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Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 The Suffering (confession and repentance)

I look to the Lord for help because I know He is the Only One that can help me. When the waters rise so does grace all the more. When the flames are hot, Christ is there to protect me. Often we as humans think so selfishly; we think somehow our situation is far worse than anything ANYBODY has ever gone through. Somehow we are God’s big target that He just enjoys to make dance and watch squirm from Heaven. However as I sit and ponder my situation I check my email to find It flooded with emails from the Voice of the Martyr and Gospel for Asia. Just reading about these men and women who not only suffer but to suffer unjustly and to do it with a smile? What kind of trick is this? No trick, just the revealing of the wickedness in my heart and the Grace of God in theirs.

We can get so caught up in our world we can forget that there are many other people on this globe that are suffering far worse. I have been listening to K-Love everyday and all they seem to focus on right now is human trafficking, which is great, but here I am wallowing in self-pity hoping God would change my circumstance and take the weight off of me. How dare I? Lord, change the circumstance of those precious girls and boys being bought and sold like animals they need the change far worse! Plus the weight is there for a reason; Christ placed it there fully knowing that I, as a human and a Christian, can handle its weight.

Many times we forget, our Savior was a suffering one. He walked the earth knowing full and well the very people He taught and healed and Loved would take Him to the cross to kill Him. The very people He showed nothing but kindness and mercy, would show Him nothing but pain and misery. EVEN this pain and misery was for them and us because by it our sins are forgiven and we can be freed from the tyranny of Sin and Death, we just have to grab it and accept it.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/1/13 1:34Profile

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