The Lords tests often come upon us suddenly, at times when our minds are lax and reclining. The dart fired at David as he looked upon Bathsheba was strategically timed. The enemy will also fire darts at you at the most opportune time. When it comes time for a test, the Lord will permit the powers of darkness to drill you with a volley of flaming arrows. If you are not prepared for the examination, the enemys attack will catch you off guard and wound your soul. Most Christians are unaware of Gods surprise examinations until after the tests are over and the failing scores are made known to the conscience.It was a fiery arrow of temptation which struck David and enflamed the lust which was already in his heart. One spark is all it takes to ignite a towering inferno of sin within us. Beloved Christian, make sure your mind and heart are washed clean with the water of the Word of God. Prepare for Gods surprise exams by soaking yourself in scripture and thus fireproofing your mind. Learn to attune your spiritual ear to the tutelage of Holy Spirit, be sober and vigilant and instant in all seasons so that you can face one of Gods sudden exams with the grace to overcome.Mortification is the process by which the flaming arrows of Satan are shielded from our minds and hearts. The victorious life in God arises when Satans arrows find nothing to ignite within us. The Spirit of God leads us to put to death all combustible material which comes through spiritual wickedness and our rebellious flesh. This is the true definition of being led by the Spirit, the true representation of a child of God: he is directed by God to be fireproof and clean in all areas of his life. True religion is keeping oneself unspotted from the world. All the spots of the world are soaked in kerosene and pose a fire hazard when united with one of Satan's fiery darts. Gods examinations unmask these dangerous hazards; His flaming trials draw them to the surface for extinguishing.Confession and repentance bring the holy water of grace to put out these spot-fires. Part of being a mature Christian involves a more streamlined effort in extinguishing these fires before they spread. Though none of us can boast in a perpetually-free fire zone, we are all called to a greater effort of fire prevention through mortification. Dear believer, have you entered yet into this school? - Brother Paul
_________________Paul Frederick West
Thank you and may God continue to bless His Words.Elizabeth
Thank you dear sister. I pray the Lord continue to speak to you through these works, and to others as well. May He use them to provoke us all to a greater sense of surrender, of purity, of love. It is with love that I write them, to the nurishment of the Body of Christ. I am blessed just as much by writing them as you and others are in reading them.Brother Paul
Most Christians are unaware of Gods surprise examinations until after the tests are over and the failing scores are made known to the conscience.
Beloved Christian, make sure your mind and heart are washed clean with the water of the Word of God. Prepare for Gods surprise exams by soaking yourself in scripture and thus fireproofing your mind. Learn to attune your spiritual ear to the tutelage of Holy Spirit, be sober and vigilant and instant in all seasons so that you can face one of Gods sudden exams with the grace to overcome.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
May we have this mindset to be prepared for these "examinations" and to be willing to learn the lessons God is trying to teach us. Nothing is worse then repeated failed examinations in the school of God.
Great word!