL. Lusts are merely tools used to weaken others in order for her to accomplish her goal of control. In many cases sex is not involved at all.
Jezebels greatest enemy is true spiritual authority. As Jezebel opposed Elijah and Herodias opposed John the Baptist, so Jezebel today opposes righteous authority. In her heart, she despises all moral authority. .
Jezebel in Society
In America today, Jezebel is the arrogant, angry spirit behind abortion, crying out "Its MY choice! Dont tell me what to do!" She has cleverly manipulated debate and positioned herself behind seats of power.
She is the power behind the rebirth of witchcraft in our culture. She calls to millions of teenagers via popular music and movies, telling them that new age witchcraft will give them power. She is the force behind the psychic hotlines, which control and manipulate millions.
She is also the spirit at the center of Hollywood. Jezebel is the reason so many homosexuals are drawn to the entertainment industry, desperately seeking recognition and acceptance.
In an attempt to weaken righteous leadership, Jezebel is the force that draws millions of Christian men into hours of television. She is behind the explosion of Internet pornography. Today she is luring men of God into secret lives of bondage and condemnation. Some leaders, once powerful men of prayer, are now too ashamed to even sneak into the throne room. They are wracked with condemnation. They have been reduced to being mere eunuchs of Jezebel. Men with the calling of David have become pleasure shackled Ahabs. (God still wants to free these!)
Jezebel in the Church
Jezebel is not only visible in society. Jezebel is quite at home in the church pew.
1 Kings 21:9 In those letters she wrote: "Proclaim a day of fasting and seat Naboth in a prominent place among the people. But seat two scoundrels opposite him and have them testify that he has cursed both God and the king. Then take him out and stone him to death."
With a heart of ice, Jezebel gained control of Naboths vineyard under the pretense of a FAST. She suddenly got religion when she needed it.
Remember the adulterous woman in Proverbs 7? She first lured the foolish young man with, "Ive just finished making my peace offerings, and have come looking for you." She made sure he knew she was a good religious woman before she seduced him! Likewise, Jezebel doesnt let her sin keep her from church.
Jezebel often manifests within the most "spiritual" people you will ever meet. In the Church, Jezebel will first attempt to get close to the pastor or other leaders with flattery. She will attempt to gain his confidence. She "calls herself a prophetess" and often manipulates others with her spirituality. Her deep "truths" usually result in condemnation and burdens for those in her care.
If the pastor, like Elijah, sees and opposes her deceptions, he will find himself in a fight for his life! He may find himself unemployed! Many a man of God has unwittingly had this spirit of control drive out his godly leadership.
While Jezebel often claims to have inspired messages, (she "calls herself a prophetess" according to Rev 2:20), she usually discourages other prophetic voices unless they are under her control. She will attempt to cause leaders to be suspicious of true prophetic messengers, which bear the testimony of Jesus (Rev. 19:10)
This same controlling spirit may manifest in very different, even opposite ways. For example, a controlling, super-spiritual, self righteous, manipulative mother (the kind that wants to run the church), will often be horrified when her daughter grows up to be sexually immoral. Little does she know that she released that very spirit into her childs life!
Demonic Depression and Loss of Vision
For seven years, God had carefully protected Elijah. God fed him in the wilderness. When Ahabs armies sought to kill Elijah, they were unable to lay a finger on him.
Finally, in a showdown at Mt. Carmel, Elijah called down fire from heaven and resoundingly defeated and killed the priests of Baal. All Israel fell at his feet in repentance, worshipping the true God. Elijah was the man of the hour. He was vindicated, victorious, and clearly in charge.
Nevertheless, when Jezebel sent Elijah a single threat, he suddenly turned coward and fled to the desert. Anxious, depressed, and miserable, he begged God to kill him!
Think about this. It makes NO sense. Elijah enjoyed supernatural protection for seven years. He watched fire fall from heaven and defeat his enemies, yet when a single angry woman threatened him one time, he lost every shred of vision and ran away. He moaned in self-pity and depression, begging God to kill him!
This is a great example of Jezebels powerful demonic "anointing" to intimidate, create fear, and cause men of God to withdraw. Jezebel steals your vision. Jezebel will even make you depressed and anxious when there is nothing significantly different in your circumstances. If there are difficult circumstances, this spirit will tell you they are insurmountable, impossible, and overwhelming. Jezebel will make you feel like dying when in reality, you are Gods man of the hour.
Jezebels witchcraft will attack key leaders in her targeted area through intimidation. Those under attack may awaken one morning to find it takes effort just to breathe. All joy seems to depart. Spiritual life seems irrelevant. Demonic voices will echo in their minds "somethings wrong with you!" They may suddenly find themselves in unreasonable anxiety, fearing tragedy or death. Much of what is called "depression" in the ministry is simply Jezebel!
Jezebel wants to paralyze with fear, condemnation, depression, apathy or whatever it takes until we withdraw. The only answer for those under Jezebels attack is perseverance in battle. We must remain on course no matter how long it takes!
This is War
The war continues today between Jezebel and Elijah. Like all wars, there are casualties. Leaders sometimes fall. Soldiers sometimes withdraw. Jezebel wants to keep the church within its present boundaries. She claims to decide the extent of the church locally. We must not tolerate this.
