From the people of God in England, in English called Quakers.
Friends,There is a power above all powers, and this power is making itself manifest; and this is God, whose power this is, who is an over-ruler, the creator, and framer, and maker of all things in heaven and earth. He gathered together the waters, and made the sea, and made the earth, and caused it to bud, and bring forth; who has all times and seasons in his hand, and had placed man in the garden; but this garden, (mans habitation and union with God), was lost by mans transgression against the command of God. Yet God lives, who is the God of the spirits of all flesh, in whose hands is the breath and life of all mankind; who has all souls in his hand, and would have all to know him, and to worship him, and believe in him, and to serve him in the spirit and in the light. For God is light, and this is the true light, which enlightens every man that comes into the world. This light is Christ, the Son of God, the way to the Father, the second Adam; this light begets people to God, that brings them forth to God out of the earth, sin, and the fall, and evil, and transgression. Now this is the light which Jesus Christ has enlightened you withal, that shows you your evil thoughts, and the naughty words, and the evil actions and deeds, and your evil ways that you run into and walk in. Now this is the light that discovers all these, this which Christ has enlightened you withal, which is in you; which if you receive this light, you receive Christ, you receive righteousness. For the light discovers unrighteousness, unrighteous walking, and actions. So when you receive this light, you receive righteousness, and come from unrighteousness; and this is what brings you into peace, and unity with God, and one with another, and with Christ, who upholds all things by his word and power. But not believing in the light, with which everyone of you is enlightened, then you come to be unrighteous, and ungodly, and speak wicked things, and act wicked actions, and evil deeds. Then this light condemns you in your own selves, and so then you fight, and quarrel, and are envious against one another; but if you walked in the light, you would be in unity, and would be in love with one another. This love is the love of God, which is shed in the heart, in the light, in the righteousness. This love differs from the love of the world, which hates the light and is in that which kills, and hates one another, whose deeds are evil, and words are wicked, and actions unrighteous. The light in them tells them so, and that checks them, and condemns them, who hate it, and they will not come to the light, because their deeds are evil, and there they fret and vex themselves, when the light checks and condemns them.
So all you kings and powers of the earth, God has come to rule, and his Son Christ to uphold all things, by his word and power, whose power is going over all nations of men, in whose hand is the breath of mankind, and has all souls in his hand, who is the God of the spirits of all flesh, creating man upon the earth, who gives him life, and breath, and strength, and all things that are good. But man being wicked, turns from his Maker, and grieves the spirit of God in him, who is righteous, and by his unrighteous actions and deeds, quenches the spirit of God in him. Christ has come to rule, who has all power in heaven and earth, who enlightens everyone that comes into the world, so that with the light all might believe in the light, and in Christ from where it comes; and so come into covenant with their Maker, so that he might take away their sin and blot it out. But those who hate the light, and do not believe in the light, that makes manifest their sins, Lets them see their evil actions, and evil words, and evil ways; they go into unrighteous words, and actions, which God will judge, who has enlightened them, and the light will condemn them. Now everyone shall come to have a reward according to their deeds and actions. Whoever has done unrighteously and done ungodly, and done wickedly and unjustly, the light in your consciences and hearts tells you, Lets you see what you have done; and that is Christ's witness in you, who will judge according to your words, and actions. The light will tell you when you have erred in speaking, and in action; which if you hear it, it will teach you. The light, with which Christ has enlightened you, is Christ, the way to God the Father of light and life, in whom there is no darkness, nor no unrighteousness, nor no unholiness. Without holiness none can see him, who is righteous, just, holy, and true. So whoever goes into unrighteousness, and unholiness, and blindness, they cannot see God, and do the things that are true. So the Lord has come to judge you all, and that you must all give an account for all your evil ways that you have walked in, for all your evil actions, and unrighteous deeds that you have done, and for unrighteous ways and unrighteous words that you have spoken. You must give an account to the Lord God, the Lord has come to require an account of all your ways, your words, and your actions, which have been acted by all kings and emperors upon earth. Now has the mighty God of power, of heaven and earth, of all the breath and life of mankind, and the soul, and spirit, has come to judge all according to their works in this his day; and everyone shall have a reward according to his deeds, whether they are good, or whether they are evil. The cause of all differences in the whole body of mankind, among kings, and emperors, and people, and professions, and worships, and churches, and priests, and sacrifices, is that they have been out of the light with which they have been enlightened by Christ, who is the covenant of God; they have transgressed the spirit in which people have unity. So the living God, the maker of the earth, and creator of all things, accepts none except those who are in the light, which is Christ his Son. For those who hate the light and walk in unrighteousness, in ungodliness, but does not walk in the light; they do not walk in fellowship, for in the light is fellowship with God, and one with another. Those who hate the light are in darkness, and not in fellowship one with another; but they are in the unrighteous power in which the devil is in, out of truth, where people kill one another about their religion, or church, or ministry, or sacrifice; being out of the light, Christ the truth, which would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon