One of the worst faults mentioned in this book is the most common: "It is preaching or teaching Bible truth without having any apparent thought of Jesus in mind.When you begin to realize the solemn truth about this appalling condition, then stop and meditate about these commandments of Jesus."You shall be witnessess unto ME. The works I do .. bear witness of ME. You shall bear witness of ME. He shall testify of ME. Confess ME before men. The scriptures .. testify of ME. Moses wrote of ME. It is written of ME. All things concerning ME must be fulfilled. He shall glorify ME. Glorify thou ME. In vain do they worship ME. Their hearts are far from ME. They have not known ME. They believed not on ME. They will be offended because of ME. All power is given unto ME. Come unto ME. Come after ME. Come to ME. Follow ME. Learn of ME. Look unto ME. Recieve ME. Serve ME. Believe in ME. Seek ME. Ask of ME. Call on ME. Abide in ME. Hear ME. Answer ME. Obey ME. Remember ME. Bring him to ME. I will draw all men unto ME. Enter in by ME. I AM the door. I AM the Way. I AM the light. I AM the Truth. I AM the Bread. I AM Lord and Master. I AM the Son of Man. I AM He.Jesus said, in effect, that all preaching was to be about HIM (Luke 24:44). and that all teaching was to be about HIM (Matt. 28:18) and that all testifying was to be about HIM (Acts 1:8) and that He was to be preached among all nations and in all the world. Most of the above quotations are positive commandments. Notice how Jesus pleads with His ministers to keep His commandments: Keep MY commandments. Teach what I have commanded. Do whatsoever I command you. Do the things I say. Hear MY voice. Abide in MY teaching. My words shall not pass away. Obey MY words. Continue in MY word. Continue in MY love. Do all these for MY sake.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
When a man can step aside and mainly quote His Words - that to me is a touch of selflessness, that He might increase and humans decrease - as is, posting the good messages of others.Bless you three.