A Victory for Jezebel
The Welsh Example
The great Welsh revival of 1904 is a shining example of a true move of God. It has been called the "pentecost greater than Pentecost." Sadly, the revivals demise is also an excellent example of how Jezebel works against the church.
In just two years, over 100,000 people were saved. Welsh society was revolutionized. Entire towns recorded no arrests for over a year. Places that formerly were hotbeds of vice suddenly became transformed. Police departments were forced to lay off idle officers. Professional sports teams disbanded because no one was willing to miss church for a game. Services continued virtually around the clock and there were demonstrations of Gods presence and power.
When God begins a work, he usually begins with a man. During the Welsh revival that man was Evans Roberts. Evans was only 26 years old at the time. Most of his leaders were only in their late teens and twenties. Evans was deeply devoted to the Lord, and his devotion to wait upon the Lord released a shower of blessings that was a marvel to the Church. Pastors and leaders from around the world streamed to Wales to behold it.
Many people became associated with the revival as it grew. Among these was a well-to-do woman named Jessie Penn-Lewis. For years Penn-Lewis had considered herself a Bible teacher, but she had never found a broad acceptance for her teachings. She had largely been rejected or ignored by most church leaders in Wales. At first, Jessie Penn-Lewis appeared as a friend and financial supporter to Evans Roberts. She gained his confidence, and began speaking into his life.
Long time friends of Evans Roberts expressed concerns that she appeared to isolate Roberts too much, but Roberts trusted Penn-Lewis completely. She began to minister certain messages to Roberts, which appeared to him to be profound corrections from the Lord. These filled him with condemnation. He was convinced her deep "truths" were things he needed to hear.
Mrs. Penn-Lewis began to express her "concern" to Evans that with the revivals great success, perhaps too much glory was going to Evans Roberts instead of to God. The thought of stealing Gods glory horrified the sincere young man. He began to think that perhaps others should lead for a while. Penn-Lewis convinced Evans Roberts to withdraw from public ministry, and to move into the Penn-Lewis home.
Evans Roberts never returned to the ministry. The Welsh revival ended quickly and quietly.
After a short time in the Penn-Lewis home, Evans Roberts began experiencing severe bouts of depression. Often he was unable to leave the bed for days at a time. He appeared nervous and anxious. By todays standards he was in severe clinical depression. It took a toll on his health.
Meanwhile, Penn-Lewis began writing articles and letters in Evans Roberts name, and on his behalf. These were published in both Roberts and Penn-Lewis name, and eventually, in her name alone. According to many former close associates of Evans Roberts, some of the works attributed to him could not possibly have had his approval. Certain publications were highly critical of other movements, especially the newly emerging Pentecostals. Unfortunately, few people were able to see or speak with Evans Roberts. He was kept guarded in the Penn-Lewis home. He was completely dominated.
Evans Roberts spent many dark years of depression in the house of Jezebel. Mercifully, he eventually broke all ties with Penn-Lewis, but not until his health was broken and his ministry just a shadow of its former glory.
Evans Roberts made contributions in two years of ministry, that most never see in a lifetime. His memory should be honored. Nevertheless, he is a sad reminder of the old proverb "Age and treachery will always defeat youth and enthusiasm." A revival that in 24 months saw 100,000 salvations and a glory some called greater than Pentecost, was destroyed by a single unwitting servant of Jezebel, seeking control in order to gain recognition and acceptance.
Trampling Jezebel
First, we must rid ourselves of Jezebels ways. We can not cast out lust when we harbor lust in our lives. We can not bring down a spirit of control if we use manipulation and hype to control our congregations. We must examine our own ways, and repent of Jezebel.
Second, it takes Jehu. Although Elijah was Jezebels enemy, it took JEHU to trample Jezebel.
Jehu took no prisoners and showed no mercy to Jezebel. He had singleness of purpose and was driven. As he approached Jezreel those who saw his chariot noted he "drives furiously" (2 Ki 9:20) When others offered peace and compromise, Jehu responded "How can there be peace as long as the harlotries and witchcrafts of Jezebel are many?" (2 Ki 9:22)
Jehu would not rest until Jezebel was dead. Her pleasures could not attract him. Her threats did not deter him. He would not tolerate Jezebel.
Jesus says we too can not TOLERATE Jezebel. (Revelation 2:20) We must learn the prophetic power of the word "No!" We must give no ground!
When Jezebel attempted to captivate Jehu, he did not even allow himself to be drawn into conversation with her. Instead, he called on her eunuchs to cast her down from her balcony. Those with the Jehu anointing will call to Jezebels emasculated slaves, and they too will cast her down!
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/2/10 14:53 | Profile | Areadymind Member

Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Re: | | I have only had time to read that first one. Thank you so much for posting this. There is so much insight here. Many confirmations, and illuminations. Dear God help us in these darkening last days to not come under this vile hypnosis. _________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
| 2012/2/10 15:42 | Profile | MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: Bewitched by Jezebel by Gary Kane | | thank you for sharing this article. I have read through the first and find that I want to read through it again, perhaps a few times. There is much there to take in and many good seeds to grab hold of.
