Poster | Thread | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| The Mortifying Power of Scripture | | Scripture, when hid in the heart by faith, is the sole weapon ordained by God for the diffusion of temptation in the flesh. It is a sword that grows with the soldier. A babe is able to slay a giant with it; a seasoned believer wielding the Word of God can banish a legion of devils and tread over all of Satan's schemes. The Bible has a power to mortify that this world cannot comprehend, for the object of its mortification are not the flesh and blood citizens of this physical world but the angelic powers and sinister principalities of another realm.
The unregenerate blind professors ridicule this book; religious cults tamper with it; the doctrinally-biased dull its blade to no effect; liberal theologians place a safety scabbard upon it. All these efforts are done in the flesh and are the outcroppings of a deeper campaign occuring in the spiritual realm. The powers of darkness know that the Bible is Gods weapon to the believer to withstand Satans influence and captivate the lusts of the flesh. They therefore induce men in the flesh to destroy it, persecute it, repudiate it, tamper with it, inoculate it.
The purity of the Word is such that if any component of it is adulterated or twisted, the whole is rendered ineffective. In spite of this, many believers play with the Word of God as though it were a toy. They wave it menacingly at each other in fruitless debates; they use it as a club to enforce their agendas; they indiscreetly wield it against fellow soldiers to make a show of their technique. But when it comes time to use it for its real purpose, they find it totally useless against the prevailing powers of hell.
When standing against spiritual wickedness, most believers are soon vanquished by a darling lust: they lose their tempter, they burn with passion after women, they chase after money and worldly position and prestige, they covet the vain applause and religious acceptance of men. Inwardly they have never come to learn the value of Gods Word as a sin-destroying weapon for their own walk.
Used for its original purpose, the Word of God is Spirit, and as such it gives abundant life to the believer when hid in the heart. When misused, however, it becomes a razor of death and condemnation to all who toy with its double blade. While scripture is profitable for the establishment of healthy doctrine and the reproof of heresies, the great truth that has been largely forgotten by the church is the usage of the Word of God as a weapon to defeat Satans attacks.
The New Testament was never meant to be intellectually dissected and dissertated in universities; it was meant to combat spiritual evil and shield you from succumbing to temptation. It has a very practical purpose in revealing the Son of God to us, our Great Deliverer, to rescue us from this present evil world. It exhorts us to walk in Him, rooted and built up and established in the faith, allowing no provision for the flesh to exercise its deceitful lusts within our hearts and minds. God's Word was never intended for dogma wars among the dissenting denominations of Christendom; it was given rather that the believer might triumph over all unrighteousness, and be perfected in holiness, magnifying God's love through the mind of Christ.
Each holy verse has its own special mortifying power. Each verse is authenticated by the Holy Spirit and has the ability to dissolve any obstacle you face - and yet each verse is a dead letter until divinely vivified. If you would experience this miraculous power, this supernatural grace of the Holy Spirit that always leads to victory and joy, you must allow Gods Spirit to bring upon you the conviction of necessity for prevailing grace.
Dear saint, confess that you are an undone creature without the very life of Christ empowering your spirit to abide in His glorious victory. Depend on Him daily to renew and refresh your inner man to face Satan's onslaughts as they arise to buffet your mind. Depend on the grace of God to thwart each wave of fleshly rebellion in your mind against Gods law. Such a life is wrought according to your faith in the power of God; may you taste of this all-victorious life, of the excellence of unbroken fellowship with your Heavenly Father through the blood of Christ Jesus and mortification by His Spirit.
- Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/1/23 23:49 | Profile | Lysa Member
Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: The Mortifying Power of Scripture | | Quote:
PaulWest wrote: It is a sword that grows with the soldier. A babe is able to slay a giant with it; a seasoned believer wielding the Word of God can banish a legion of devils and tread over all of Satan's schemes. The Bible has a power to mortify that this world cannot comprehend, for the object of its mortification are not the flesh and blood citizens of this physical world but the angelic powers and sinister principalities of another realm.
Amen! Thank you for posting this!
God bless, Lisa _________________ Lisa
| 2012/1/24 7:04 | Profile | shornlamb Member
Joined: 2010/10/31 Posts: 16 Germany
| Re: The Mortifying Power of Scripture | | Thank you, brother Paul, for those encouraging reminders of the most precious "thing" I possess, God's word.
Having, by God's grace, come into a new realm of my Christian life about two years ago, having finally made a complete surrender (Romans 12:1) and asked God to take ALL, and not just the bits and pieces of my life I had given Him up until that point, there has been this blessed hunger for His word. Large quantities, often hours of reading and searching the Scriptures on end every day, and of experiencing the very real cleansing and sanctifying power that Jesus promised:
Eph 5:26&27 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Joh 15:3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Joh 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
They have so helped me into the "death life" as Andrew Murray put it.
