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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions

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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions

According to its latest annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions.

When compared with previous annual reports, the latest one shows an almost steady increase in the number of abortions performed at its clinics: In 2006, Planned Parenthood did 289,750 abortions; in 2007, it did 305,310; in 2009, it did 331,796; and, in 2010, it did 329,445--a small decrease from the previous year. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/1/5 22:38Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Planned Parenthood and the media

Planned Parenthood has been given perhaps the greatest free ride in history by the contemporary mainstream media abd its founding roots and history have been conveniently ignored. Planned Parenthood's founder Margarest Sanger, her original eugenics vision (that helped inspire the Nazis in their eugenic programs) and her continuing legacy that still works against minorities has never had a glove laid on it by the majority of today's media. Nor will it unless something out of the ordinary happens.

Thanks for sharing this info although it was likely as depressing to you as it is to others.

David Winter

 2012/1/14 19:33Profile

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