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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Pastor Rob Bell, leaves megachurch to work on new TV show

One of Michigan's most noted religious leaders said good-bye to his congregation this week as he prepares to help create a TV series loosely based on his life.

Rob Bell, the founding pastor of the Mars Hill megachurch near Grand Rapids, is moving to California, where he will continue writing books and work on a TV show for ABC with the producer of "Lost."

According to, the series will be called "Stronger," about the life of "Tom Stronger, a musician and teacher, and his spiritual journey." The show will feature "autobiographical elements" from the life of Bell, Deadline said.
Bell was in a rock band before he became known as a Christian pastor. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/1/13 17:26Profile

 Re: Pastor Rob Bell, leaves megachurch to work on new TV show

It's good he's not pastoring. It's not so good that he's still writing books. None of this is surprising though.

 2012/1/13 18:13

Joined: 2011/11/13
Posts: 66


"And some noted pastors, such as Rick Warren of California, criticized him for leaving Mars Hill, saying that not having a church will weaken his credibility."

 2012/1/13 20:34Profile


"And some noted pastors, such as Rick Warren of California, criticized him for leaving Mars Hill, saying that not having a church will weaken his credibility."

I'm surprised that Mr. Warren thinks that it's the fact that he doesn't have a church that will weaken his credibility, instead of the all the un-Scriptural/heretical rubbish that Bell has been teaching and writing that will weaken it...

...Wait. Actually, I'm not surprised at all.

 2012/1/13 23:29

Joined: 2010/11/7
Posts: 193


For some reason, I'm not surprised at all.

Mike Wright

 2012/1/14 2:19Profile


We shouldn't be surprised of whats going on here. He is a successful business man and like all business men when offered more fame and more fortune they jump at the chance. He most likely will be successful in what he will end up doing being a man of the world.

As far as being a Christian, how can you have the Spirit of Life in you and speak lightly of the scriptures? The job of these men are to garner great crowds and leave them suddenly when a better opportunity comes their way, These are spots in their feasts of charity, when they feast with them, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

Such persons can speak all they want about God and the bible, but their speaking is vomiting out trash that is not the Spirit of God. Satan was seen preaching the gospel said David Ravenhill in a dream he once had. He asked Satan, "how is that you can preach the gospel?" Satan answered, "As long as I don't preach the cross then I won't be defeated in their lives". (words to that affect).

Such are his minsters today. Preach about Jesus, preach about His life, but don't touch the cross. Touching the cross means power and Satan is defeated. Such are the likes of Rob Bell. May God have mercy on his soul.

 2012/1/14 9:35


A friend from Michigan told me about this.

A church with a Tattoo parlor, MWO wrestling matches and plans to open a cage fighting event as well.

 2012/1/14 21:45

Joined: 2010/4/19
Posts: 447


Glad to see Rob leave Michigan, he's done enough damage here.

Regarding the Flint Tattoo church I have a pastor friend on Facebook who knows the guy.

Told him what Leviticus 19 says:

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."
Leviticus 19:28

And got labeled a legalist more or less.

I told him that having sex with an animal isn't in the NT, is this a practice that we are allowed to engage in? Is this the kind of freedom in Christ that he believes in?

The level of ridiculousness seems to be going up, up and up!

 2012/1/14 23:10Profile


And got labeled a legalist more or less.

Just from the "Label of the month club" - it'll pass soon.

Eventually things will get so out of hand, they may cozy back up with us 'legalists'. I sure pray we all will.

Seeker Sensitive churches are growing like wild-fire. I watched the denomination I originally started in go that way.

Are you still in Chicago? Sure wish we'd get the snow they got - but not the problem they had with getting their roads cleared.

Bless you, Brother Earl & Family!!

 2012/1/14 23:24

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