God Bless mary |
| 2012/2/10 16:02 | Profile |
| Re: Bewitched by Jezebel by Gary Kane | | Dear Brother
Could you please tell me what your source is for the latter part of your article on the spirit of Jezebel. I refer to Jessie pen-Lewis and Evan Roberts. This is most important to me, which I will share in support of your teaching, from another revival context which took place 60 years ago in the Isles of Lewis and Harris. I have some personal insights into circumstances their, and can witness to much of what you have said. This sharing will be personal witness with my own eyes, not reported accounts. Firstly I must know the source of the above.
| 2012/2/12 8:56 | | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Brother Andrew,
I have included the link of the sources that I have posted. Please feel free to look them over. If you have more questions, I will do my best to help.
Brother, I would love to hear the testimony that you have. :-)
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/3/14 9:34 | Profile | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: The Jezebel Spirit How To Overcome It (Part 1 of 3) | | Taken from: The Jezebel Spirit How To Overcome It (Part 1 of 3)
As the End Times are coming closer, we believe the secular, as well as the Christian world, is experiencing a worldwide cleansing. Everywhere sin is being exposed like never before, and God is giving His people divine wisdom to deal with the exposures in His mercy and grace, leading people to Gods heart and destiny for their lives, instead of condemning them and leaving them for the world to devour. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide and direct us. As the Bride of Christ is becoming whiter, we are also seeing an uprising of the counterfeit spirituality, the seducing spirit of Jezebel, working more actively than ever to kill, steal, and destroy.
While some Christians are ignorant and even skeptical of the spirit of Jezebel, many Christians have become educated in some facets of what this spirit of Jezebel is all about. Even so, we get this question many times when we teach on this subject: I know I must fight the spirit of Jezebel in the Spirit and not in the flesh, but what exactly does that mean for me in real life? How should I behave around people in my family, my work place, my church etc. who have the spirit of Jezebel? Many say things like: I just dont understand why this is happening to me? Why are they doing this to me? I have tried to stand strong and pray but my energy is zapped, and Im about to give up. Will I ever win over this spirit?
From Edwins and my experience in battling Jezebel practically our entire lives, we want to share some of our personal experiences in how to deal with Jezebel practically what to do and what to avoid. This encouragement is especially meant to be for those who feel God is telling them to combat the Jezebel Spirit they are facing in their lives. We do realize that not everybody is meant to enter into combat but rather feel led by God to stand back and not confront. This study is also for all the victims of this vicious Spirit of Jezebel, who dont know what they are dealing with yet! We pray they will be enlightened and filled with Godly discernment to discover any assignment on their lives.
Background On The Spirit of Jezebel
I know all the things you do your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance. And I can see your constant improvement in all these things. But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet to lead my servants astray. She is encouraging them to worship idols, eat food offered to idols, and commit sexual sin. I gave her time to repent, but she would not turn away from her immorality. Therefore, I will throw her upon a sickbed, and she will suffer greatly with all who commit adultery with her, unless they turn away from all their evil deeds. I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to each of you whatever you deserve. But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed this false teaching (deeper truths, as they call them depths of Satan, really). I will ask nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come. (Rev 2:19-25 NLT)
Jesus is calling Jezebel a false teacher that leads His servants astray, someone who encourages believers to worship idols, eat food offered to idols, and commit sexual sin. (Note that this encouragement can also come in a subtle form, such as an entrapment for you to fall.) You can find Jezebel in any level of society. She can be in your family, your school, work place, church virtually anywhere. She is a woman who claims to have religious zeal and she calls herself a prophet, and likes to mingle in with the influential people, especially in church. This type of person is especially dangerous because they will deceive people to believe she is one of them, and thereby gain their confidence in order to start teaching them deeper truths that twist the original Word of God. Some people get so bedazzled by her deep wisdom and somehow become addicted to mystifying the Word of God, making it cryptic and withheld to only the chosen or special ones who are able to understand these truths, that are actually myths. Jezebels specialty is to ensnare and convince people to follow her teachings that will lead them to rebellion against God. In their naïveté, people fall for her charm, and give in to idol worship in their lives, just like King Ahab did when he married Jezebel.
And as though it were not enough to live like Jeroboam, he married Jezebel, the daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians, and he began to worship Baal. 1 Kings 16:31 NLT No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the LORDs sight as did Ahab, for his wife, Jezebel, influenced him. He was especially guilty because he worshiped idols just as the Amorites had done the people whom the LORD had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites. 1 Kings 21:25-26 NLT The Old Testaments Queen Jezebel of Israel was a worshipper of Baal, a despicable god who required even human sacrifices, and she encouraged and led others to do the same. This way, she steered the people of Israel onto a path of disobedience toward their true God, and brought evil and destruction into the land. She was able to do this, because of the influence she gained over her husband.
One of the Jezebel spirits biggest goals is to kill the true prophets of God. An example of this was the prophet Elijah, who, after challenging and killing more than 400 of Queen Jezebels false Baal prophets, ran out in the desert in panic, after receiving a letter from Jezebel, swearing that she would retaliate and kill him. He was so intimidated by it that he wanted to lay down and die. But Jezebels predictions were false, as this spirits many prophecies usually are, and Elijah did not die. Gods plan is higher and more powerful than Jezebels curses.
