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Joined: 2009/12/8
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  Prayer is all that remains...

The grandmother finally let her hungry, ten-year-old grandson go search for food. She knew the dangers outside the village and insisted that he be home before dark.

Kamerino and his friends had walked several miles picking berries when they suddenly heard soldiers yelling at them. Frightened, the boys ran into a field with tall grass and ducked down. The soldiers lit the field on fire and waited for the boys to run out.
Christians in Sudan have been displaced within their own country for their religious beliefs. Many have fled the cruel Islamic assaults with barely the clothing on their backs.
The flames quickly reached the boys, and they had no choice but to run for their lives. Only three boys made it out of the fields; Kamerino remained.
When the fire burned down, the soldiers, having caught the other three, walked to where Kamerino was lying. Scorching pain caused his body to curl up in the fetal position. The boy’s burned body was motionless, and he was left for dead—another Christian casualty. Or so they thought.
By some miracle, Kamerino crawled out of the field and was discovered by fellow villagers, who brought him back to his grandmother’s home. Large portions of his body were grossly burned. There was nothing they could do for Kamerino but pray for his sufferings.

The Christians in Sudan put the power of prayer in perspective. Their sufferings and daily dangers have reduced their reliance upon themselves and increased their dependence upon God. Prayer is all that remains for many Christian families in Sudan. It’s a scary proposition—and a wonderful place to be. We are not likely to say that God is all we need until and unless God is all we have. Otherwise, we are quick to rely on our own abilities. Prayer—what can do the most, we are apt to do the least. God is calling you to extreme prayer in these extreme times. How often do you rely on prayer as if there were nothing else you could do but pray?

VOM 12.31.11
Extreme Devotion

 2011/12/31 17:07Profile

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