Has anyone heard of the book put out by J.D. Faust entitled, "The Rod -- Will God Spare It?", and the doctrine it puts forth? If so, what are your ideas and/or comments about it?
I googled J.D. Faust and found his church's website and this book. It is described as "His phenomenal work, The Rod, Will God Spare it, is an incredible, exhaustive work on the temporary punishment for unfaithful Christians at the Judgment Seat of Christ and during the Millennial Kingdom."Sounds interesting but do wonder what scripture he is basing this doctrine on? Is he suggesting there may be a second chance for apostates or faithless Christians?Personally, it seems to me the best thing is to be ready so when the LORD comes we are prepared to meet Him. What the LORD Jesus will do during the millennium will be done apart from our own will and advice.My opinion...
_________________Sandra Miller
Some years back I ran into this group. It is a cult pure and simple, and they go under the name of Millenial Exclusion.There is some info on them at the link below for you if you want.http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/doctrine/faust.htmRun fast and far from the doctrine of this group!OJ