STAND STRONG THROUGH ALL STORMSConcluding Thoughts:1. Ours is the Kingdom. No matter what setbacks we see or experience, in the end the Kingdom will revert to our Lord and we will reign with Him.2. Ours is the victory through dying and living again victory through being able to drink the cup of evil and injustice poured out and not being consumed by it.3. Ours is the responsibility of caring for our suffering brethren, especially converts and those in countries more restrictive and repressive than ours.4. Ours is the responsibility of reaching those who still sit in darkness.5. Ours are the lives that should manifest purity and Christlikeness.6. Ours are the hearts that should be willing to pay the price to bring peace and understanding among men and between men and God. Hearts willing to be proactive. Hearts willing to stand at the end of the day and having done all, stand.7. Ours is the challenge to stand strong through all the storms we face and come through the fire refined and purified to walk the way of the cross before a dying world. RESPONSEToday I will rejoice in the ability I have to takeevery issue I face to the Lord and trust Him forthe answer. PRAYERRemember brothers and sisters who live in violent societies. Pray that fear will not drive them to leave.
Hi Joyful Heart!I enjoyed your post, thank you for your hearts message. I have been reading embracing the Father's heart by Jack Frost of Shilo Ministry in NC I have been in the ministry for 30 years and Quote "very religious". I have been truly seeking the Fathers heart to give and receive, the love God wants meto receive from Him and past on. Not religion, But Love!!Thanks againShaken