Jezebels Character Traits
Let us take a deeper look at the character traits that goes along with the spirit of Jezebel, because it is much more than what meets the eye, and can be extremely difficult to discern for the untrained eye. There are certain characteristics that always seem to follow these women (and men), and we have mapped some of them for you, so you will be able to recognize them in your family, job, school or church, or anywhere else you go. You can only spot the Jezebel spirit when you understand her personality traits, so lets spend some time under her skin.
The very first, and probably most outstanding quality of a person with a Jezebel Spirit, is their undeniable, ever-present need to always be right! They are not humble people who seek the input of others, but have an unquenchable desire to win over you in everything. The worldly term for the spirit of Jezebel is malignant narcissism for which there is no cure. Some traits of narcissism include: excessive self-love; firm conviction that he or she is better, smarter, or more talented than other people; becomes irritated when other people dont automatically do what he or she wants them to do; thinks most criticisms of him or her are motivated by jealousy; regards anything short of worship to be rejection; often complains of being mistreated or misunderstood; has fantasies of doing something great or being famous, and often expects to be treated as if these fantasies had already come true.
The second thing, highest on our list, is the chameleon spirit she possesses that allows her to appear a certain way, but not actually be that way. She will adapt to her surroundings to seem like a loving, charming, and even peaceful person, all the while trying to get a hold of your soul. She will appear to blend in, and suddenly, out of nowhere, stick her tongue out, and swallow you up, by verbally attacking you. The Jezebel spirit is born out of witchcraft and is designed to destroy the host (which is the body it lives in), the spouse, children, family, relationships, marriages, the church, the prophets of God, and the body of Christ in general, in every crafty and subtle way possible.
The third aspect is her use of seduction, deception, and manipulation to control your mind, your actions, and your destiny. She wants to see how far she can involve herself into your life, how far you are willing to allow her to go.
Jezebels usually come in two categories; the active, and the passiveor as is has been saidthe high-profile, and the low-profile. The high-profile, active Jezebel is the woman who is the leader of the home, including everyone in it. She is the one who wears the pants in the marriage/family, the overbearing, bossy, in-control, in charge, dominating woman, who is outspoken, bold, and militaristic. The low-profile, passive Jezebel is the woman who controls the husband and family behind the scenes. She has a meek exterior, and no one would guess that she has the family in a head-lock, quietly controlling, manipulating, and destroying peoples lives. She is soft-spoken, seemingly submissive and nice on the outside, and only the closest family knows the truth about who she really is.
Jezebel hates children, especially her own, but it takes great discernment to discover it. Women with the Jezebel Spirit tend to treat their children cold and distant, rarely showing tears or emotion. She likes to make sure they dont get any sympathy, because she hates weakness. She doesnt show much love or affection genuine hugs, smiles, and affirmation are a rare gift. Usually, her children are merely treated as pawns in her game of control and achievement of power. She uses conditional love to ensure her childrens subordination. In this way, they will always strive for her attention and approval, and she will glory in it, only for her own self-gratification.
Jezebel will often mix religious terms and phrases to appear godly, but her life doesnt produce godliness. Following her life and example will lead to rebellion, darkness, anger, and strife.
You will many times find a Jezebel woman involved in various types of teaching activities. Not only in religious settings, but also places such as schools and various types of counseling. The reason for this is their need to be an influence to people. The spirit within them drives them to want to reproduce themselves and their teachings to other people. They like to be highly involved in peoples personal lives, getting up close and intimate, making people confide in them. Then she becomes important, needed, and wanted, just the way she likes it. Satan places them specifically in teaching positions so they will impart a distorted and untrue message to people, and thereby cause more spiritual and mental darkness to come upon their lives. People may be in a bad condition when they come to her, but they leave worse off than how they came.
She is a master of the blaming game, and is extremely clever in gaining sympathy for herself by producing convincing arguments for her case, usually portraying herself as fair in her assessments. She will twist and turn information to better fit her, even if it involves lying and crying, anything to make you be the responsible or guilty one.
Jezebel does not truly forgive people who offend her. She keeps track of all past offenses, and she uses them to her advantage when she sees the need for manipulation. Her love is always conditional, making you know of the things that please her, so if you do not comply, she will reject you.
The Spirit of Jezebel also produces sexual imbalance and perversion in the children. We have seen many examples of rebellion and extreme dark and obscure behavior in children and teenagers of mothers who possess the Jezebel Spirit. The family around them doesnt seem to understand why the children choose rebellion instead of becoming normal like everyone else, not knowing that it is actually not always a choice of conviction, but rather a direct influence by the distorting spirit of Jezebel operating in the family. The control the children are under causes them not to develop as strong, individual, healthy human beings, but causes perversion and confusion, and sexual immorality. Children of Jezebels can also fall in the exact opposite category, being overly well-behaved, submissive, pleasing, passive, and shy of conflict. They can be recognized by their fear, lack of ambition and self-esteem, many times rather wanting to take the blame for everything upon themselves, instead of searching for justice.
Confusion and peace
A Jezebel spirit will never admit any fault or wrong-doing. If you plan to confront the Jezebelite with something, you can be totally clear about your problems, and your list of concerns, and yet come out on the other end, totally convinced that you were the only one at fault. The mighty dark cloud of confusion that surrounds the Spirit of Jezebel makes you give up, and give in to her demands without proper reason. You dont even know what hit you, you just dont have the strength to fight her, and you may even feel a sense of relief for achieving peace with her, not realizing the prize you are paying is compromising for the sake of peace.
