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Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas

 How Your Ministry Can Become an Oasis

When we categorically mortify temptation and yield not to the urgings of our flesh by the grace of the Spirit, we enter into a blessed realm of God’s peace, joy and protection. If our conscience remains undefiled, our hearts can draw confidence to enter into God’s presence without any hindrance (I John 3:21). As we continue to walk in the light of the Holy Spirit, we receive more light and revelation on scripture that pertains to our sanctification. We gain precious insight on the cleansing and restorative power of the blood of Jesus Christ; insight impossible to obtain but by divine experience through a continuous obedience to the light God has already given you. This is a law, then, of God: to him who has (light), more will be given (as he obeys).

The Lord has given us all a measure of light. The reason some believers grow in grace and go on unto perfection, where other believers remain spiritually paralyzed is due to how they respond to light. When God gives a man light, the revelation often involves some form of mortification; that is, certain areas of his life to which God is calling him to surrender. The very word “surrender” denotes death by relinquishment. An area of self must die to whatever inner earthly habit or fleshly pleasure God has put a finger on. Though God has decreed that such a thing must go, He puts the responsibility of mortification in our power and observes how we respond. Our response determines if we continue to go on unto perfection (Hebrews 6:1), or if we remain where we are in the school of God. If we say “amen” to God’s will and collaborate with His Spirit in putting the thing to death, new light is automatically given and advancements made.

The blessings that spring from saying “amen” to God’s decrees of death are truly monumental. Through the putting to death of that which God commands, life-giving power bursts forth from our spirits to bless other believers. We find the very same seed that fell to the earth suddenly springing up into life as a living tree, giving edification to all those who sit beneath the coolness of its shade.

The way God works blessed mortification is by first purifying our hearts and then by showing us our part in maintaining the purity. He guides us through His Word with blessed instruction on how to take every thought captive in order to keep strongholds from re-invading our hearts; He shows us the substance with which we ought to keep our minds "busy": with things that are true and honest, just and pure, of good report, things that are lovely and virtuous and praiseworthy; He shows us that mortification is a daily affair and not a one-time-fix occurrence, and He gives us a deeper understanding and a divine revelation on the cleansing power of the blood of Christ.

As we walk in this constant state of mortification, and as we continuously abide in Christ by faith for the power to mortify, continuously under the blood, and continuously in a state of heart-confidence for prayer, rich blessings of grace and maturity immediately flow forth from our vessels to water other believers. Through the holy act mortification, our ministries become an oasis of life and deliverance to those in bondage and spiritual depression. Captives are set free, prayers are answered, Satan is vanquished, God is glorified.

- Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2012/1/14 17:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: How Your Ministry Can Become an Oasis

The Lord has given us all a measure of light. The reason some believers grow in grace and go on unto perfection, where other believers remain spiritually paralyzed is due to how they respond to light.

Through the holy act mortification, our ministries become an oasis of life and deliverance to those in bondage and spiritual depression. Captives are set free, prayers are answered, Satan is vanquished, God is glorified.

Excellent thoughts and encouragements dear brother, may it be so in my life.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/1/14 20:43Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Thank you dear brother, may it be so. What wonderful rest we have which comes through obeying Christ in the Spirit. Enough cannot be said of the excellency that arises from knowing Him and walking with Him in victory from day to day. If I had a thousand tongues they would all proclaim victory, triumph, and freedom from sin through Christ Jesus our Lord!

Hallelujah, He is able to keep us from falling and to present us blameless before God's presence with exceeding joy. I thank God for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the life that results from it. May everyone reading these words seek God wholeheartedly and with faith for what He is able to accomplish in and through their lives! I love you all so much in the Lord.

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2012/1/14 22:07Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


Brother Paul,

I thank my God for the good Words.

It is truly a blessing.

May we continue to grow in Him.

Yes,..there cannot be a resurrection, except there be a dying.


 2012/1/14 22:16Profile

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