It is become difficult for me to write posts. The more the complexity of the topic, the quicker my mind breaks down, my memory recall is poor, I lose my train of thought. I fear being insensitive with a poor thought out statement. I need to slow down, take a break, and give my mind - rest.In leaving for awhile, I wish to leave all participants with Biblical Blessings, and I do mean all, for these blessing God has given to you, keep them in your Mind, Heart and Soul, and bless others with them..Your God and my God: The Father - Son - Holy Spirit.God has saved you.God has Blessed you.God has kept you.God has smiled upon you.God has gifted you.God has surrounded you with favor.God has given you completeness in your spirit, soul, and body that you should walk in His favor, and in your blessings, and in the gifts He has given to you.
_________________Arthur Biele
Bless you, Brother Art. Do understand and pleased to hear it's just "for awhile". Been there and may be doing that as well soon myself. Usually do!You'll stay in my prayers and hope I'll stay in yours.Your God and my God: The Father - Son - Holy Spirit be tangible to you during this restorative break.If nothing else, See you when we See Him.The Peace that passes all of our own understanding to you!
Art, you have written some great posts! When I read them I get a sense of your considerable wisdom and deep, thoughtful love of Jesus.Thank you Brother, may your appreciation of His love continue to grow within. And we'll be glad to see you back whenever you feel moved to share more thoughts here!Tom
_________________Tom Cameron
Art, Thank you!May the Lord answer you in the day of your trouble!May the name of the Lord be your strong mighty tower!May He grant you your heart's deepest dreams and desires!May He answer each time you call!May He pour out the blessing of heaven!May you cast your cares on Him and daily fall!May you live to see your children's children!May Lord Jesus be your All in All!May the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy beyond all measure!May His Word light your path!May His Peace guard your heart!May your days be filled with gladness, joy and peace through any sadnessFilled with love that will not depart!May your strength be renewed like the eagle!As you run the race may joy flood every part!May your memories all be sweet in each parting!May the peace of Christ rule your heart!May His word be to you health and life, joy and treasure.May your home be a light.May the Lord guard your ways.May the Lord be your shepherd.May His goodness and mercy follow after you all your days!May His mercies be new every morning!May His grace and Holy Spirit help you stand!May you live your life to die for the gospel!May you hold to His unchanging hand!May the Lord answer you in the day of your trouble!May the name of the Lord be your strong mighty tower!
Something for us all to use as discernment and to live by, in His own Words:(2 Cor. 11:3)"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."Bless you brother as you find His rest! A sister in the Lord