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Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Can it not be so in the spiritual realm also? Speaking personally and others have confirmed this, a constant brooding of it all (staying there) does not lead to the abundant life described in scripture-- that's just my experience. Isn't there a balance?

Do you remember me speaking about the road in the article? Life is this road. There are turns and dips and hills we must travel along like everyone else. As Christians we sometimes hit a fork in this road. Mortification deals with the forks. As others walk by, we are suddenly stopped in our tracks and are faced with the cross. We must make a decision.

This is what scripture means by God not taking us out of the world (off the main road), but rather preserving us by His Spirit within the world (leading us in the right direction with each fork). In this aspect, taking the narrow road where others would disregard and continue travelling the broad path, is termed by Christ "taking up the cross daily" (see Luke 9:23).

So, in answer to your question, yes: it is a life-long vigil; that is if you substitute the word "vigil" with cross. The actual death we died in Christ, however, was a one-time only occurence. This was where the "old man" was conclusively destroyed, that we might be liberated from the body of sin via on-going mortification in collaboration with the Holy Spirit (see Romans 6:6; 8:13). As we practice mortification, our spirits vivify and become channels of blessing for Jesus to touch and heal many people.

When I get up each moring, I say to myself, "I am dead, and my life is hid with Christ in God." I do not brood over it, nor turn it into some dark, mounful thing. I see it as life! Real life! The power to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, to have my mind renewed and girded-up by the Spirit of Holiness, to don the armor of God by faith, to mortify the ungodly deeds of the body and impulses of the mind. This is not a doleful walk of death, but of abundant life!

I hope this clarifies things a bit. Blessings to you!

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2012/1/8 10:02Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


I will try, Savedtoserve, though it may not be for a couple days. I think though that the Lord gives each of us tailor-made ammunition to our particular battle. That is not to say that we can't be helped by what helps others. My verses have come over years of anguishing before the Lord about heartfelt burdens, failings on my part, grief over my children, how He has given me something particular when I fasted (I am not great at fasting, but I try)....Because we are in this for the long haul (some of my ammunition is from intense prayer times in 2008), we may go on for years with the same ammunition, and other times our circumstances change or we grow or satan changes strategies, and then our ammunition changes....I am not up on history or the military, but I expect there are many military or battle-type strategies and parallels that apply to our Christian walk and the unseen battle that rages in the heavenlies for souls....

Bro Paul, I look forward to the new article. Yes - many of us are in the trenches so to speak, where we need practical, and applicable help....

 2012/1/8 11:40Profile

Joined: 2009/2/20
Posts: 494
Celina, Texas

 Re: The Cemetery Road is Narrow



A great encouragement brother Paul.

As well may the stench from the smell of true death that originates from the broad side, always be discernable to the saints in the cemetery.

 2012/1/8 16:59Profile

Joined: 2011/4/7
Posts: 255


Yes, yes, Brother Paul, you did indeed clarify it for me. Thanks so much...can I say again that your word choices and sentence structure are so readable!

Thanks a lot, mama27!

 2012/1/9 21:59Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482



I sent an email to [email protected] but did not get a response. Did you get it? Do I have the correct address?


 2012/1/9 22:09Profile

Joined: 2011/4/7
Posts: 255


Yes, I did! I'll try to respond tomorrow...Sorry I haven't yet!

 2012/1/9 22:12Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458

 Re: The Cemetery Road is Narrow

First of all I want to thank you for sharing brother Paul!

And mama27,
what you are saying about your little notebook with Bible verses...sound wise in my ears dear sister :-)
And I am doing this myself for years as well.
And when I was in hospital during my cancer treatment it was a blessing to have my little book with words the Lord gave me beforehand.


 2012/1/10 2:47Profile

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