I am just finishing up the biography of Leonard Ravenhill and a thought from the Holy Spirit came to me:God is sovereignly in control of every intricate detail of the life of each believer beginning to end. From before they were born to the moment of their death. I was reading how Ravenhill before he died was unconscious for around 2 months during that time he was on an oxygen mask and kept alive through fluids they would play worship music 24/7 and he would at times lift up his hands to worship. Its struck me how God chose this to be the way Leonard Ravenhill was to die!Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His godly ones. Psalm 116:15It was as if God wanted Ravenhill to be kept on the earth in a stage between life and death for those two months to make the finishing touches to His masterpiec before he would finally be ready to worship before the Ancient of Days for all eternity!God knows each of His children so perfectly and has planned the way they are to die right up to the last detail because only He knows how He wants each masterpiece to look like when it is finished! I am not 100% sure but I think when someone makes a piece of pottery depending on what they want there are somethings that can only be done at the later stages. It varies depending on the shape and purpose and design of the pot itself it may req