Other than Zac Poonen's March event I'm not aware of any coming events.I'm trying to create a calendar of events schedule for 2012, do you know of any events that I should add to the list?Is the SI conference going to be a yearly event? If so could I get the dates so that I can add it?Thanks for your help!
Dear Brother,Great idea. We are still praying the Lords' will for an event this year. May His will be done. You could call and contact the Canadian Revival Fellowship 800-273-7273 they are having 2 powerful events this next year planned with a converted ex-muslim and also Richard Owen Roberts a very powerful revival preacher.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
God willing there will be a Zac Poonen conference this Feb in Austin Texas. I will post as soon as the dates are announced.
Thanks Greg and Sree!I sure hope there will be a SI conference this year, I've watched all of the videos and loved every one of them!Sree,Are you the brother who setup RavensMinistry.com? If so small world, my friend Mark in Houston knows you (I think) :-)God bless!
Does the end of the world on December 21 count? We don't want to miss that!Watching the political scene makes me wonder if we'll last that long! It seems like we mostly need to watch for events that call for some major repentance!
_________________Tom Cameron
I'll add that to the calendar! ;-)But just to be sure I'm going to act like He's coming tomorrow :-)I've been on a media blackout for the last 3 weeks, it's wonderful!
No I am not he, but I know him and he is the one who is organising this conference in Austin Texas. It is still a small world.