The spirit of Jezebel brings about a tremendously powerful confusion that can make you doubt everything you stand for. After your first few confrontations, you learn to stay away from coming even remotely close to suggesting correction. You find out, that you are not strong enough to stand up against it, and start becoming passive. This kind of passivity is what King Ahab suffered from, when he looked the other way, instead of confronting the wrong his wife, Queen Jezebel was doing:
When Jezebel heard the news, she said to Ahab, You know the vineyard Naboth wouldnt sell you? Well, you can have it now! Hes dead! So Ahab immediately went down to the vineyard to claim it.(1 Kings 21:15-16 NLT) Because of King Ahabs passive negligence of Queen Jezebels wicked actions, we have the term Spirit of Ahab which is the perfect counterpart to Jezebel. He wants to remain innocent, but is anything but innocent in the eyes of God. In fact the Bible says Ahab was an evil man, possessing the same persecuting spirit as his wife, as he mocked the prophet Elijah and called him intimidating names:
So its you, is it Israels troublemaker? Ahab asked when he saw him. (1 Kings 18:17 NLT) Jezebel is calling Jehu names, mocking him and comparing him to another murderer:
When Jehu entered the gate of the palace, she (Jezebel) shouted at him, Have you come in peace, you murderer? You are just like Zimri, who murdered his master! (2 Kings 9:31 NLT) Remember, Ahabs passivity cost him everything. The Bible says he sold himself to evil. In other words, its not only through old-fashion Satan worship we can sell our souls, but also, when we sell our souls to worship another human being, who will drag us into a life away from God.
No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the LORDs sight as did Ahab, for his wife, Jezebel, influenced him. (1 Kings 21:25 NLT)
No peace around Jezebel
I believe, we have to understand that dealing with the Jezebel spirit will never be peaceful! One has to give, and that is certainly not going to be Jezebel if she has her way. A Jezebelite doesnt respect anyone, and certainly not someone of lesser authority than herself. She will never humble herself and help find a way to make things work. Things have to be her way, or no way at all. King Jehu, the warrior, knew that there is no achieving peace, no compromise that can be made with Jezebel, only a violent counter-action can stop her:
King Joram demanded Do you come in peace, Jehu? Jehu replied, How can there be peace as long as the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother, Jezebel, are all around us? 2 Kings 9:22 NLT
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/3/14 9:35 | Profile | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Taken from: The Jezebel Spirit How To Conquer It (Part 2 of 3)
Fighting Jezebel
In order to fight Jezebel you have to first come to her level of competition. This means, you have to be as strong and fierce as she is. The spirit of Jezebel is a very overwhelming and overbearing spirit that gives the Jezebelite an arrogant and self confident flare and attitude, making her believe she is invincible. She believes with all her might that she is the victim of every seemingly injustice committed against her up through her life, and she is fully convinced that anyone who doesnt buck to her authority, is against her, plotting her downfall. In many cases, the Jezebelite has been the victim of sexual abuse in her childhood, and carries a huge grudge against men, and people in general. They demand silk-glove treatment. So, in order to combat her, you need to first be completely convinced in your belief about what you are dealing with.
First of all, you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact dealing with the spirit of Jezebel in that person. If you doubt your position, Jezebel will for sure chew you out. She is strong, manipulative, and very powerful in her witchcraft. She immediately knows it if you are insecure and afraid. Like a predator, her instinct will tell her about the level of your strength and authority. If you are not strong, you will be eaten for breakfast.
Second of all, you have to be prepared to fight. Fighting could involve relentless letter writing, phone calls, and open communication with spiritual leaders to let her know, that you know what she is up to, and that you are telling the world! What Jezebel fears and hates the most, is when they are exposed. They are usually able to easily seduce and deceive people, so when you expose them, it hits them like a train. They lose their power and get knocked out of their path. In this momentum you can work. That is the time to keep pounding to expose her, because she is weary, and has been taken off guard.
This is where the level of competition is so important. If you are not strongly convinced that you are fighting the spirit of Jezebel, you will not use your tools efficiently. Remember how strongly she is convinced, and match that!
There are some controversial points to the fight against Jezebel that every believer should be aware of: when it comes to Jezebel, you can forget about praying for her to come to truth and repentance. You will be wasting your precious time. Also, you must never sympathize with her. You must be 100% against her, and stop having hopes for her recovery and well-being! She is not your sister or brother in the Lord. She is living in the strength of demonic soul power, absolutely sold out to doing evil, and completely out of the will of God and obedience to God. She is her own master, and ultimately she serves Satan. Yes, you are dealing with a human being behind the Jezebel spirit, but dont be weak. This is a pure spiritual battle. You might ask: Isnt she just a poor deceived person herself? Yes, she is deceived, but dont you also be deceived in to having any weakness for this person. If you love the person, cut soul ties immediately, and surrender her completely to God, for Him to determine her destiny. Remember again the book of Revelation where God gives her time to repent, but she refuses to do so. Do not try to save her, or you will go down with her. You need to alienate yourself completely, and have no patience and tolerance for her actions.
