I recently came upon this site as a result of a search on Buddy Harrison. After having read this article https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=11051I felt compelled to write something. There are those of you who are much more learned than I, many wiser and have served our Lord for many more years and have accomplished much more than I.I would imagine though few of you could say that they spent more time actually with the man than I. I lived in Tulsa in the early 80's. At that time Buddy had 4 churches he pastored in the 4 corners of Tulsa.He had assistant pastors at each location.Every Sunday, hot, cold, raining, snowing, windy I would open a gate for Buddy to be driven through by our friend Carl. He would preach, minister to the people and then he was off to the next church. He always had a kind word to me and would say "Son, I appreciate you and the Lord will reward your faithfulness". As I continued there I became an usher then sound person and finally was able to drive the bus that he purchased helping a local singing group who was in over their heads. The local congregation pitched in to refurbish the bus. I was able to travel with him to England where I further saw his love for ministers (often times the loneliest of the body of Christ - you ministers know well of what I speak). Later, during a trip out west I spent a great deal of time with him in the bus. We saw many wonderful things happen but one of the greatest was seeing the number of people come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.Once I recall a lady was speaking with me and asked me if I was Buddy's son. From ten yards or so away Buddy turned and said "he is my son in the spirit". And so I was.Upon returning from my days in Tulsa, a minister asked where I had been and what had I been doing. I told him and his response was " Well, I guess you know all about that Faith and Healing business". Saddened at his response I replied respectfully, "No sir, but they did teach me a little something about Love". That is yet true today.I yet to know "all about that Faith and Healing business". I know little (if any) about why some people are healed and others are not. I know little of how Jesus loves (yet I strive daily toward that). I do know how we judge will be how we will be judged and I know I need all the mercy capable for allotment to one man.We have boys and girls coming home from war in pieces and many with invisable ones inside. We have too many going off into an eternity undesired and yet there is this concern with another Man's servant.I challenge anyone reading this to look at your life and see if you "measure up" to the example set before us our Savior, Lord, Lover of our soul, Provider, Friend, and Brother outside of the great mercy ( the gift before and beyond faith) we been given.Now abide these three Faith, Hope, and Love. The greatest of these is Love.
Thank you to those who read this. I am very appreciative that no one of the 30 that have read this so far has endeavored to "set the record straight" with me or "make him (me) see the light".This past weekend I went to the ordination of a young man who has been like a son to me. I have never been married (although I trust Him for my mate and pray for her and my children, thanking God that she experiences His Love and that whatever children be born of this union would never know a day without His Love) and so I have no children. This young man, though very human, seeks God with his heart.Anyway one of the points I wanted to make was that as the service was about to start, an unkept man wearing tattered clothes walked up to the door and took the last drag off his cigarette, tossed the butt, and then exhaled the smoke within the building. He was greated with love and handshakes and pats on the back. I noticed that the entire scope of this body of believers was from this man to quite wealthy.Healing was presented, provision from God, Holiness, among many other subjects... but LOVE was practiced & this is a growing church. They reach out to the community, look after the household of faith and go to foreign soil...all in His Love. Not some touchy feely something, but the kind that changes lives.Would to God that others could see that and participate likewise.Thank you again, I pray you prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers.