Poster | Thread | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: a last thought | | On the positive note, there are many today who are doing an excellent job confronting false teachings through their good teachings: Don Carson, Ron Nash, Craig Blomberg, Glenn Schwartz and many more. They present their arguments well and respectfully. What impresses me regarding these contenders certainly the ones from the past: Spurgeon, Wurmbrandt, Tozer, Chambers etc is the extent of their life preparation and their walk with God. When you read their life stories you see that love and mercy for others is a priority. In fact studying people like this and their work should be a prerequisite for those who feel called to contend.
I am merely expressing concern about the tendency to make a big mess of a confrontational nature of mission. Even the great ones have faltered. Miccah, I think, puts it well: Let the Spirit lead. We do need to keep a humble perspective of our limits. We so are easily tempted to think as if we are God and the world rest on our shoulders.
_________________ Diane
| 2012/1/26 13:17 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
And exactly what false doctrine are we talking about here? Are we turning ourselves into the doctrinal police or something?
This question hasn't been answered. So I ask the same, exactly what false doctrine?
What seems very righteous to you is a complete lie to the next brother. Christianity is the only religion I know of that does not agree on a specific doctrine. They can't agree!
They are all wrong. |
| 2012/1/26 17:52 | | Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Quote:
What seems very righteous to you is a complete lie to the next brother. Christianity is the only religion I know of that does not agree on a specific doctrine. They can't agree!
They are all wrong.
Funny... that is what the enemy would have us think... _________________ Christiaan
| 2012/1/26 17:54 | Profile | savannah Member
Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: Fear of Controversy | |
Fear of Controversy
by Robert Haldane 1764 - 1842
Many religious persons have a dread of controversy and wish truth to be stated without any reference to those who hold the opposite errors. Controversy and a bad spirit are, in their estimation, synonymous terms. And strenuously to oppose what is wrong is considered as contrary to Christian meekness. Those who hold this opinion seem to overlook what every page of the New Testament lays before us. In all the history of our Lord Jesus Christ, we never find Him out of controversy. From the moment He entered on the discharge of His office in the synagogue of Nazareth till He expired on the cross, it was an uninterrupted scene of controversy. Nor did He, with all the heavenly meekness which in Him shone so brightly, treat truth and error without reference to those who held them or study to avoid giving its proper appellation to those corruptions in doctrine or practice that endangered the interests of immortal souls. His censures were not confined to doctrine but included the abettors of false principles themselves.
And as to the Apostles, their epistles are generally controversial. Most of them were directly written for the express purpose of vindicating truth and opposing errorand the authors of heresies do not escape with an abstract condemnation of their false doctrine. Paul again and again most indignantly denounces the conduct of the opposers of the Gospel and, by name, points out those against whom he cautions his brethren. When Hymenaeus and Alexander erred concerning the faith and when he delivered them unto Satan that they might learn not to blaspheme, he did not compliment them as amiable and learned persons. Even that Apostle who treats most of love and who possessed so much of that spirit which was so eminently manifested in his Divine Master, does not avoid controversynor in controversy does he study to avoid severity of censure on the opposers of the truth. In the examples of opposing error (left on record for our imitation) we perceive nothing of that frigid spirit of indifference which smiles on the corrupters of the Word of God and shuns to call heresy by its proper name.
With what holy indignation do the Apostles denounce the subtle machinations of the enemies of the gospel! In vain shall we look among those faithful servants of the Lord for anything to justify that trembling reserve which fears to say decidedly that truth is truth--and error is error.
In what style, indeed, should perversions of the truth of God be censured? Ought they to be treated as mere matters of opinion on which we may innocently and safely differ? Or ought they to be met in a tone of solemn, strong and decided approbation? Paul warned Christians against men who arose from among themselves, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themand instead of complimenting false teachers in his day, denounced an angel from heaven on the supposition of his preaching another gospel. And if an Apostle was withstood to the face, because he was to be blamed, are the writings of those who subvert the Gospel to pass without rebuke?
When the canker of the principles of neology [the use of new meanings for established words], derived from the Continent and from America, is perverting the faith of many and seducing them into the paths of errorwhich a spirit of lukewarmness and indifference to truth is advancing under the mask of charity and liberality, there is a loud call on all Christians to stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel, to present a firm and united phalanx of opposition to error under every namefrom whatever quarter it may approach. Should believers become unfaithful to their trust and be seduced to abandon their protest against false doctrines, they may gain the approbation of the worldbut what will this avail when compared with the favor of God? But if (with prayer to God, in the use of the appointed means) they contend earnestly for the truth, then they may expect the gracious fulfillment of the blessed promise, When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
| 2012/1/26 18:46 | Profile | jimp Member
Joined: 2005/6/18 Posts: 1481
| Re: | | hi, what false doctrine? easy to answer...your false doctrine because mine can not be false.jimp |
| 2012/1/26 18:49 | Profile | ArtB Member
Joined: 2004/4/27 Posts: 431 New York
| Re: | | Brother Tom wrote:
When faith and doctrine are concerned and endangered, neither love nor patience are in order when these are concerned, neither toleration nor mercy are in order, but only anger, dispute, and destruction - to be sure, only with the Word of God as our weapon."....Martin Luther
In my view, this quoted statement is seriously flawed because just about everyone else believes it to be true, with respect to their worldviews.
The Catholic Church believes this to be true, seeing themselves as the one true Christian Church that Jesus founded on Peter, and they will not budge an inch on their doctrines: purgatory, salvation by their sacraments, they are the true church , praying to dead saints, Mary is the Queen of heaven, Earth, the cosmos, and apparitions of OUR Lady of this and OUR Lady of that appearing all over the world, etc. And in their minds they believe all of their views are consistent with Scriptures, and they killed many protestants and others, based upon the same principle that Martin Luther gives above.
