You may destroy my body, but not my soul, the brave Korean pastor responded to the invading Communist army of North Korea. I will not put Marxist propaganda in my sermons. I know you have taken other pastors at night from their homes and tortured them for not obeying your orders, but I do not care what you do to my body.
The officers anger grew as Pastor Im spoke. Then he said with disgust, If you do not care for yourself, then think of your family. They will be killed also. Pastor Im hesitated. He expected to be hurt but had not considered his family. He knew the choice he must make. He calmly replied to the Communist officer, I would rather have my wife and babies die by your gun, knowing that they and I stood faithful, than to betray my Lord and save them. Take him away, the officer commanded. Pastor Im was kept in a dark prison cell for two years where he was not allowed to shave or change clothes. He kept up his courage by reciting a Bible verse that was precious to him. Every day from his small isolated cell, others could hear Pastor Im recite in a loving, calm voice John 13:7, where Jesus promised, You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.
Later. In a modern society of instant coffee, cash, and convenience, later is almost an obsolete term. We want what we need now, not later. Headline sports, news, entertainment, and weathereven our media give us up-to-the-minute updates in every area of life. Yet the God who reigns and rules unrestrained by time still operates on the principle of later. Are we willing to trust him now and defer our understanding of the events to a later time, even indefinitely? If you are going through a trial right now, trust is your most valuable asset, not understanding. Ask God for a greater ability to trust that will outweigh your desire to understand.
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