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Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 A Bible Mystery

The letter to the Hebrews is by an unknown author. Do you care who wrote it, or have an opinion on the author's identity? My Zondervan published Bible leaves it hanging on Paul, Apollos and Barnabus without leaving an opinion.

I have a thought.... but I'll wait to see if anyone cares about this.

Sidewalk the Sunday School guy.

Tom Cameron

 2011/12/11 0:19Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556

 Re: A Bible Mystery

i believe it was paul ,there are certaint things said about timothey and being in prison ,and just the nature of the letter that make me believe it was paul

it doesnt realy matter

paul would have had knowlage of old testament and new testament revalation on the subject ,regarding what was writtern in herbrews ,,becasue of his back round of being a jew taught by one of the great jewish teachers ,gamali,,i think his name was ,,and his newcovernt revalation was seconed to none in my opinion

 2011/12/11 3:08Profile

Joined: 2011/11/27
Posts: 13
Irving Tx

 Re: A Bible Mystery

The first word in Hebrews will tell you who wrote it.;)

David R. Grider

 2011/12/11 4:44Profile

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, for a few reasons i believe the writer to be luke.jimp

 2011/12/11 5:02Profile

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, for a few reasons i believe the writer to be luke.jimp

 2011/12/11 5:02Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


Luke may have been the one that physically wrote Hebrews, but the revelation is the same as given to Paul, of which Paul says the mystery is "Christ in you the hope of glory".

In Christ: Phillip


 2011/12/11 15:15Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: So many characters in the Bible we wish we knew better!

OK, here's what I've got, curious to see what you think.

Who wrote the New Testament book of Hebrews?

It may have started with the painting I recall seeing so many years ago. Maybe it was in one of those Sunday school curriculum packets. I don’t know, but it was a rendering you may also have seen, Jesus walking with the two men on the road to Emmaus. In my long meditation over the picture I thought to myself if there was just one point in time I could have visited, that would have been the event. It had long troubled me that on that lonely road, two guys we don’t really know heard one of history’s most profound but lost audible treasures.

But it wasn’t until maybe a couple of years ago that I heard this in my spirit. “Maybe you have heard that conversation.” A strange lingering settled on the word “Maybe,” as I have no truth or corroboration to what I am about to tell you. It’s just a gut thing- maybe you will disagree. It’s OK. We’re in Luke 24.

Jesus had risen from the dead, and had pieces of business to attend to in the month or so that He remained in a physical, recognizable body. In that time He appeared to the disciples, ate some fish, displayed the nail scars to Thomas, gave parting instructions to the befuddled church. But on one of those days, He took a walk on the road to Emmaus with two of the disciples, and spent at least a few hours giving a message without revealing His identity. Had He done that, the gushing and confused men would not have been able to contain themselves, and would never have heard the things He wanted them to hear. Later in Emmaus Jesus broke the bread for their dinner, and in that moment their eyes were opened and they knew what had been bursting in their hearts for the last several hours- their travelling companion was Jesus Himself.

They exploded with the excitement of what they had seen and heard, and ran immediately back to Jerusalem to tell the story. I believe that the result of that conversation is the book of Hebrews, a passionate and brilliant glimpse into the connection of the Messiah to the ancient roots and promises of the Old Testament.

Here are the facts that build the case for me.

Jesus is the one and only Messiah, and He wanted the connection to the promises clearly recorded in the Word. He chose Cleopas, a man mentioned only here and in one other verse (Jn 19:25) to receive and record the story. Another man was with him, because there must always be a witness to establish someone’s testimony. We don’t have that man’s name.

And one interesting, almost unnoticed detail in the story, Luke 24:28. When the men arrive at Emmaus, Jesus acts as if He is going on further and only joins the men at their pleading request. You see, He wasn’t going to Emmaus! He was going to these two disciples, and going deep!

When I read this book, the letter to the Hebrews, I can feel the surging excitement of the author. He is someone who has a story to tell, a passion to tell it, and more details than can fill the pages. “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets…”

He knew way more than he told us, but his heart was fixed on telling about Jesus.

Probably the same Jesus who met him on the road to Emmaus and changed him forever.

Yeah, I think the author of Hebrews is Cleopas. Possibly the other guy, there is no way to know. But when I get to Heaven I will be asking that one early on. Don’t wait up, I won’t be reporting back here, just ask God for yourself. It’s OK to do that.

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know!!” (Jer. 33:3)

I am getting to be an old man, the glory to come is visible on the horizon, but I still love His invitation to me to ask things. I have, I will in the future, and my conversation with Him is enriched by it. Perhaps in the near future I will share a couple other things He has answered for me, and I love hearing the answers others have received.

Thanks for bearing with me. He who is the Mighty Creator and Sovereign of the universe, the gentle Lamb of selfless sacrifice is also a fun Dad. Amazing!

Tom Cameron

 2011/12/11 18:27Profile


I believe it was Paul.

There are hints in the way he words his words from his other letters and he mentions Timothy which is a beloved son of his in the faith.

Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.

 2011/12/11 20:40

Joined: 2011/11/27
Posts: 13
Irving Tx

 Re: A Bible Mystery

I believe God wrote the book of Hebrews. All of Paul's writings start with his name. Peter, James, and Jude writing's all start with their names. Only Hebrews and John’s Epistles don’t start with the writer’s name. The first word in Hebrews is God. I believe that the 13th chapter was added later. I believe that God gave it to Paul when he went up into the Third Heaven. Deuteronomy up to Moses death was written by Moses, and then Moses death was added later to the book by Joshua.

It's fun asking these questions. We get to learn alot. God Bless.

David R. Grider

 2011/12/12 1:07Profile

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