Jake, if I go to one "group" and they have a "visitation" which they say is the the Holy Spirit and this spirit says that x=1, what happens if I go to another "group" and they have a "visitation" which they say is the the Holy Spirit and this spirit says that x=2?Who do I believe?
_________________Mark Nash
I will be holding all of you "in the Light."Jake
I don't understand, can you expand on this please?
The simplified definition: Hold in the Light - think about, pray for, or hold special thoughts about another person.A more complete understanding of the term requires experience in unprogrammed Quaker worship. For more on the Religious Society of Friends (called Quakers), see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakersa sample:Friends believe that the Bible is the word of God as interpreted by each person. Each Friend must interpret the Bible for themselves in the light of the same Spirit that they consider to have inspired the Bible. Thus Friends believe that divine revelation is not restricted to the Bible, but rather continues even today (this doctrine is known as continuing revelation). Jake
The trouble with hearing in this manner is totally dependent upon the personal holiness and seperateness of the individual and then there's no real judgement of the message . Here's an example: Some time ago the charismatic movement was using the angels announcement to Mary and her response (be it unto me as you have spoken--Luke 1:38)as a launching pad for false doctrine.I believe some of the word of faith teachers took hold of it also.They claimed that Mary's acceptance of the angels announcement made God's proclaimation true.BIG ERROR-- Note God is Soverien this false doctrine circulated because they wanted to interpet a section of scripture," being enlightened" , apart from the whole of the bible.Generally speaking this is the type false doctrine that comes when there is no standard of doctrine to measure against.In Acts The Bereans were more noble because they searched diligently to see if the things Paul taught were true.ACTS17:10-11 I supose the real question is do you want to be more noble or not?And if you don't believe the Word of God as infallible to begin with then there can be no real reasoning together.
dear brother,The thing about baptisms, just follow Christ's example, and you will be safe?In love