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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Has anyone crossed over into the promised land lately?

Hi Everyone,
Our church has come to a point of "crossing the Jordan" into the promised land recently.I was looking for some insights or thoughts especially from christians who have gone through this experience corporately or individually.
I think it would be a valuable post.
Look forward to hearing from you Yours Staff
p.s Or not recently

 2012/1/15 17:54Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: Has anyone crossed over into the promised land lately?

Not sure we're getting the point here. Would you care to elaborate on just what we should be talking about?

Tom Cameron

 2012/1/15 21:03Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York

 Re: Has anyone crossed over into the promised land lately?

Greetings Staff,

I would think that all true Christians have already crossed over the Jordan River into the promised Land, lead by Joshua (Gr. Jesus) who took us there.

Arthur Biele

 2012/1/16 2:50Profile

 Re: Has anyone crossed over into the promised land lately?

Hello staff

It is quite a while since I crossed the Jordan. It came about
when I reached a crisis point of many struggles, failing miserably as a believer - you know the thing I am talking about - being upone minute and down the next, singing praise the Lord on a Sunday then finding myself back in the mire on Monday, same old sins still there. I acted the part ok but inside felt like I was dying, I had fallen so far back from the early days, the honeymoon days on the mountain top where I swore I would do anythig the Lord asked of me, but now found myself chaffing because something cropped up, a house actually, that I thought was perfect for my family to live in but my application was turned down and I was thrown into the deepest despair as my circumstances were so hard, a disabled child,chronic sickness in myself and a husband who would not work. I felt that it was not too much to ask and hope for but it was not to be and the house appointed did not have that lovely view over a valley I so wished for.

At that point I felt like giving up, being a Christian felt too hard and God seemed to miss me out on blessings all of the time although I strove to be what He wanted.

I had to learn that I must praise Him in all things and trust that He knew best. When I did this I was immediately transformed into the heavenly sphere and spent 3 days in rapture. He opened up scripture to me and I saw my path had been through the wilderness in like manner to the children of Israel,whom I had thought of as unsaved but now saw it was the pattern for those who have committed themselves to `all He has`.

In those 3 days He answered all of my questions and doubts and it was so powerful that my heart could not hold out much longer - I had not slept in this time.

It has been quite an adventure in the Promised Land, and not like I imagined at first.

My advice is to study the instructions of the Lord given when the children of Israel were about to enter, and to take very seriously the warnings as Satan prowls like a lion
in these upper reaches and waits to devour. But if we trust Christ and do not look at our circumstances, we will be victorious and walk in holiness.

God bless.

 2012/1/16 5:10

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sidewalk,
Thanks for your reply which I will try to answer as best I can.
It has been clear to me for many a year that I have been wondering in the wilderness similar to Israel.I had trouble with sin and didnt come into the ministry God had called me to.
Recently the small Church that I attend began corporately coming out of the wilderness towards the Jordan river(as it were).We feel as a church and individually we are about to cross over into the promise God has had for us.
When the Israelites came to the Jordan certain things happened.God told them that they should consecrate themselves for he would do wonders among them,the Jordan was dried up to cross and afterwards a circumcision took place.All off these I believe are about to happen to our church so we can finally come into the promise god has for us,
I hope it gives you an idea what I am on about.I was just asking people to share their similar experiences as I havent completed the crossing sort to speak,Yours Staff

 2012/1/16 17:31Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Kautfrau,
May I say your post is beautiful,thats just great thanks.
Its funny that you knew exactly what I was talking about because God had shown you the pattern of the Israelites and you had experienced the process.
I was looking for christians who had gone further than I have,who have gone over the Jordan into the promise that God had for them.
Sometimes christians live under condemnation from themselves and other christians because they are not living like a proper christian should but in fact they are going through a process.In reality they have to cross the river....
Thanks again Staff

 2012/1/16 17:47Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Art B,
I think you are right.I think I could put it this way.
I crossed the Jordan when god saved me.(Lead by Jesus)
I am crossing the Jordan in this life into what God has promised me.(Lead by Jesus)
I will ultimately cross the Jordan when I die or am raptured.(Lead by Jesus)
Thanks for your post Staff

 2012/1/16 17:53Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York


[quote Staff wrote]

"I think you are right.I think I could put it this way.
I crossed the Jordan when god saved me.(Lead by Jesus)
I am crossing the Jordan in this life into what God has promised me.(Lead by Jesus)
I will ultimately cross the Jordan when I die or am raptured.(Lead by Jesus)"

Let's see, You crossed the Jordan when you were saved, and when you die and are raptured, you will cross the Jordan a 2nd time.

Hey, wait a minute, let me think about this, uhmmm - wouldn't that leave you on the wrong side of the Jordan? :)

Just joshing, I know what you mean. :)

Arthur Biele

 2012/1/16 19:07Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Art B,
lol crossing that Jordan alot,lucky its dry I cant swim!
Just came accross this great welsh hymn,worth a listen on youtube.

Guide me o thou great redeemeer
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but thou art mighty;
Hold me with thy powerful hand:
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
Feed me till i want no more.
Feed me till i want no more.

Open thou the crystal fountain
Whence the healing stream shall flow;
Let the fiery, cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through:
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer
Be thou still my strength and shield.
Be thou still my strength and shield.

When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside;
Death of death, and hell's destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan's side:
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to thee.
I will ever give to thee.

What hits me about this hymn is it speaks of the fear before death but also I have this fear now as I feel God is bringing me to a death in myself!I'm trembling'
Land me safe on caanans side!
Yours Staff

 2012/1/16 19:38Profile


There are vaious understandings on what crossing the Jordan refers to. Most believe it to be the point of physical death when we enter heaven but this cannot be true as once in the Promised Land, the Israelites had battles. Some think that it is when we first come to Christ but that cannot be either as it misses out the other stage of the crossing of the Red Sea. It also is not true of many believers that they see `huge fruit` that is, the fruit of the Spirit and victory over sin in more than a basic way and not including sins of the heart and the sin that easily overcomes us unless a further work of God occurs.

No, the pattern is for those who seek God with all of their hearts and must reach a point where they really do die to sin and self in more than a notion. It is when they have a revelation of the full work of the cross and truly enter into the life of walking in the Spirit. It is true that everything we need happened on the cross two thousand years ago, but the reality is that it takes time to learn just how weak we areand for the fullness to be realised in us.

 2012/1/17 7:44

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