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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Read Your Bible More and More by John Piper

Don’t rest on past reading. Read your Bible more and more every year. Read it whether you feel like reading it or not. And pray without ceasing that the joy return and pleasures increase.

Three reasons this is not legalism:

You are confessing your lack of desire as sin, and pleading as a helpless child for the desire you long to have. Legalists don’t cry like that. They strut.
You are reading out of desperation for the effects of this heavenly medicine. Bible-reading is not a cure for a bad conscience; it’s chemo for your cancer. Legalists feel better because the box is checked. Saints feel better when their blindness lifts, and they see Jesus in the word. Let’s get real. We are desperately sick with worldliness, and only the Holy Spirit, by the word of God, can cure this terminal disease.
It is not legalism because only justified people can see the preciousness and power of the Word of God. Legalists trudge with their Bibles on the path toward justification. Saints sit down in the shade of the cross and plead for the blood-bought pleasures.
So lets give heed to Mr. Ryle and never grow weary of the slow, steady, growth that comes from the daily, disciplined, increasing, love affair with reading the Bible.

Do not think you are getting no good from the Bible, merely because you do not see that good day by day. The greatest effects are by no means those which make the most noise, and are most easily observed. The greatest effects are often silent, quiet, and hard to detect at the time they are being produced.

Think of the influence of the moon upon the earth, and of the air upon the human lungs. Remember how silently the dew falls, and how imperceptibly the grass grows. There may be far more doing than you think in your soul by your Bible-reading. (J. C. Ryle, Practical Religion, 136)


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/2/3 12:29Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732

 Re: Read Your Bible More and More by John Piper

Do not think you are getting no good from the Bible, merely because you do not see that good day by day.

Sometimes the best thoughts are the ones we see as so elementary and obvious that we don't concern ourselves with thinking them anymore!

Good article.


Mike Compton

 2012/2/3 13:02Profile

Joined: 2008/2/15
Posts: 205
New York

 Man shall not live by Facebook alone!

Thanks for posting Greg

Another recent great one from John Piper

Are apps a threat to God-focus? Yes. But it works both ways. Fight fire with fire.

If you are reading your Bible on your computer or your smartphone or your iPad, the presence of the email app and the news apps and the Facebook app threaten every moment to drag your attention away from the word of God.

True. Fight that. If your finger offends you, cut it off. Or use any other virtuous violence (Matthew 11:12) that sets you free to rivet your soul on God.

But don’t take mainly a defensive posture. Fight fire with fire.

Why should we think of the Facebook app threatening the Bible app? Why not the Bible app threatening the Facebook app, and the email app, and the RSS feeder, and the news?

Resolve that today you will press the Bible app three times during the day. No five times. Ten times! Maybe you will lose control and become addicted to Bible! Again and again get a two-minute dose of life-giving Food. Man shall not live by Facebook alone.

I’m serious. Never has God’s voice been so easily accessible. The ESV app is free. The OliveTree BibleReader app is free. And so are lots of others. Let the Bible threaten your focus. Or better: Let the Bible bring you back to reality over and over during the day.

 2012/2/3 15:36Profile

 Re: Man shall not live by Facebook alone!

Love it. Now the question. Can the Bible threaten the Sermon Index app? Ouch! Think I will get off the forum and go listen to my Digital Bible.


 2012/2/3 23:36

Joined: 2011/3/8
Posts: 173

 Re: Man shall not live by Facebook alone!

thanks iceman for the tip on esv app have downloaded the app onto my phone and its fantastic! its free as well now I can browse scripture too without having to go online all the time!: )

blessings brother!



 2012/2/5 12:46Profile

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