All these seemingly controversial points for a typical Christian mindset need to be dealt with before you are ready to fight Jezebel. Anything less than these attitudes will cause you to doubt, and fall prey to her. Remember she is ready to devour you, using all kinds of evil, such as confusion, guilt, accusation, and intimidation, among many other things. Dont set out to confront her, and then pull back in the middle of it. She will bite you, and make sure you never gather the courage to combat her again. Her stings are so toxic, they can drive you to a breaking point, even causing some to commit suicide, so do not underestimate what you are dealing with!
Also, do not mock her or hint to her. Do not use sarcasm or irony. Do not let her drag you into an argument, but stay in the Spirit when talking to her. Combating, is not antagonizing or challenging or provoking the spirit in a cynical way, but rather staying on top of her, continuing to expose her unbiblical behavior!
Never tell her any personal things, what you are going through, how you are feeling, or where you are with the Lord. She will suck your information in, and use it against you, by twisting and turning your words, making you feel guilty or defeated, especially in your walk with God. For instance she will say that you are not praying or fasting enough. When she accuses you, do not stay silent and prayerful. Instead, re-bottle everything she says! Be stronger than her. Although she claims to be spiritual and a woman of God, dont believe her. (Note how she never passes on the glory to Jesus, has a hard time worshiping, and doesnt share about her personal love for Jesus in genuine love and humility!)
Treat her as someone who lives in disobedience. Do not be lenient towards her, thinking she will submit to the Word of God like you do! She is not a real believer; she is an idol-worshipper, and a great deceiver. If you seek to live a God-fearing life, you have nothing in common with her. She is like King Herod who told the wise men to let him know when they found baby-Jesus, so he could come and worship too. It sounded real, but he only said it so he could find out where Jesus was so he could kill Him. When dealing with Jezebel you have to be able to believe the worst of the worst and never be naive. You must know that you cannot trust Jezebel for a word she is saying. In fact, if she says one thing, make it a habit to automatically believe the opposite. Never make the mistake of believing she has any good intentions. See, the wise men looking for baby-Jesus, the newborn King and Savior, heard from the Lord what to do. Otherwise they would have succumbed to Herods evil intentions, without ever understanding and discerning them.
Pray, and ask the Lord whether you should fast in your battle against Jezebel. Pray to God to help you expose the darkness, but do not pray for Jezebel. You need to focus all your energy on staying on top of your game, and not giving up!
Giving up is a major threat to your success in battling Jezebel! She will wear and tear on your life, and seem like she will never give in. She will exhaust you on every level, until all you want to do is quit! No, she will not give in out of herself, but if you stay strong in the Lord, He will make her give in. Usually the battle is long and may take years, but with the right steps to understand your position, you can make it!
Many Jezebels use magic a kind of witchcraft that doesnt necessarily involve voodoo dolls and animal sacrifices and those kind of things. As the Bible says, she leads the people astray with false teachings. In other words, her magic comes from distorting the things of God: The Word of God, the Spirit of God, prophecies, prayers, healings, miracles, fasting anything God has given His people to use for worshiping and glorifying God, and living holy lives. That is Jezebels main domain! For instance, she will not always put needles in dolls, but she will lay hands on you, asking if she can pray for you. Then, she will proceed to speak a false soul-powered prophecy over you, making you focus on a counterfeit spirit of God which is not God, but actually the depths of Satan! She sows doubt into your life, so you start looking for answers in the wrong places, and ultimately causes your life to run off track.
Also, be aware that many Jezebels have a demon-empowered telepathic ability! This ability usually works with people they have managed to entice and create a soul tie with! For instance, you may be praying to get out of the darkness and confusion you suddenly find yourself in, and she will be calling you, or she will appear in your thoughts, telling you what to do. Whenever you seek to find God, she will interrupt you by telepathically speaking to your mind, letting you know she is watching you, so you feel trapped and guilty. She is everywhere, demanding your attention. If she gets your attention, she gets your worship.
How to recognize those who are being oppressed by Jezebel
Wherever Edwin and I go we see Jezebel Spirits manifesting the same ways in different people. Its almost comical how alike they are. The same goes for Jezebels victims; they also talk the same talk no matter where in the world they are. To give you an idea of how a Jezebel victim talks, we will give you some sentences we hear often so you can judge for yourself whether you, or someone you know, has been drinking from Jezebels poison and eaten the fruits of her false teachings.
Jezebel victims always tend to defend her! They feel responsible to come up for her to let everyone know that she really is a good person, and that she really has a good heart and only wants the right things. They say, she does a lot of good to people, and, you just have to understand her personality, or, she doesnt have any bad intentions at all.
What she is actually doing is making her own feeling, opinions, and needs more important than God. The righteous living in God is pushed aside to accommodate her personal perception on the way she sees life. When she lives in fear, controls people, and doesnt admit any wrong doing, its okay, because nobodys perfect, and we have to understand where shes coming from and what she has to battle in her life. Slowly she lifts the focus off of God and Jesus and onto herself, making her struggles and shortcomings understandable and something we all should sympathize with, instead of suggesting that she should change and repent from wrong and ungodly attitudes.