And the Jehovah's Witnesses and The Mormons, will equally defend their versions of Christianity as being the proven and correct interpretations of the Bible.
Other religions, and even communists and fascists, and other ideologies - can, and do, make the same statement Luther made in defense of their non-Christian ideologies. And they do it based on their belief books, education, including atheism whereby they replace the Bible with what science has to say. And they have acted on spreading their beliefs that we now live in a world where true Christianity is in a steep decline.
My view is that we should hold fast the gospel ourselves, and not give up patience or love, but be willing to be the lambs to the slaughter, while blessing our adversaries, and keeping the Faith we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
roadsign writes:
I appreciate you posting this quote from Luther. It may help explain what happened to Luther. Through all the resistance he encountered, he himself became bitter and hostile. You can see that in some of his writings. When the Jews did not listen to him he permitted them to be persecuted and murdered.
I do not believe what you wrote to be true. Here is why.
In 1527, 10 years after Luther posted his 95 theses, Martin Luther started suffering severely from Ménière's Disease, an inherited disease, Luthers Father and two of his brothers suffered from the disease. In addition to this, Luther suffered from other painful diseases, but his Ménière's Disease crippled Luther mentally.
He became very violent at times, and it influenced his writings. Earlier He was quite kind toward the Jews. His later writings were extremely anti-Jewish. He was aware of His violent fits and he actually hired a servant to help him from hurting himself and others when his painful fits occurred.
In 1516 Luther wrote: "Many people are proud with marvelous stupidity when they call the Jews dogs, evildoers, or whatever they like, while they too, and equally, do not realize who or what they are in the sight of God"
In 1523, Luther advised kindness toward the Jews in That Jesus Christ was Born a Jew, but also with the aim of converting them to Christianity.
By the mid 1540's, when His Ménière's Disease was very advanced through 20 years of painful suffering - having never been treated because no one understood it at all, Luther was no longer the man He was twenty years earlier. About the Jews, Luther argued that the Jews were no longer the chosen people but "the devil's people": he referred to them with violent, vile language. Luther advocated setting synagogues on fire, destroying Jewish prayerbooks, forbidding rabbis from preaching, seizing Jews' property and money, and smashing up their homes, so that these "poisonous envenomed worms" would be forced into labour or expelled "for all time".
Does anyone know when Luther actually wrote the quote of this thread? No guessing, just the facts, please.
Well, for what it is worth, this is my two cents on this topic.
God Bless all here on sermonindex.
ArtB _________________ Arthur Biele
| 2012/1/26 19:07 | Profile | rawhide Member
Joined: 2011/6/30 Posts: 24
| Re: | | i'm not one to say that when a person suffers from a disease or is involved in some horrific act that it is an act of God, but it does seem quite coincidental that someone who, other than sola fide and a few other issues, was still practically catholic, and suffered from such a disease. is it possible that he was just given over to the desires of his heart when he was struck with said disease and it caused him to have these outbursts that he supposedly never really meant? i don't know, i'm just making a complete assumption, and we all know what that's worth. i am going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone that endorses murder, capital punishment, whatever you want to call it, for theological purposes is not acting according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. i know for a fact that i don't agree with everyone on here and i know that they don't agree with me, but i am positive that 1 john states numerous times what condition the soul is in if one "hates his brother" and i'm sure that applies to religious persecution. i'm all about religious freedoms, but i certainly don't agree with the actions taken by a large number of the reformers and i don't believe that they will face their maker and honestly believe that what they did or endorsed was biblical or right in God's eyes. _________________ tom bowerman
| 2012/1/26 20:38 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Funny... that is what the enemy would have us think
Miccah, the Seventh Day Adventist for some strange reason believe that they are the remnant because they go to church on saturday instead of sunday. (that's as far as they go concerning the Laws).
The Catholics believe they started Christianity, hence they are the true church; as such, everyone should worship Mary the queen of heaven or they'll perish.
Some Christians believe in eternal Sonship and the pre existance doctrine, others believe it's a fallacy. The list goes on, the state of confusion is apparent.
The enemy has Christianity in a choke hold and she's squeezing the life out of it. Do you still think it's funny?Wake up. |
| 2012/1/26 21:22 | |
| Re: | | Many religious persons have a dread of controversy and wish truth to be stated without any reference to those who hold the opposite errors. Controversy and a bad spirit are, in their estimation, synonymous terms. And strenuously to oppose what is wrong is considered as contrary to Christian meekness.
Those who hold this opinion seem to overlook what every page of the New Testament lays before us.
In all the history of our Lord Jesus Christ, we never find Him out of controversy. From the moment He entered on the discharge of His office in the synagogue of Nazareth till He expired on the cross, it was an uninterrupted scene of controversy...Robert Haldane....By Savannah
Thank-you Savannah...I am so thankful. This is the ministry of the Shepherd-Watchman...and brother or sister...."AM I MY BROTHERS KEEPER?"
We should be swift to stand against the dark flood lest our children, or brother or sister be swept away.
| 2012/1/26 21:37 | | Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | theEphah said,
They are all wrong.
Sorry friend, but this IS what the enemy wants us to think, that we all have it wrong, and he is right.
Let me ask you, if "they" are all wrong, what makes you think that you are right?
If you do not see the hypocrisy in your own words, me pointing it out to you will do no better. _________________ Christiaan
| 2012/1/26 23:18 | Profile |