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Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK

 Re: "The Exchanged Life."

Quote: It is extremely important to see and understand what God in Christ has already accomplished for you and in you.

Tuc your right it is important to see and understand what Christ has accomplished for you.

Like Derek Prince, I to have been shown by the Holy Spirit that my old man is still very much alive in me, he also let me know that there is a second work of grace for the who am I to argue with the revelation the Holy Spirit gave me..

Since then I have been searching and digging and asking the Holy Spirit for the truth I can see the exchange life, the normal Christian life, the higher life, Christian perfection what ever you would like to call it all through the scriptures in the past weeks it’s becoming more clearer it’s like a veil is lifting from my eyes to see the truth and at it’s Derek Prince’s testimony that has helped me….

I see know it is a simple knowing and believing what Christ has done on the cross, now don’t misunderstand me it’s not head knowledge, it must come by revelation to the individual what Christ has done for them on the cross then.

The danger for the believer is to claim to have a all-sufficient Life (using your words) that Jesus lives in there heart and not to have it.

Quote from Hudson Taylor Christ dwelling in the heart by faith (i.e. faith in His word of promise) is power indeed, is life indeed. And Christ and sin will not dwell together; nor can we experience His presence with love of the world or carefulness about "many things."

Christ and Sin will not dwell together, nor can we experience His presence with love of the world or carefulness about "many things."

The exchange life is a removal of sinful heart which is then replaced with heart of Christ…It’s is the old nature removed and the new nature received…..

Colin Murray

 2011/12/28 3:03Profile


I like this part, this honest part of Hudson Taylor's letter to his sister..................

"I am sorry to have to confess it, but I cannot say that since I have seen this light I have not sinned; but I do feel there was no need to have done so. And further - walking more in the light, my conscience has been more tender; sin has been instantly seen, confessed, pardoned; and peace and joy (with humility) instantly restored; with one exception, when for several hours peace and joy did not return - from lack, as I had to learn, of full confession, and from some attempt to justify self."

Such truth and honesty there, as opposed to the nonsense of those who believe that they can walk a sinless life. The tender conscience, the light to see our sin instantly, the need for removing all obstacles that would hinder His presence in our lives, the light to see that there is no need to sin, awesome illumination from the Holy Spirit which does indeed transform our Frank

 2011/12/28 5:28

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Thank you Frank for sharing this article you wrote with me. I have read through it and plan to do so again. Many of the things shared within have and do reflect my own life and walk with the Lord. I realize one thing for sure the only one stopping me from living my life completely surrendered to the Lord is me....its time to begin looking at Him. My prayer right now is to just simply fall so deeply in love with my Savior, to know Him and to cling to Him. I truly believe that in knowing Him everything else will take care of itself.

God bless

 2011/12/28 8:05Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: The tender conscience, the light to see our sin instantly, the need for removing all obstacles that would hinder His presence in our lives, the light to see that there is no need to sin, awesome illumination from the Holy Spirit which does indeed transform our lives.

Just pausing and thinking about it for a while on there words "my conscience has been more tender".

It reminds me of Pauls letter to the Corinthians

And yet shew I unto you a more excellent way 1 Cor 12:31

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Cor 13:4-8

Colin Murray

 2011/12/28 9:30Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: "The Exchanged Life."

Tuc: You wrote in your paragraph 3:

"Now you have a 100% clean heart containing His Divine Nature which includes His Faith, Love and Fear."

Do you know something about His fear? or was that a typo? I would very much like to hear anything you have to say on this.

 2011/12/28 23:03Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797



Asking again in case Tuc missed the question. (I miss the option to send a personal message.)

 2011/12/29 9:49Profile

 we have the required Fear

Jer. 32:39-40, "I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me always, for their own good and for the good of their children after them. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good, and I will put the fear of me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from me."

It is simple. God in Christ has placed the required fear in our hearts!!!

It is not up to us to somehow generate this fear. The Holy Spirit will open our eyes more and more to a greater understanding of the fear that we now have.

This fear was placed in our heart as the result of what God in Christ has already accomplished for us and in us.

Now we have the required, love, fear and righteousness as a result of our union with God.


 2011/12/29 10:52

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: we have the required Fear

Thank you TUC for your Holy Spirit directed response and your email.

To explain: As I was praying for the fall meetings on The Fear of God, I experienced a trauma that threatened to interfere in my daily walk with him (daily quiet time with Him, what my mind was occupied with, prayer and much etc.). In response to my not so tidy heart cry, He used events to give this elderly church lady a street ministry to construction workers and cement masons. Street ministry, which I have never done, is not at all what I have read of or imagined - or maybe this was a tailor-made street ministry as probably all ministry is.

Anyway, I was surprised and have been in great Joy sharing Christ, the Word of God, daily with over 50 men right outside my house. It has continued for 208 days. Who would believe that laborers and operators would come to work early to hear what the Word of God has to say, and then apply that Truth with success. In the summer, early is 5:30 am. Some said they didn't want to miss the Love and Joy. I am myself overwhelmed with the Love God has for these men.

After a laborer, Izzy, was born again right in front of these rough men that knew him well, I had to know from God how/why was all this happening, in particular, with rough MEN. Picture 6 men, eyes wide and silent as Izzy testified, confessing his sin nature that they knew and disliked about him, so filled he scoops up old Mrs. Archer (90+) and carries her across the broken up street.

God answered me with His word: "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;" There are many applications of this "key to evangelism". I know the fear of God. It was unmissable when I met God in revival and that is how God answered my question.

If you want more on the fear of God on 12/25/11 there was: "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD-- and he will [ruwach in Hebrew] DELIGHT in the fear of the LORD." How I delight in the fear of the LORD.

And then there is your Jeremiah 32: 30-40. You tell me, can one be born again without having this fear

SO TUC, that was just one element of my question to you when you included FEAR in the way you did in your post. Thank you Brother.

Made for His pleasure

P.S. On 12/27, God also used your quoted Hudson Taylor's letter, to minister to a Pastor and 10 ladies in a meeting the Pastor called to break through difficulties they were having in ministry to a member of their local body.

P.P.S. The post also ministered to me. My understanding of unbelief as "calling God a liar" was a fruitful blow. How I love God's perfect stewardship: in one move much is accomplished.

 2011/12/31 13:14Profile

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