Although the victims, as I call them, do not realize or admit that they are afraid of her, you can easily tell how much they actually fear approaching her with anything she doesnt like to hear. They will say to you, Oh, please dont say anything bad to her. Dont make her upset, or else she will get angry. In other words, they are fearing her reaction and the possible punishment and repercussion they might suffer after trying to speak into her life. They have all tried in the past, and failed miserably at reaching her. Now, they try the approach of being patient and understanding. But no matter their attempts to live in peace, she is never satisfied with them, or what they have to offer. They try to give her everything she wants, whether it be money, things, acknowledgement, encouragement anything she is demanding. But no matter their efforts, she will continue to be bitter and hateful to them, be discontent, demand change, demand perfection, throw fits, and demand whatever she WANTS!
After living with Jezebel for many years, they start becoming weary and disillusioned. They start believing that they really are a failure, as she has been pointing out so clearly, and that they are the one to blame for it all. The Jezebel Spirit loves to make them suffer internally, digging themselves more and more into the pit of defeat for every day that goes by. The more they try to please her, the more of a sucker they are. And the more she despises them for it. Its like the Devil when he comes to tempt us to fall into sin, and when we finally fall he heaps condemnation on us to make us believe there is no way out for us, although Jesus is willing to forgive any sin. That is the way he traps us in defeat, and Jezebel uses the same mechanism.
Be careful who you pray with. Realize that Jezebels grows stronger in their abilities to manipulate, control, and dominate over the years. Some are more seasoned than others, and you will find Jezebels of all levels in churches. Do not intercede with someone who bosses you around, telling you when to pray, and what to pray. Do not pray with someone who stops you to correct your praying by telling you that you are doing it all wrong, and then points out someone else to continue in your place. Do not let her manipulate her way in between you and your other intercessor friends, whom you are in spiritual agreement with, and one with in the Spirit of God, causing a division to come between you, ultimately destroying the prayer group!
Do not allow her take-over spirit to set the agenda, by running her own mini-ministry inside your prayer group. She will take excess time to read the Word, pray for people un-encouraged, sing or play music way too long, and practice healing and praying as if she is the main minister. It can be difficult to discern the spirits sometimes, but ask the Holy Spirit to expose it. If she starts to run the show, speak up in Gods authority! Tell her how you do things according to the order and authority of Gods given directions in the Word of God. Do not be afraid of a confrontation, or try to keep the peace with her. If she doesnt submit, ask her to leave! Do not be lenient with this spirit, as you understand how wicked it is, and how it will drag you and the church down. Watch out when she starts isolating other prayer partners, spending extra alone time with them. She will often move outside of the building and start leading the group outside, bedazzling them with wise teachings and create soul ties with them. Jezebel works fast and ruthlessly. She goes after the weak ones, and even buys them by giving gifts or trips or money, all to get a foot in the door.
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/3/14 11:22 | Profile | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Taken from: The Jezebel Spirit - The Consequences of Committing Adultery With Her (Part 3 of 3)
It has never been Gods intention for those who have a personal love relationship with Himwhich in reality means to be married to Jesus Christto live in defeat, lacking the financial means for living and giving, to always battle with sickness, or die prematurely. On the contrary, Gods desire and prayer for us is that we may prosper in all things and be in health, just as our souls prosper. See 3 John 2 NKJV
Jesus the Bridegroom, showed us how much He loved us by giving His life for us and washing us from all sin. Now, He is looking forward to coming back for a glorious church, His Bride, and that is us, living free from sin and evil attachments or as the Bible describes it, without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. (Ephesians 5:26-27 NLT)
But for some reason something has driven a wedge between us and Jesus in our marriage with Him, causing us to struggle, feeling spiritually isolated from God, feeling guilty and fearful, resulting in us becoming ineffective as Christians for Gods Kingdom. We lost the ability to walk in Gods power, unconditional love, and having a sound and not confused mind. That something that has come between us and God, is what I call the sin of committing spiritual adultery, where we knowingly or unknowingly have allowed someone or something to become more important to us than our husband, Jesus, which is the same thing as having an idol.
In the natural world, the definition of adultery is referred to as extramarital sex, infidelity, or voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and another person who is not his or her spouse.
In the spiritual realm, it means we have entered into an extramarital affair with somebody other than God, and we are now reaping the consequences of its curse.
Listen! The LORD is not too weak to save you, and he is not becoming deaf. He can hear you when you call. But there is a problem your sins have cut you off from God. Isaiah 59:1-2 NLT.
In other words, because we have committed the sin of adultery, it has literally broken and fractured our marriage relationship with God.
Much of the source of our sins is rooted in the Jezebel spirit, whose clear purpose is to seduce us and lead us away from God by having us commit spiritual adultery with her. The spirit of Jezebel is a rebellious spirit that is born out of witchcraft.
Those who are infected with the Jezebel spirit are evil, and practice evil. Their character traits are well described and categorized in the secular world who classify these people as narcissists or psychopaths for whom there is no healing treatment or cure.
Two Types of Jezebel Personality
There are two types of Jezebel personalities: The high-profile type who is loud and vocal and is the one who wears the pants in the family. And then there is the low-profile type who is generally soft-spoken, giving the illusion of being motherly, protective, and even very submissive. The latter type is the most dangerous, as this is the most difficult to discern. She relies heavily on manipulation and is very subtle and crafty.