But - and this is my motive to write and add something freshly experienced to your precious words - there have come moments of "tiredness", perhaps after giving a talk and all the preparation it required, or when I've been in some other sort of great effort for the Lord, and become tired in body, soul and spirit. Often the enemy has waited for these moments and I have fallen out of the blessing God had led me into, looking for other diversions for some sort of relaxation, and often succumbing to temptation. These "falls" could (to my surprise) be great, often bringing separation from God for days or even weeks, and only by God's grace did He not let me permanently slip back into my previous Christian life of compromise.
One such moment of weakness came again last Friday evening after a 10-day commission for the Lord. Tired from the long journey home, I lay on my bed with my lap top before me. Should I look for the "relaxing diversion" and click on something interesting in the internet? Something that might lead me onto the slippery slope of going "further", further into worldly interests, further away from the Lord (often resulting in real disobedience and sins of the flesh)? This time, almost with the last drop of strength and grace that I had remaining, I just barely managed to click onto my eSword Bible first. For the first time in many such moments of the last months, I made the right "first click": my Bible, and not the internet. I began reading in the Psalms. The Book began to have its supernatural effect. The first few lines were hard, but then, sentence by sentence, word for word, it became easier. The Word met with me and strengthened me. God came so close then, lifted me and gave me new spiritual strength. The trial was past (or "passed"). My longing for worldly relaxation dissolved. My desire was again for God alone. The world freshly crucified to me and I to the world.
That was God's special moment last Friday night. It is as though He has helped me over a hurdle at which I had fallen more than once in the last 2 very special years of my life. These last few days He has remained very close again, in what I can only try to describe as "unbroken fellowship" waking me in the night to meet with Him and read His word, and walking closely with me moment by moment through the day.
Please forgive me for perhaps getting a bit personal, but I thought this very fresh experience with the power of God's word might just be of help to someone. It is to Him and the grace of His word that I want to point and not to myself.
It was a decisive moment last Friday evening. I could quite easily have made the wrong click on my computer in that moment of weakness. But God helped me learn the lesson of the weak moment: juuuust open the page..., juuust turn your eyes to My word, just begin to read..., just begin to listen to Me..., to let Me talk to you...through my word. I feel that I am stronger now for the next "moment of weakness", for the next trial, for the next lesson. Glory and honour and thanks be to our Father. |
| 2012/1/24 8:19 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | My dear brother, your words burn in my heart. This experience you entered into, this supernatural protection and cleaning from the Word is precisely what I am getting at. God's Word is a mighty sword and shield; it is a sancitfying Word, a hedge of holy fire to insulate the mind. Satan's aim is to drain you through soulish fatique and idleness to where you are lax to fetch power from God's Word.
All the world's entertainment and pleasure I am convinced is designed and stragetically engineered to suppress us from finding solace through scripture. At any given time there are a million and one distractions, options, solutions to engage the idle mind. The internet is a minefield. The mind itself gravitates toward fleshly ruminations, to ally its most intense visualizations and fantasies with the flesh. Although the enemy is outside the gate, there are booby traps on the inside as well, camouflaged beneath friendly flags.
Your post speaks near and dear to my heart. God is able to continue to make you stand dear brother. He alone can keep you from falling. If He speaks His Word unto you, you are clean and infused with fresh power, renewal. Grace. Bless our Dear Lord for grace and goodness, mercy and compassion. May He grant us an ever-expanding revelation of His inheritance in the saints, His bleeding love that forever encompasses our spirits though faith in the accomplished work of His Son.
Hallelujah and amen! _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/1/24 21:03 | Profile | shornlamb Member
Joined: 2010/10/31 Posts: 16 Germany
| Re: The Mortifying Power of Scripture | | Dear Brother Paul, Thank you. By way of thanks, three of my favourite quotes about God's word, in case you hadn't yet heard them:
"Entertainment is the Devil's substitute for the joy of the Holy Spirit. We only seek entertainment (especially TV, music and sport) because we have lost our spiritual joy" Leonard Ravenhill (in my words of recollection)
"Sin will keep me from the Bible, but the Bible will keep me from sin." Keith Daniel (quoting another Bible scholar, whose name unfortunately escapes me)
"In the early morning hours the Lord would speak to me. Not through a voice. Not through a vision or dream. But 99.9% through His Word. Oh, I love it. It's the surest and best way, you know." Gerard Du Toit
| 2012/1/24 22:38 | Profile | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | amen ,amen and amen again |
| 2012/1/25 4:59 | Profile |