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Joined: 2004/10/23
Posts: 11

 Re: Prayer for Brother

Hi Chanin,

I don't really know what to say. I recently was delivered from that kind of 'life' and was informed today of the loss of someone I was in treatment with.

I am just utterly confused with why the Lord spared me by His grace. But what I do know is that the prayers of others were not in vain. And if they were not in vain for someone as low as me, then I cannot help but have faith in the gracious Lord for your brother.

You have my prayers,

 2005/1/19 20:44Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: brother

Hi guys! I want to thank you all for your supportive comments and prayers.

Just like some of you, I also have a bit of a shady background. I have partied with the best of them and lied about it to no end. I am ashamed at many of the things I did- yet I did learn a great deal from all of it. I can smell a liar from very far off. I can see through most deceivers.

The Lord was gracious to me and always let me feel the consequences. I got to the point where i feared Him and the consequences- that I gave up and gave into God.

This is the point that concerns me with my brother. He has never had many consequences, and if he did, my dad would pay for an excellent lawyer or help him out in another way. He has lived in and out of trouble since he was 16- so that is about 11 years now.

My dad just called to update me about my brother. Said that he would have a hearing of some sort on Mon. the 24th. He had some phone records of Grants which showed that he may have really been bothering (stalking they say) his old girlfriend. Yet, after seeing these phone records, my dad says, "I think he was set up". I reminded him not to give Grant an excuse for everything because the evidence was very clear. He didn't like that and told me to stop "lecturing" him. :-(

Another oddity (to me), he gave me a few of the options that could happen on Monday. one being that Grant could have his probation reinstated or start all over again- which means he would be back out on probation just like all this last year, or he could serve some time for this or that. So he said that we "should be praying for him to be let out again on probation- same as last year". I will be praying that the Lord's will is done and that what the Lord wants for grant, is what I want. And I know He wants Grant surrendered to Himself. So whatever it takes.

Grant is an all or nothing person. I am very similar and so is my dad. I pray that God would become His stronghold, instead of wordly things. That's what had to happen to me.

I don't understand why people always think they should pray according to that which seems pleasing to people. According to what THEY think is the best outcome. Oh, well.

I would love nothing more than to see Grant at peace and restored to God. I want to see Him praising God. I would love to see him live in the freedom of Christ and not in bondage to this world anymore. THIS I DO know that God would be pleased with. :-) And i know it is possible!

Thanks again for your prayers. I would love to see a miracle in Grants life. It would make a huge difference in the lives of my Mom and Dad as well.

In Him, Chanin


 2005/1/20 19:35Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


Hi sis,

Thanks for the update, that the Lord has His way in your brothers life. Couldn't agree with this more;

I don't understand why people always think they should pray according to that which seems pleasing to people. According to what THEY think is the best outcome. Oh, well.

The situation here is still the same. Prayers have become simple, it just doesn't matter, the Lord's will be done, His way.

Maybe we ought to pray, "Lord, take all of our wishes and turn them into Your will, for we know not how to pray as we ought" and more so "Cause us to heed to Your will in how we live this out in dealing with our loved ones."

Have kind of come full circle with all of this sister. Have tried every conceivable thing under the sun and found that more often than not was attempting to get the Lord to go along with my idea of how this should be dealt with. Even though I knew better and prayed the opposite.

Something along the lines of, 'See/hear, react, think, pray'...think some more, ask for forgiveness, apologize, agonize, repeat. Circumstances vary as do the responses, frustrations and lack of patience, a throwing one's arms up, "I give up!" "What more can I do?"

Lately it has turned around completely.
Now it's more 'See/hear, think, pray, listen, ask "What would You have me to do/say?" and by and large it is often...


It has gotten to a point in this situation that I can anticipate certain things and there is often a preemptive "You are not to say a word" and after much kicking at the goads and the rearranging rationalizing (it's the devil, it's your brain...) am learning that the Still Small Voice does indeed speak. The truth of,

[i] 'Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall [b]keep your hearts and minds[/b] through Christ Jesus.'[/i]
Phi 4:6,7

is finally beginning to take root. It's interesting what gets embedded into you over time. After so many thousands of messages can still remember something that came out of I believe this text from Charles Stanley many years ago.