Although the Spirit of Jezebel is genderless, it is usually women who possess it because of its seductive sexual nature.
Characteristics of the evil Jezebel spirit
She is proud, likes self-worship, is arrogant and power hungry. She seeks recognition and affirmation. Her identity is based on her performance rather than having her value in Jesus Christ.
She often succeeds well in the pursuit of her goals, and in this process she hinders others in learning to operate in the gifts and talents God gave them, because she jumps in before anyone else can.
She never wants to be accountable, but instead she is resentful and tries to attack and intimidate those who are trying to make her accountable.
She is seductive. She uses any type of seduction available, to manipulate her way to gaining control and power, flirtation being one of them. She uses a spiritual seduction which operates on both men and women. Although Jezebel usually dislikes women, she will seduce women in position of authority, or wives of those in authority. Jezebel always seeks to be the efficient executive assistant at the side of a powerful businessman or church leader. Men are almost always blind to her seduction as she flatters them with her attention.
She is bitter and often openly envious of others. For instance, she jealously stands in the way of others receiving attention or recognition, applause, and a position of power.
She murmurs and complains to get her way.
She is not easily satisfied no matter what people do to appease her.
She clearly lacks in humility. She is unrepentant, stubborn, and will never admit any wrong doing.
She schemes and plots to get what she wants.
Here is a good example of how the Bible breaks down this evil behavior of scheming and plotting to obtain what we want:
What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Isnt it the whole army of evil desires at war within you? You want what you dont have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous for what others have, and you cant possess it, so you fight and quarrel to take it away from them. And yet the reason you dont have what you want is that you dont ask God for it. And even when you do ask, you dont get it because your whole motive is wrong you want only what will give you pleasure. James 4:1-3 NLT
She is controlling and very manipulative.
She is selfish.
She is critical of others.
She is bossy, and rebels against authority that seeks to replace her.
She is a back-stabber and craftily uses lies to discredit others.
She is emotionally cold.
She will never give you her approval.
She puts impossible, high expectations on others.
She is unable to acknowledge the pain she causes others.
She is usually very calculated but acts innocent.
She only gives conditional love.
She hates the true prophets of God and seeks to persecute and destroy them.
She belittles men and emasculates those who allow her to dominate and get her will. She HATES men of authority who discern her spirit.
She is delusional and likes to give herself prominent name titles.
If you have experienced these things, it is likely that you have encountered the spirit of Jezebel. This spirit can work through friends, relatives, work colleagues, as well as believers in the church. The truth of the matter is that we all are susceptible to some of these behaviors. That is why it is important to note that just because a person exhibits one or more of these characteristics, it doesnt automatically make that person a Jezebel. We need to have the spirit of discernment to be able to identify this spirit, as Jesus exposed this evil spirit in the church of Thyatira, saying to them:
I know all the things you do your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance. And I can see your constant improvement in all these things. But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet to lead my servants astray. She is encouraging them to worship idols, eat food offered to idols, and commit sexual sin. Revelation 2:19-20 NLT
It is interesting to see here, that Jezebel makes this seemingly good church, who is allowing her, believe that she speaks on behalf of God, because she has proclaimed herself to be a prophetess. Therefore, it has become relatively easy for Jezebel to teach the church whatever she wants them to hear and believe, and in doing so, craftily removing the peoples focus on Jesus onto herself. Jezebel causes them to worship, support, defend, and idolize her and her so-called deeper truths teachings, like we hear many preaching nowadays. These are teachings that only focus on how you can get wealthy and get stuff for your own pleasure. In other words, Jezebel makes the church gratify itself by having them eat food offered to idols (idol food=false teachings), and because of that they commit adultery with her. But Jesus calls these false teachings, the depths of Satan (See Revelation 2:24 NLT)
I gave her time to repent, but she would not turn away from her immorality. Therefore, I will throw her upon a sickbed, and she will suffer greatly with all who commit adultery with her, unless they turn away from all their evil deeds. I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to each of you whatever you deserve. Revelation 2:21-23 NLT
The consequences of committing adultery with Jezebel are very serious. We will suffer hugely emotionally, physically, financially, and even to the point of death. But what you can see in the above scripture is that God mercifully provides time and opportunity for repentance from the sin of indulging in this Jezebel deception.
Those who are infected and infested with the Spirit of Jezebel stubbornly do not want to repent from their evil deeds. But those who commit adultery with Jezebel are often more open to want to turn away from their sins.
In order to regain the blessings of breakthrough of God upon our lives we need to first of all repent and then fully turn away from ALL evil deeds, which means breaking with ALL ties connecting us to the Spirit of Jezebel, emotionally and physically.
The spirit of Jezebel is very wicked and is determined to retaliate on anybody who wants to escape her deadly claws. Therefore, it will send demons of intimidation, fear, and discouragement to try to get you back into the relationship with her and getting under her control.
This is the prescription that God gives us in order for us to be healed and set free from the wounds caused by committing adultery with Jezebel, to restore our marriage relationship with Jesus:
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, you hypocrites. Let there be tears for the wrong things you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor. James 4:7-10 NLT
To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, I will give authority over all the nations. (Revelation 2:26 NLT)
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/3/14 12:03 | Profile |