If I recall correctly it had to do with his son in his teenage years, some type of trouble he had gotten into or was heading towards. Despite all his efforts to the contrary, he could not shake the thought that the Lord was telling him not to say a word. "But..." was his protest, and still in his prayers the same answer, "leave it alone". And he had to watch him day after day fall into the trouble he was in, without a word about it. After some time his son came to his 'own' realization and confessed everything to the Lord as well as to his father.

The point and emphasis of the whole message was on letting the peace of God rule. If you didn't have peace about whatever the circumstance you are facing and how to respond...don't do it. Remember at the time that I thought, 'well that is true...sometimes', but it seemed just a little too easy in one sense, a 'nice' sermon. But what about [i]when it is time to speak[/i]? What about when the time comes for indignation? All these counter situations that I could think of. It's funny how we can trick ourselves by concentrating only on the parts we want to hear sometimes. Believe this was also the same message where he talked about his father or an uncle telling him at an early age that [i]"If God tells you to run headlong into a brick wall, you do it ... praying that He will make a hole in it before you get there"[/i]

Hardly advocating anything resembling complacency here. It can be more difficult by far to watch someone struggle and destroy themselves and not say or 'do' anything. But like the father of the prodigal son, sometimes you have to give them their inheritance and let them go. Then wait, watch and pray that the Lord brings them to their senses so that one day we can celebrate when they come back to the Lord.

Two mites from the babbler.

That this would be true in Grant's as well as Lisa's case and to all who are in these types of situations. Pray that the Lord's will be done and that we will cooperate in obedience to it.

Mike Balog

 2005/1/21 9:13Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: brother

Pray that the Lord's will be done and that we will cooperate in obedience to it.


It is indeed hard to know when to be silent and when to have the courage to say something. We have to be so atune to the Holy Spirit and not to our flesh at the time. But if we mess up and put our foot in our mouths, I believe that God's plan is still coming about, maybe just a little more drawn out (time wise).

If God is indeed sovereign, He knows when we are going to put our foot in our mouth and knows that we will eventually grow to be sensative to His Spirit- so the whole process of trials - even in other people's lives, is for our learning and benefit as well.

I know that my dad thinks that I "lecture" him occasioanlly, but I don't really care. I don't do it in an overbearing way and he knows how much I love him and my brother. I know that if I was to be gone from this world, he would remember many of the comments I made to him. I always hope that he sees fruit in my life - enough to know that I am not just "lecturing" or making a point just to hear myself talk, or to be "right". But that i just want so badly to see them out from under the bondage of the world.

I am sure I could do more praying about it though.

These days I am asking God for miracles in people's lives- and I am expecting them. :-) (Though it might not be in our timng)

Pressing on, praying on with you, Chanin


 2005/1/21 10:10Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632


Just wanted to update. My brother (with my Dad) is coming to our house this weekend! It is the first time in over a year that he has visited us.

Right now he is on strong medication for BiPolar. My heart is so grieved for him. I am praying that the Lord will shine through us, that we will be Jesus to Him. My mom has filled his head with alot of false things about me/us- such as we are "over the edge" in our faith- that I want to be a martyr (truth be told- I don't have the guts as of yet :), etc...

Anyway, it is a big step that he is coming here to visit. I don't want to say the wrong things or push anything on him- just be available.

he needs such a miracle, as do Mike's wife and Mek's husband, Marina's boyfriend, Paul's brother and so many others who are not mentioned on here.

Lord, let your will be done, let your kingdom come in these people and in us. Soften their hearts and open their eyes- in your mighty name.

In His love, Chanin


 2005/5/20 10:35Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: My!

Oh the incredible things...

Had just been searching for something else and came across this old thread about him and now I must run, will come back to this later and edit here... praying


Was really running out the door... What I meant sister was that I had come across this prior to you replying to it this morning and had thought of bringing it back up, wondering how he was doing.

But that you would just be [i]you[/i] Chanin, filled with the Holy Spirit, His words (if needed), His thought's, His life shining through you. Will be keeping you, Grant and your family before the Lord, what a privelage it is to pray...

Mike Balog

 2005/5/20 10:40Profile

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